Friday, July 11, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Friday daytime/Nominations - July 11

Devin asks to host a comp

Sheesh! They're already confusing me with the new schedule of stuff in the house! Instead of evening nominations, they had them early in the day. And, tonight will be the Battle of the Block comp. Here's a brief rundown of the happenings:
  • The plan is still to backdoor Devin. If he doesn't play for or win PoV, he's a goner.
  • And he knows it.
  • Nicole put up Amber and Donny.
  • Derrick put up Caleb and Jocasta.
  • They're depending on the odds in that Devin won't be chosen to play PoV.
  • Whomever (in the whole house except Devin) will save someone, anyone and Devin will go up and out.
  • Caleb volunteered to go on the block and said he'd throw it to "save Amber."
  • Of course, some of the best laid plans of mice and men ...
  • Donny is upset.
  • Derrick did keep his promise -- HE didn't put Donny on the block!
  • The reasoning behind the noms is that Jocasta never talked much with Derrick and Caleb, well, you know. With Nicoles's noms, Amber put her on the block and Donny repeated some confidential stuff to Jocasta.
  • Weak there. 
  • Nicole feels terrible about put Donny up even though they know he's safe.
  • If Devin doesn't get up on the block after PoV, Caleb is second choice to go, Amber third. They can't all be safe!
  • Both Derrick and Nicole realize that Donny IS playing the game and will end up having to go.
  • But not this week.
  • Although I find Donny a hoot, if I were in the house, no way would I want him at the end with me!
  • Team America's first mission is to convince people that someone in the house is related to a past hamster.
  • Yawn.
  • Bigger fish to fry this week!
  • I'll be back later if I can wait out the BotB. I have no clue when it's going down although it's been fish for a while now.
  • I hope they keep it fish with the theme song instead of interviews or the recent "best of" stuff. With this I can nap and leave the music on -- the voices upon feeds return awaken me. When it's all talk, I can't nap!
  • Gah. They just went to the "best of" reel from this season. I can't nap. But the good news is that the comp must be on!

On the block with Amber

On the block with Caleb

On the block with Jocasta

On the block together

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds late night Thursday into Friday - July 11

Frankie eats a special sandwich

Hey ... wanna see my HoH Room? Nope, you can't! I want to be Queen of the Nest and no one can come in!


That would be me, but not a BB hamster. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Devin is in BIG Trouble:
  • Obviously, they all want Devin out. The problem is ... how are they going to do it?
  • If they have a choice with the Have Nots, Devin will be one as they think the lack of food will hurt his game. The guy eats a lot and has already blamed different foods/eating habits for affecting his game.
  • Amber told Jocasta that she doesn't and won't trust Devin anymore.
  • Well, duh.
  • We know he can turn on a dime.
  • Devin, for his part, has been going around apologizing to people and knows that his time in the house isn't going to earn him the half-million.
  • He reacts to things better in danger than he does in power.
  • Derrick told Cody he wants to go to the end with him.
  • Although Derrick had told Caleb he wouldn't put him up, Caleb said he should put him or another alliance member up to throw the comp, better to backdoor Devin.
  • Hmm ... sounds like a Devin plan.
  • Can you say PaoPao?
  • When talking about crying in the game, Donny said, "I jerked a tear the second day. I jerked another tear a few days later. Now I could shoot a dog and not care."
  • There was no crying as the letters were read in the HoH room.
  • Derrick got his sushi.
  • At midnight, the Have Nots were finally allowed to eat.
  • Although Devin is the target, most of the girls have issues with Amber.
  • That could spell trouble for her.
  • Derrick and Nicole haven't talked game much over the past few weeks.
  • They certainly talked tonight.
  • They even made a final two deal.
  • Uh-oh. Derrick better be careful with his final two deals!
  • Derrick thinks that one of his nominees must be Jacosta, perhaps the other Caleb.
  • Nicole doesn't seem to want to put anyone on the block!
  • I think she's more willing for Derrick to get the blood on his hands.
  • Nicole admitted to Frankie that she's got a growing crush on Hayden.
  • Aw.
  • Cody and Amber (Coder) seem to be flirting a lot. 
  • That worries Caleb as he thinks he might look like a fool on national television.
  • Y'think?
  • Right now, the plan is to backdoor Devin -- Derrick says none of the four nominees will go home.
  • He plans to put Caleb (with his blessing) and Jacosta up. Nicole plans to put Amber and "not really decided yet" up.
  • Devin wouldn't be able to defend himself unless he was chosen to play PoV and wins.
  • Watch. With all of this planning, that's probably what will happen!

