I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Unlike many of the shows I set up a blog discussion post for, I do watch Celebrity Apprentice. I doubt I'll be able to watch it as it airs each week due to other writing obligations. The show is on every Sunday night and, if I'm remembering right, it's going to be two-hour episodes every week for the season. It starts at 9 PM ET/PT.
I watched the premiere tonight and think the right person got fired. I never liked that person anyhow. So there. While I won't be watching the show on time each week, everyone is invited to discuss the happenings here. Spoilers don't bother me when I know the show has aired.
Of course, you all know that tonight is Amazing Race night! As usual, I'll have a post up and running at 8 PM ET so we can gather and cheer on our teams as the show airs here on the East Coast. Everyone is welcome to hang out and party in the comments area!
But then I get into dilemma time blogging-wise. After TAR airs, I have to write up a review of the episode for TV Squad. Thankfully Cold Case isn't on tonight due to a special movie on CBS. If it was, I'd be writing up the episode for CliqueClack TV. I want to watch The Sopranos at either 10 PM or 11 PM on A&E (the episode is aired twice in a row) as I'm trying to catch the last handful of episodes.
But, throw into the mix the new two-hour episodes of The Celebrity Apprentice and I'm really getting dizzy! Although I gave up on Trump's plain ol' The Apprentice with its lackluster and grasping-at-straws last season, I enjoyed the first season of The Celebrity Apprentice. Since there is no Cold Case tonight, I'll be watching the show albeit a bit distracted as I'll be writing up TAR for TVS as it airs.
Next week I'll have to change my plans. Since I record the shows I write up in case I need to go back to clarify something and my recording technique is a bit antique and I can only record one show at a time, it looks like I'll probably be catching the repeat of Celeb Apprentice when it airs on Saturday nights. Hopefully they'll keep the Saturday night slot running with it (8-10 PM ET/PT) throughout the season. I'll be a week behind, but it's not like my Saturday night TV watching schedule is full or anything. I'm pretty excited about the cast this season and I adore Joan Rivers -- she's made me laugh on and off my entire life it seems. To be honest, I'd rather watch this show than Cold Case, but I've committed myself to the CC reviews whenever there are new episodes.
On Survivor this week we saw Jerry get voted out. Sigh. He was someone I wanted to like -- he seemed to be stable and get along with folks. However, it's been shown time and time again that if you get ill, chances are you're a goner. Well, not literally, but off the show! EW.com has a video interview with ex-castaway Eliza and Jerry. Now, Eliza was never one of my favorites, but she has Coach nailed! Jerry was interviewed in more depth by Reality TV World. Yep, a stomach virus is not a good thing in Tocantins.
Onto some off topic and a certain roof cat ...
I haven't felt too well all this past week. Unlike Jerry, it's not a stomach virus. It's basically that right knee. (The left knee replacement knee is fine.) The cortisone shot only worked a few days and it's getting progressively worse. In this economic atmosphere, I definitely need to hang onto my job although I've heard rumors that they might be offering early retirement packages to some folks and I'm probably in the eligible group.
But I need the health insurance and, to keep on working, I need to gather up my FMLA leave time so my job is protected. That should be sometime late summer. I'm going to have to go back to my orthopedic surgeon. I've been taking tons o' ibuprofen but, if I have to, maybe he can give me something stronger. I didn't want to take any heavier duty pain meds as I don't want to have a tolerance during recovery from surgery. The left knee was handled with Vicodin ES, which is amongst the milder meds in comparison. We'll see. But I must be able to work and walk until late summer.
In Roofus the Cat news, one of the local bloggers from my town has also spotted Roofus thanks to this blog. She focuses on a lot of the city politics and things which aren't covered by the local papers (which she retired from a while back as a reporter). We share an interest in local photographs and in the town although I'm not politically active -- I still like to know what's going on!
Roofus wasn't on his usual balcony roof yesterday. But I spotted him four rooftops over (click to make the image larger in a separate window) --
Then there's the commute --
Strangers on a train
One man uses his laptop while another catches a few winks while yet another one (me) uses the commute to take a few candid shots. Oh, I also read the paper and eat a donut sometimes.
Even stranger on the train
Oh my gosh, what's that in back of Napping Dude? All I could see was a hood, a nose, and mountain man beard. Oh, and a hand. Very scary man. I didn't get a better shot as he might have been able to see through the hood. He was giant, he was really hairy. Eek.
