Monday, March 27, 2006

"The Apprentice 5' - Ep. 5 -or- "Whose Ship Was Sunk Tonight?"

It's Week 5 of the 15 week "interview." I'm finally getting to know some of the names of the quieter folks or those not really highlighted by the show's editors. After tonight, I got to know who Leslie is. And, um ... Dan.

The show opened with the candidates wondering who would be fired. The Synergy folks really wanted to no longer see Brent while many of Gold Rush were hoping for Brent's return because of his detrimental inflluence on the team. All were shocked that Brent was gone. Some relieved; others wondering if they need to worry about Synergy now. Andrea went at Roxanne for saying that Tammy did a better job as a Project Manager. Ohhh! Catfight! Well, not quite. I personally don't think Roxanne's a really strong candidate for winning, but at least she's personable. Andrea irks me. Be gone, witch!


This week's task for the teams was a bit more along the lines we've seen before. They were brought on a Norwegian Cruise Line ship, the Norwegian Jewel, and instructed they must make a 30 second television commercial touting the cruise line's new "freestyle" cruises. They're cruises without any organized events time schedules. (Okay, that's a cruise I'd like!) The hitch was that the teams only had 3 hours to complete the filming with a crew and equipment provided. If they didn't finish by then -- the ship leaves port. And, but of course, they're stuck on a cruise. Hey ... that doesn't sound so bad, does it?

Dan decided he wanted to be the Project Manager for Gold Rush and the team instantly liked an idea Lenny had with a storyline of a castaway coming aboard and showing all the fun activities. They set about with the film crew. Over at Synergy, Roxanne went for the Project Manager position much to the dismay of Andrea. They came up with the idea to contrast traditional cruises with the more fun and exciting freestyle ones. Now, Roxanne did look a bit bewildered and overwhelmed at times, but Andrea irked me more. Please, please get her off my television set!

The foreshadowing of the error a team would make came after a commercial. This time it was the quote "Listen to your people" along with a little lecture by Trump. Okay. So, we know one Project Manager wouldn't listen to his people. It was so easy from that point on to see who would lose the task. While Roxanne didn't particularly listen to Andrea (can't blame her), she listened to the others on her team. Ah, but Dan tried to do everything by himself, didn't delegate tasks and, more importantly, didn't listen to Lenny when he said that text alone wasn't good, the commercial needed a voiceover, too. When Bill Rancik peeked in on the team, all was chaos. Dan was more worried about Lee shmoozing with Carolyn and Bill than he was about actually assigning Lee a task.

The results were pretty clear. I knew the castaway part of the Gold Rush ad and the first thing that struck me was you didn't know he was a castaway! Synergy easily won and with no help from Brent! They won big time, too. They got to go to a secret (yeah, right) Brinks diamond vault where they played with diamonds and got to select $30,000 worth of them to take home.

Gold Rush was in turmoil. Lenny came up with the castaway idea which, even beyond the confusion, didn't fly well with the thought of a cruise. Tarek shouted down Lenny's balking at the text only on the ad and pushed that as it's something he can do well. Dan wasn't a good leader at all. He didn't delegate tasks and he didn't listen to his people. Tarek told Dan he would back him up in the boardroom, but then went on to say he (Dan) didn't have any friends in the boardroom. The plot thickens!

Once the whole team got together in the boardroom with Donald, Bill and Carolyn, all heck broke loose. They argued like little kids. Here's the corporate future, eh? Dan decided to take Lee into the boardroom mainly because he doesn't like him. Lee really didn't do anything wrong on the task. He didn't do much, but he wasn't asked to do much. Again, no delegation. Dan didn't want both Lee and Lenny in there and Leslie actually spoke up for herself, so he chose Tarek. I thought Tarek was going to be a goner, but Donald fired Dan because he didn't bring Lenny in and the whole concept was his idea.

"Tell Lenny he hasn't long to go!"

The best line of the night was Trump to Tarek: "Mensa should change their test." I'm sure that Mensa is rescinding Tarek's membership right now.

Next week's show will be on at 10 PM instead of 9 (ET). Until then ...

Dollar bills, y'all...

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Mar. 27, 2006

Bits! Bits! Get yer fresh bits here!

Here are the television and entertainment related newsy bits hyperlinks I found out on the web today --

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Today's TV Newsy Bits - Mar. 23, 2006

Where's the bits? Who's got the bits?

Here's the bits! I've got the bits!

Here are the television and entertainment related newsy bits links I found on the web today:

CBS Madness - Quick Takes on Tonight's TV

Why oh why can't March Madness basketball be on any other network besides CBS? On Thursday nights, I watch CBS for the primetime block. Thankfully, a new Survivor will air next Thursday, March 30.

So, what did I watch tonight?

Everybody Hates Chris - Chris's grandfather died. That grandfather was Jimmy Walker, the old Dy-no-MITE guy from the TV show in the '60s (early '70s?). He looked old. Now I feel old. I like this show, but the 1983 Brooklyn looks a lot quieter than I think a lot of sections of Brooklyn were back then. One funny moment was when Chris's friend was at the wake and the relatives freaked out that Chris had a white friend. Not a bad freak out, but falling over themselves to be nice to him. Of course, Chris and his friend are just friends. It happens. ;-)

American Inventor - I still have the debut of this taped and not watched. But tonight I caught the second episode. It's a Simon Cowell created show and it works very similar to American Idol. It reiterated my own personal feeling that the world has its share of nuts. Some of the inventions are okay; some are off the wall. Some people seem driven to ruin themselves chasing after an improbability. I can't see missing C.S.I. to watch this, but I'll probably be taping and catching up on Sundays with it. I like the occupied public restroom door plastic doohickey. Restroom doors are very annoying!

Primetime - I like news magazine shows. I usually miss this one as I'm watching CBS on Thursday night. Interesting show. They had various scenes with actors such as a little boy being bullied by other boys, couples fighting (with both black and white actors) and racist taxicab drivers starting up conversations. I like to think I'd do the right thing. Knowing me, I'd probably break up the boys. They were just little kids. With the couples, I don't know if I'd step in, but I do know I'd call the cops if I saw a man shoving around a woman. I may step in. A lot would depend on if there were other people around. The racist cabbies? Most likely I'd just ignore 'em and hope they shut up.

So, that's it. Even Letterman is a repeat tonight. Darned basketball!

LOST Last Night - More Questions, No Answers

At last, a new Lost aired last night. You know me. I was all kinds of excited. I even taped the American Idol boot so I could watch my Lost! So many questions! You would think they'd hit the saturation point of questions without answers by now, wouldn't you?

Um, no.

New questions.

It's revealed that not only is Sun pregnant, but flashbacks show that in the past she and Jin had fertility problems. Their doctor first told them that she was unable to conceive and then told Sun it was Jin who had the problem, not her. So, a new question or several. Is Jin the father? Could she have been raped when she was attacked? Has she had a fling with Hurley? Oh, and the spelling freak within me noticed that in the subtitles for the doctor/Sun flashback, they had "you're husband." Ack. A popular television show mixing up "your" and "you're." Unbelievable!

We still don't know if Henry is an Other or not. Promos shown for next week seem to indicate a balloon exists. Locke had Ana Lucia go talk to him and she managed to get a map of where the balloon was out of him. I feel compelled to note that Ana Lucia still has linebacker shoulders -- she must be eating okay. At the end of the show, Henry said a bizarre thing about if he was an Other, the map could lead to a trap. He's an odd duck. Who knows? Ana, Charlie and Sayid went off following the map.

I want to know where Walt is, forget new drama!

What did you think of the episode?