Want to see my HoH room?

Basket o' goodies!

Nicole reads her letter from home

Hayden's newly straightened hair

Nicole and Derrick mull the choices

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Quickie Post Live Show - July 10

And the cheese sits alone

I'll have a more thorough report in the wee hours of the morning, but I just wanted to touch base a bit right now.
  • Everybody's laughing and happy.
  • Except Devin.
  • Donny is about the only one who actually took time to talk to Devin.
  • Devin told him that when he (Devin) watches the finale, he wants Donny to be the winner of it all.
  • Devin feels he's not long for the game.
  • Nicole kind of wants the small adjacent HoH room.
  • That's fine with Derrick.
  • Derrick promised Caleb he wouldn't go on the block.
  • Zach admitted he's kind of sweet on PaoPao after their big blow-up.
  • It seems like a house united.
  • Well, except for Devin.
  • They keep tapping those silly activity tracker bracelets.
  • It's distracting.
  • Derrick wants to keep it quiet that they plan to backdoor Devin.
  • Hey, the dude's whacked ... he's not dumb!
  • I don't think I've ever heard this much continuous laughter in the house.
  • Yikes.
  • Now Devin is talking to Zach and Caleb, almost as if at his own funeral. He says it's just a game and it makes people be someone they aren't. He fully expects that they'll send him packing.
  • More in five or six hours when they can talk and the HoH reveal is over and stuff!

Talking about Devin going

Talking about Devin going

Donny charms Amber

Big Brother 16: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party - July 10

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Hamster watchers ready? Who's going to go home? Will I be losing my blog pool hamster Paola and becoming a free agent? The feeds watchers already have an idea of the likely evictee. But, more important ... who will win HoH? Devin can't play this week, but Amber (the dethroned HoH) can play.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments. Come watch with us!

The after POV meeting brouhaha! Brittany points out that PaoPao lied to her, had no glasses, threw the comp. Pao tells that Devin told her to throw the comp. Devin, Frankie, Pao and Zach get into separate brouhahas and kerfuffles.

Devin wants to replace Zach's Bomb Squad position with Hayden. Hayden's not keen on it, but nods.

Derrick convinces people to keep Zach. Frankie tells Devin that even Caleb is on board to keep Zach. Devin claims he's a solo player now and will pick off everybody one by one, love of his daughter and ad nauseum.

To the living room ...
Paola -- Feel like a winner already, everyone is special, Devin has five different personalities and they all suck, Zach sucks at comps too, Love Donny best friend.
Zach -- Feels blessed, thanks family, love the 12 voters, not my target, keep me safe, will go after Devin.

The voting to evict:
Jocasta - Zach
Brittany - Paola
Derrick - Paola
Donny - Zach
To a commercial ...

Caleb - Paola
Amber - Paola
Hayden - Paola
Cody - Paola
Frankie - Paola
Nicole - Paola
Christine - Paola
Victoria - Paola

By a vote of ten to two, Paola (PaoPao) is evicted.

Time to crown two new HoH ... the power is up for grabs. Underwater Polo. Hit a single polo ball down to a numbered slot below. The two highest win.
Amber 17
Cody 17
Caleb 21
Frankie 24
Christine 4
Nicole 29
Victoria 12
Brittany 16
Zach 8
Donny 20
Hayden 17
Jocasta 22
Derrick 28

Derrick and Nicole are the new HoH duo!

Julie announces that we can go to the CBS website to track how lazy/active the hamsters are due to activity trackers they're wearing.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Wednesday night into Thursday - July 10

Improving mind and soul?