Welp, we're expecting up to a foot of snow overnight into Monday. While I don't really want the snow with my knee the way it is, no one is asking for my approval. If I can get to work, there's a lot I want to get done that I haven't been able to do as budget cuts have not only cut my hours, but made me work other jobs and neglect a bit of my own work. Priorities, grr. If I can get in and it's quiet (which it should be), I could get tons of stuff done. But, if we don't open or travel is almost impossible, I can take a day off and use paid time to cover it. I guess I'll know in the morning.
Although I won't be writing the finale up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.
Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome!
Both Piers and Trace are under pressure. Aw, Trace's wife and two little girls showed up to surprise him.
Piers is doing great at the auction thanks to the head of Cantor-Fitzgerald who bid $100,000 each for tea with the Duchess and a night with the Osbournes (band included). Ivanka won a dinner with Trace for $6,000. She's sweet on him. Simon Cowell (for Piers) bid $100,000 for a $10,000 shopping spree with Ivanka.
Piers won the auction, Trace won the ticket sales.
Any juice bar in Manhattan has wheatgrass juice. But I don't see Trace as a Manhattan juice bar kind of man.
Piers is the Celebrity Apprentice, not due to his personality, but it's all about the numbers.
Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.
Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome! The final four go down to the final two tonight. Each candidate will be interviewed by financial publication bigwigs to explain why they should be the winner.
Lennox is fired. He was too laidback for the interviewers. Carol is fired only because Trump wants to see Piers and Trace battle it out.
Piers and Trace each have to put on an event. Both have issues -- Trace with the Backstreet Boys, Piers with Stephen Baldwin.
It's Thursday night again ... at 8 PM ET I'll put up an East Coast Updates post for Survivor and in that I'll cover major show events, but it's actually more for folks to comment on as they watch. Later tonight, my full review of the show will be posted at TV Squad and I'll be sure to link it for you.
While Survivor is on, I'll try to catch the boots from American Idol and always welcome folks to let me know as I'll have that show muted in the background. I will put up a separate AI East Coast boot post.
At 9 PM ET, I'll put up a Celebrity Apprentice East Coast Update post with the major events as they air ... again, discussion is very welcome on any of these! I'd write a full review, but I'll be in the midst of writing the Survivor review.
Once again, I'll be taping Lost. I hate to say this, but I haven't watched my last tape of the show! I'm definitely doing a two-hour Lost sit-in on Sunday! When I finally get them watched, I'll put up a post about both episodes. Perhaps a bit shorter than my usual Lost post, but ...!
Although I won't be blogging the entire episode, I will post the main events and the firing here. Everyone is invited to share their thoughts in comments.
Trump is splitting up the teams in kind of boy/girl fashion.
Omarosa and Piers are on the same team. Well, physically on the same team. I don't think there's a real meeting of the minds going on there.
Trace, Tito, Marilu, and Stephen on one side. Omarosa, Lennox, Carol, and Piers on the other.
The team with Piers and Omarosa won. Omarosa gets sent to the other team because Piers refuses to work with her again. After the firing, that is.
For the first time ever, Trump fired NO ONE. He just couldn't do it because the team members are so good.
Of course I missed the first hour due to Lost, but ...
... the women finally won a task to do with Croc shoes!
Apparently Piers sent Vinny to go spy on the women and he helped them because he wanted them to win.
In the boardroom, Vinny tried to resign from the show saying it wasn't a good environment for him. It's actually Piers who's the problem for him more than anything else.
Vinny resigns and Trump accepts the resignation. Piers sweat it out as Stephen Baldwin and Trace said they'd rather Vinny stay. Only Lennox wanted Piers to stay.
Buh-bye, Vinny. I'll have to watch the first hour I recorded because this is all a bit confusing.
I think it's enough to keep me out. Well, maybe the tall fence topped with barbwire does it for me, too. This sign is near the Bridgewater (NJ) Train Station surrounding an abandoned parking lot. But it looks radioactive, doesn't it?
Today was rainy then blustery here with high wind warnings, but so far we've escaped much of the bad winter weather to date this season. My bad knee is thankful. On the knee topic, I have an orthopedic surgeon appointment set up for the day before the start of Big Brother 9. Not to worry, though. Rather severe surgery may be ahead, but since it's not an emergency I'll be covering the feeds reports and schedule things for between seasons. Of course, if the doctor has a miracle up his sleeve, I'll go for that rather than scary surgery and a hospital stay.