The night before the live show tends to be a bit quiet on the whole. Perhaps some late night votes scrambling, but rarely a brouhaha. Here's what happened last night (and into the time I'm posting this) in that Big Brother House of Pipe Dreams:
  • They got to practice for the upcoming HoH comp.
  • It looks to be croquet mixed with a roulette wheel kind of thing.
  • They have to go for the highest number of points and there are obstacles.
  • They're allowed to bank shots like you would in pool.
  • Donny read all the rules out loud, but I couldn't hear all of them over the other hamsters.
  • Zach seemed to do well. But, then again, he's a golfer dude. Croquet and golf both have 'em hitting a ball on the ground with a mallet/club.
  • Nicole and Hayden both seemed to do well, too.
  • But you never really know how they'll do until the actual comp.
  • At one point Devin came outside. Obviously, as outgoing HoH, no sense in him practicing although others in the past have done it in fun.
  • Devin ain't about FUN. Let's make that clear.
  • He's about winning the game to give his beloved daughter (whom he hasn't seen for the three months before sequester) a better future as a single dad.
  • Derrick told Zach and Cody he'll put Brittany on the block if he wins HoH. He thinks that if she wins, she'd put them (or, at least two of them) on the block.
  • Cody told Brittany that Zach and Cody are the only Bomb Squad people he trusts.
  • Brittany and Cody agree that both Devin and Caleb have been on a power trip and in charge. They think it needs to end.
  • Oh, I think so, too!
  • Brittany thinks the only way to get Caleb out is to backdoor him.
  • Well, duh.
  • Amber is being tossed in with the dislike of Caleb and Devin.
  • It's all about the company you keep, y'know.
  • Caleb told the others he wasn't working with Amber.
  • Um. Okay, dude. Whatever you say.
  • Brittany denied working with Devin.
  • Frankie is spreading the rumor (based a bit on truth as she did make a deal) that Brittany is indeed working with Devin.
  • Meanwhile, Devin has all but vanished. Now that they're locked down again, he's removed himself from anywhere where anyone else might be hanging out. I guess he's secluded himself in the HoH room.
  • Enjoy your last night in there, Devin. You'll have to mix with the masses tomorrow.

Talking game

Misfit croquet

Having a ball

Is it just me or is Frankie aging rapidly?

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Wednesday evening - July 9

Indoor lockdown doldrums

Yawnsers! Here's what's happened today inside that Big Brother House of Ditzy Devin:
  • Devin feels betrayed.
  • Poor guy.
  • He told Frankie that he found out it was Christine, not Amber, who claimed he came across as threatening.
  • There goes that crush!
  • He also thinks Caleb's a fool who doesn't know how to play the game.
  • Well, Caleb is a bit off. But right now he looks like a BB seasoned pro compared to Devin's moves!
  • Devin also told Frankie he plans on picking off the Bomb Squad members one by one, the last one being Frankie.
  • Huh.
  • If I were Frankie and knew Devin considered me a friend, I'd say, "Why even pick me off at all?!?!"
  • Zach and PaoPao got over their brouhaha from yesterday.
  • However, he still goes for the digs -- he told her to make sure not to forget to pack everything since she's going back to NY tomorrow.
  • I think he's probably right.
  • Jocasta is worried. She doesn't want to be the only vote to keep PaoPao.
  • She told PaoPao she doesn't know what to do and can't trust anyone.
  • Zach told Cody that Caleb said there's only one person he cares about in the house. You'd guess "himself." Nope, it's the love of his life, Amber.
  • @@
  • Donny told Frankie that Devin told him all about the Bomb Squad last night.
  • Gee, why doesn't he just hold another house meeting?
  • Donny told Frankie he wants to vote for Pao to stay because she's his best friend in the house.
  • See, PaoPao does do something right!
  • Derrick told Brittany that he was hurt that she didn't trust him enough to tell him about her conversation about the PoV with Devin.
  • Brittany tells him she trusts him.
  • I don't think she's being completely honest.
  • But this is Big Brother.
  • Brittany thinks Devin is desperate.
  • Y'think?
  • Or, is he just whacked and didn't have proper psychological testing pre-show?
  • Dang. Devin then told Nicole all about the Bomb Squad.
  • She just looked dazed and trapped in his telling of the sage and justifying his actions.
  • Nicole told Donny that she thinks Frankie is playing both sides.
  • He is.
  • And he's going to find himself stuck in the middle, clowns to the left, jokers to the right.
  • BB gave them each "activity trackers" -- seems to be a FitBit kind of thing.
  • Yep, they're spending the big bucks this year!
  • Donny and Derrick talked about their Team America partner. Donny thinks Frankie will stick with them even though he's playing the house. Derrick thinks if Frankie was that manipulative, America wouldn't have voted for him.
  • Brittany doesn't believe the Bomb Squad is splintering apart.
  • Derrick told Victoria that Brittany is working with Devin.
  • It's all turning into a soap opera now ... As the Hamster Turns

Jocasta needs the win to buy new jeans

Before the lockdown

Nicole in a trance listening to Devin

Cody and Zach say hi to us

Guarding the bathroom door for Nicole

Big Brother 16: PoV Show blog party - July 9

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Tonight the folks who just view the show should see some of the drama going on in the house. While it's not the house divided we've seen in the past, there are definite kerfuffles. I like a good kerfuffle almost as much as a good brouhaha, don't you?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! However ... if you want to discuss the show with others as it airs, the party goes on down in the comments. Come join us and have an ice cold tasty beverage or two!

Gah. Devin considers himself "the puppetmaster."

Devin's Bomb Squad members are ready to mutiny. They all want to keep Brittany. Ohh ... the Caleb dares to cross Devin brouhaha is coming! The music is perfect!

Frankie and Derrick are the remaining America's Team members. They have the code words "bald eagle" and "apple pie" to find each other.

Veto comp choosing time -- Devin draws Zach, Brittany draws Derrick, PaoPao draws Amber.

Heh. Caleb went to make amends with Devin and told him everyone wants him (Devin) out. Great work there!

Devin calls yet another Devin meeting. He tells them PaoPao threw the comp. Zach is the ONLY one to speak up. Then he admits to Devin he said that he wanted him out, but didn't mean it. Silly Zach.

The Team America mission has to do with either getting two hamsters to kiss, then spreading a showmance rumor or spreading the rumor that a hamster is related to one from a previous season. Ho-hum. It will be up on the website.

Veto comp time with Donny hosting. They're wearing spacesuits and the yard looks like a galaxy. The planets are named after BB "icons." They have to hang the planets, balancing them so none fall to the ground. It's similar to one they had last year hanging toys (I think).

Devin wins the Power of Veto. Eek.

Zach tried to congratulate him and Devin told him he doesn't trust him.

Brittany goes to talk to Devin. Mind you, she's his biggest target (until Zach). She plays the parents card with him. She agrees to be loyal to him, making a deal with the devil. He told her Pao threw the comp. He claims he's looking for good faith.

Poor Devin. He's promised both PaoPao and Brittany he'd be using the veto to save them. And, if he puts Zach up, he's breaking the code of the alliance.

Veto meeting time --
Pao - Only time I'm going to shine, so she strikes poses. @@
Brit - Not a threat, haven't backstabbed. Her target is sitting next to her.

Devin saves Brittany, a single mother of three, etc.

He then puts ZACH on the block.

They're saving the after-veto drama for tomorrow's show. Rats. I wanted a brouhaha TONIGHT!

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Tuesday night into Wednesday - July 9

Hayden can smile; he's not in the drama

Y'know, I'm actually liking a season without severe "hook-ups" and real showmances. I never watched the show to see couplings and watch hamsters have sex under the covers. I like to see the hamsters actually wearing clothes. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I think casting did the best job they've done in years with this bunch. True, I'd like to see more variety in age, but ...!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Scheming Demons:
  • As a person who has worn eyeglasses since the age of eight, I'm really not getting the fascination they get from wearing those fake eyeglasses. Can anyone explain that?
  • Another refreshing thing about this season -- it's not the gay guy crying! Heehee!
  • It looks like, unless something changes by tomorrow evening, Zach will be the hamster to stay.
  • That's as it should be. I'm not a big Zach fan, but he definitely is more into actually playing the game than PaoPao is. 
  • PaoPao's not the spitfire she was in the pre-season interviews. About the only thing I like about her is when she talks with Donny. She seems to think the world of him (and not in a creepy way). It's refreshing.
  • Of course, it seems that all of them enjoy talking with Donny. Alas, he's going to be a target again probably because everyone does like him. No one would want to be against Donny in the final two.
  • Nicole told Donny she had a crush on Cody in the beginning. He advised her to change the discussion to rocks if the Diary Room tried to get her to talk about it.
  • Heh.
  • Oh noes! (YES!) There's an uprising in the house against Caleb and Devin amongst the house hamsters and the Bomb Squad members!
  • Frankie's worried that he will be Cody's target if Cody wins HoH.
  • I think Cody would have bigger fish to fry if he wins this week.
  • Oh my ... Derrick talked Caleb away from his anti-Zach stance. Now Caleb is saying the only reason he wanted to vote him out is because he said he didn't want to be there.
  • Caleb talked to Zach and told him it's likely he'll be staying.
  • He told Zach he'll be voting for him to stay because he trusts him.
  • Yikes! He drank the Kool-Aid!
  • And it tasted good.
  • Then Caleb turned around and said he promised to vote to keep PaoPao.
  • @@
  • Then Caleb told Zach that he wants him to stay.
  • Will it go 'round in circles? I'm getting dizzy here. And, it's hard to take a guy with fake eyeglasses and bunny slippers seriously.
  • In the Caleb/Zach talk, it's evident that Caleb is definitely drawing the line and splitting apart from his symbiotic twin Devin.
  • PaoPao thinks she's more mentally strong than is Zach. Um. I'm not seeing that. 
  • Meanwhile, Devin told both Jacosta and PaoPao (separately) all about the Bomb Squad.
  • At this point, if there is a Bomb Squad left, it exists without Devin and does keep Zach.
  • Realizing his best bro has deserted him, Devin told Frankie he should have put Caleb on the block.
  • About the only one even acting like he's on Devin's side is Frankie.
  • He's putting himself in a rather precarious situation with that.
  • So, as the night dwindles down for them ... it looks like most (if not all) are going to shun Devin's wishes and Zach will stay. 