In today's TV Newsy Bits:
I'll be putting up a live blogging post of tonight's Miami American Idol auditions if the scheduled outage for Blogger ends as expected. I'm not sure if the outage for maintenance will affect viewing the blog, but as long as it's out I can't post. It should end before the show starts, but I'd rather mention it now just in case it goes kerflooey. Plus it gives me a chance to use the word kerflooey in a sentence.
If you're not a fan of football (I'm not), TNT is having a The Closer marathon all day for Super Bowl Sunday. While I don't watch football, I say "win it, Big Blue" for the sake of territorial fanship.
The Celebrity Apprenticehas been renewed for a second season. I personally don't think the plain old show needs to ever air again, but I'm finding the celeb version entertaining enough. Yeah, I wrote the linked article for TV Squad, but I'm totally not understanding the one commenter. Odd.
Today's random observation: While crows fly from point A to point B in a straight line (as the crow flies), geese circle about incessantly honking and acting like crazed tourists in Manhattan.
Today's musical non-sequitur: When it's late And it's hot And a date with the Late Show is all that you've got Don't give out Don't give up One of these nights You might find someone to love -- "Someone to Love" by Fountains of Wayne
Yes, graphic artist Zoetawny has indeed captured that odd fake-looking suntan with the reverse raccoon eyes! Thanks, Zoetawny!
I'm still not too cool with Gene committing apprenticide last week, but even without him this season is a world better than that debacle last year.
But what the heck is going on with the women? I would have thought Marilu would be a shoe-in to win this task for her team. And, yeah ... they came close. But, as always, close just doesn't make the grade. You win or you don't. And they didn't.
Although Marilu clicked with Omarosa and Nely on tonight's task, I personally think Omarosa will be a dividing factor on the team no matter what. Nely obviously is on Trump's firing range just awaiting the shot. As I watch the condescending way Omarosa treats the others when her own biggest claim to fame is being a "reality television star," I can't help but think that her presence alters the actions of the other team members.
That said, of the ones brought back to the boardroom, Jenny would be the one to go. I know the corporate world and they'd eat her alive. She's much better off on the playing field where people don't use the bodies of their dead co-workers to climb the corporate ladder.
Marilu did screw up with David Hyde Pierce. I could have walked by and not noticed him. However, if I saw $50 tickets for the shows, I would have jumped at that. Do you know how much of a savings that is?
As for the guys, I think Piers and Stephen have this love/hate thing goin' on between them. The absolute funniest part of the show was their scene with Stephen doing the Muttly hissy-laugh! Piers in the King Arthur suit carrying the rabbit (which is a notable item for the show) was funny, but I don't think I'd just up and give him money for charity, either. And I wouldn't call myself rude. I rarely walk around with large amounts of cash in the city and, while there are many tourists, I usually have my spending rather planned. I like to choose my charities and they generally don't include clowns ... er, King Arthurs on the street.
It was close this week, but I think Marilu hit on why the guys keep winning while her team loses. The men do have more cut throat leaders aboard. Both Carol and Jenny have been more followers for the women. Then there's Omarosa creating a rift. I really wish they'd juggle the teams around and mix it up more.
So, it was Geneless, but still entertaining. Now if Omarosa could just bump her head or something.
Before getting into the show -- a winner has been drawn for the book giveaway. I'm waiting on email confirmation to make the announcement. Thanks to all who entered!
And then there's tonight's episode. Yikes. No, Omarosa wasn't as bad as graphic artist Zoetawny's depiction here tonight. Perhaps she had an off day, but she was human.
I don't know what to say. Gene Simmons went aboard the womens' team to act as project manager at Trump's bidding. Now, I think that so far this season, Gene's been the shining star.
Well, tonight the skies went dark with storm clouds and snuffed out the stars, shining and otherwise.
I understood the task -- Kodak wasn't wanting so much to promote themselves as a company. What they wanted to promote was their new printer and the fact that the ink for it is half what it is for other printers. I know exactly where Kodak is coming from. I've been disgusted that new printers sometimes cost very little while the ink cartridges are sky high.
Gene made a few errors. By not going to the meeting with the executives, he didn't realize how much they wanted to push the ink savings, not the company itself. So, he didn't go to the meeting, he had the concept of the promotion wrong, and then he topped it off by standing by his "creative vision" and bringing the wrong people (Omarosa and Jenny) to the boardroom when Trump was giving him Nely on a silver platter for the firing.
Oh, Gene, how could you do it?
Yes, I did think the "It's a Kodak World" slogan is perfect ... if they wanted to promote the company. Yes, the presentation looked so much better than the guys ... but he didn't think ink! ACK. (Of course, had I been the PM, I'd obviously go with a "When you think Kodak, THINK INK" slogan, but I ain't no celebrity.)