Devin tells Jacosta about the Bomb Squad

Burning his bridges

Mr. Bunny Slippers talks to PaoPao

Mr. Bunny Slippers talks to Zach Attack

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Tuesday evening - July 8

Showing off his gift from PaoPao

Compared to yesterday, it's been a snoozefest today in that Big Brother House of Accumulating Alliances:
  • Zach practiced his speech for eviction night.
  • Donny told Cody he likes him. No, not in a crush kind of way.
  • Cody told Donny he'd really like to keep Zach in the house.
  • Then he went into PaoPao throwing the comp once again. It's like a broken record with Zach and Cody.
  • Heck, PaoPao got "cat."
  • Cody said Devin warned him not to tell people he (Cody) was planning on voting to keep Zach.
  • Cody, like the honey badger, don't care.
  • Donny thinks they need to get rid of Caleb, then Devin.
  • Good luck with that. I'm thinking that both would need to be truly backdoored.
  • Donny told Cody he likes Derrick, but thinks Derrick will go with the numbers.
  • Donny also told Cody the only ones he really trusts are him (Cody) and Hayden.
  • Shrewd guy, that Donny. He's covering the America's Team alliance and not bringing them up in the mix.
  • A lot of vote counting is being done. This will NOT be a unanimous vote despite what Devin wants.
  • Will he pout? Will he cry?
  • Victoria is in a quandary -- she doesn't want to keep Zach because he bullied her and she doesn't trust PaoPao.
  • Devin got the HoH camera.
  • Woot.
  • PaoPao and Donny have kind of an endearing friendship. Nothing weird, mind you. It's kind of like she thinks of him as a grandfather kind of thing. She gave him her headphone necklace and told him to keep it.
  • He told her she wasn't going to go home.
  • She wants him to keep it anyway.
  • Christine is trying to rummage up a 7-5 vote to keep Zach.
  • Hmm.
  • Derrick thinks that Nicole is playing a game like Andy last year.
  • I don't think so!
  • That's about it.
  • For now.

Brittany and Derrick talk Devin

Frankie's finding the game a bit harder

Cody has had it!

It's the gal's gas grill!

Victoria vs. bok choy, bok choy wins

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Monday night into Tuesday - July 8

Zankie falls apart

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Testosterone Lads:
  • In addition to the yearly BB voice reminding them not to sing, this year it's been telling them not to quote movies.
  • Now, THAT is Big Brother!
  • There have been severe ant problems in the yard. It won't be long until they're in the kitchen again. Some things never change.
  • I don't believe any fish have died yet, though.
  • Brittany is really scared she'll be targeted next week. 
  • Not if Devin has anything to say about it! He's gone all Caleb over her!
  • She knows he's been flirting with her, but she doesn't know the full extent of his infatuation.
  • Zach has been campaigning to stay and thinks he is near having the votes.
  • Zach claims that all Devin had to do is not use the PoV -- they could have agreed on which would go.
  • Tru dat.
  • While Frankie has an emory board fixation, PaoPao is a nail-biter.
  • Team America -- Derrick, Donny and Frankie -- met up and pledged allegiance amongst themselves before all others.
  • They think they should vote as a block and discussed the pros and cons of keeping Zach in the game versus appeasing Devin/Caleb at the present time.
  • They haven't been assigned their first mission yet.
  • Derrick thinks that if Zach can somehow make amends with Devin, all might go well.
  • Yeah, but can that happen? I can see both sides balking at the thought!
  • Derrick has picked up on Devin's "crushing" on Brittany.
  • Once again, it's looking like Zach might indeed be staying.
  • Who knows what will go on by this afternoon?

Hanging out in the bathroom

Team America meeting

Amber is still Caleb's dream gal

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Monday evening - July 7

Am I next?

Well, if Zach wanted to stir things up, he surely succeeded. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Boob Squad Implosion:
  • After an extended screaming match between the two nominees (Zach and PaoPao), things calmed down a bit.
  • So, it's down to a mere kerfuffle rating after becoming nearly a full-fledged brouhaha.
  • But, it's an entire house kerfuffle, so there are some bonus points for that.
  • Christine and Hayden both said they plan to target Devin if they win HoH.
  • Christine also likened Caleb's infatuation with Amber akin to a 13-year old school girl. 
  • I don't think they realize that Devin's in the same state over his new-found crush object, Brittany.
  • Zach thinks he just might have the votes to stay.
  • Hmm.
  • Frankie's not handling his Bomb Squad world falling apart well. One minute, he's giving Zach advice and wants him to stay with PaoPao being voted out unanimously. The next, he's bad-mouthing Zach.
  • Frankie and Jocasta talked about Zach being the biggest threat in the game and how he should go out while they can get him out.
  • Meanwhile, PaoPao adds practically nothing to the game -- she sucks at comps and isn't playing the best social game either.
  • What if she skates through until the end?
  • When asked, Derrick told Brittany he'd prefer PaoPao go home this week.
  • Brittany wonders if Zach is doing all this just to sabotage his own game and go home.
  • Devin/Caleb decided to bring Hayden and, to a lesser extent, Nicole into the Bomb Squad to maintain numbers.
  • Cody told Derrick he's worried that he will be the next target of the Bomb Squad, his own alliance.
  • "If they can do that to Zach, what safety is there for any of us?"
  • Got a point there, kiddo.
  • Everyone is in fear that the HoH will keep rotating between Caleb and Devin weekly as they're both brutes in the comps.
  • Brittany has no clue that Devin is going almost Caleb-like in his infatuation with her.
  • Run, Brit, run!
  • The next few days might make it more clear which person goes. Right now, it's looking more like Zach will be ousted.

Hayden inducted into the Bomb Squad

Guaranteeing his demise?

Might skate through another week

Monday, July 07, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Monday afternoon/PoV Meeting - July 7

On America's Team alliance

Here's the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Loose Cannons:
  • Heh. Brittany said Caleb has "little man syndrome." She's right, even though he's muscle-bound.
  • PaoPao was getting the hints that her deal with Devin was probably moot. She is so not a happy camper.
  • Christine and Brittany talked about how annoying it is when people say they want to go home. Zach was saying it yesterday, PaoPao today. 
  • I totally understand. People try so hard to get on these reality competition shows and quitters are annoying to the viewers, more annoying to those involved.
  • The veto meeting went down, blocked to the feeds.
  • But we always find out anyway.
  • Devin kept his promises to Brittany and Victoria, but not to PaoPao.
  • He took Brittany off the block and put ZACH in her place.
  • So, now nominated for eviction is Zach and PaoPao.
  • Finally ... a brouhaha! Yay!
  • I know; I have an evil streak.
  • PaoPao is all bent out of shape claiming she didn't throw the comp.
  • And, apparently Zach threw the whole Bomb Squad under the bus to Hayden!
  • Zach told Frankie he still trusts him. 
  • Frankie is freaking because he thinks that Zach brought it all down way too early.
  • I don't see him telling Zach that he trusts him anymore.
  • Zach told Derrick that he's trying to get the whole house behind him so they can get rid of Devin and Caleb.
  • Derrick is running around doing damage control.
  • Christine is upset because Nicole now knows she kept a secret from her.
  • Amber is upset because she thinks all the girls will now be against her.
  • Caleb admitted to Nicole he was part of the alliance.
  • She said she knew it.
  • Devin was congratulated for keeping his cool.
  • Rats. I wanted him to turn green, burst through his clothes and say, "HULK, KILL!!"
  • The bizarre thing of this all is that it sounds like the vote could very well be to keep Zach.
  • Very interesting ...
  • I rate this brouhaha a mere 5/10.

Jocasta is casta-ing (coasting) along

Donny isn't into drama. Good.

The Zach attack is on