Oh, Gene. Oh, Gene. Trump did make the only choice he could as much as he annoys me. And, while it was fun watching Gene Simmons put Trump on the spot, losing Gene on the show just outright stinks.
Again, I'm not sure if I'll be covering the show each week. But since graphic arteest Zoetawny made me some nifty graphics for it and I did indeed watch it ... here I am!
If you haven't seen the show and plan to do so, be advised there will be spoilers in this entry. Please read it with your eyes shut if you don't want to know who was fired tonight. Thank you.
I'm still a bit iffy on exactly who some of these celebrities are. Who's the big blond guy who fussed about running his own company tonight? Other than Lennox Lewis, I'm not so knowledgeable about fighter types.
And, Nely? What's her claim to fame?
Being the animal lover I am, tonight's charity and project struck a note with me. The only drawback was that it was all about dogs and not cats. There are just as many loving cats in need of homes, perhaps more! On the other hand, Pedigree (the company) is doing a fine thing donating to shelters.
As much as I enjoy Gene Simmons and don't care for Ivanka Trump, I do think he was beyond rude in his dismissal of her when she was checking on the task. I also thought he was way out of line when he implied she would give information to the women's team. Yikes.
And, even though they were successful in winning the task, I didn't care for the way Simmons and Baldwin shut out the rest of their team. I don't blame the team members for getting a bit ticked. It's their project, too.
That said, I liked their commercial the best and they won. Of course, Omarosa even helped their win by laughing at the sight of Lennox with that dog. It was cute, but wouldn't that laugh be almost akin to sleeping with the enemy?
I thought the women's commercial was very good -- it tugged at the heartstrings. But the men's was just better. The women did some things very right such as meeting with the company to see what they wanted. The men just decided they knew. Yeah, it worked for them ... this time. But that's not always the best approach.
I thought Nely and Marilu worked extremely hard and even though both could have been held responsible for their team's loss, the right choice was made with Nadia going home tonight. I loved watching her in the Olympics so many years back, but she doesn't have the spark nor the edge of viciousness needed in a cut-throat corporate world. Omarosa was smart to stay in the background and make no effort to do anything except her assigned task. She's still the odd man out on the women's team. She doesn't fit in at all, but there was no plausible reason to bring her into the boardroom tonight.
The promos for next week have Trump saying, "You're a champion. You're fired." Now, that could be Lennox, but I doubt it.
Brr ... cold enough out there for you? Here's a hint about what I had to face this morning in 15 degree temperatures and high winds. Although that article has few comments, I know what the commenter from a previous post was talking about with the nasty comments left on that site. Scary stuff.
I'll talk about The Celebrity Apprentice towards the end of this entry. I'll be mentioning the fired person at the end of the post, so beware if you haven't watched the show yet. Although the show caught my interest enough tonight, I doubt I'll be watching it come mid-February. So I'm not going to get into blogging about it full-force.
A few other things first:
I was pleased with the return of Letterman last night, but that beard has to go. Soon. And far away. It frightened me.
I think I'm going to like the new cast changes on Law and Order. It's about time McCoy got a promotion, eh? I like Jesse Martin fine, but Dennis Farina partnering with him didn't do anything for me. The new dude shows some promise. I was a bit disappointed that it was two separate one-hour episodes. I think it could have made a splash debut with an involved two-hour story.
I watched Wife Swap last night. Is it just me or is that show getting even cheesier each season? What the heck was up with that "sparkle" bit? I kept feeling I was watching a commercial of whatever that gum is that cleans "dirty mouths." Why do people go on these shows knowing that they'll look like idiots?
The cast list is up for Survivor -- thanks, ORKMommy! Jonny Fairplay indeed. I thought they said fan favorites?!?
Onto Celebrity Apprentice ...
The pros:
I actually enjoyed Gene Simmons from Kiss and, on the whole, how the men got along.
They're in NYC where the show belongs. Good.
The "celebrity" bit enhances the tasks -- they can call on their contacts, etc.
The proceeds go to charity.
The cons:
Donald Trump, the Trumpette, and the Trumpling.
Piers Morgan is rude. There, I said it.
I hate the Baldwin's eyes. He always looks stoned.
Who are half of these celebrities? If I saw most of them on the street, I wouldn't even notice.
Trump is partial to Omarosa and tonight's show showed it.
Omarosa is still a B Word.
The odd:
Not even going to his hair, but Trump's tan/coloring is all screwy. It looks like he's been in a tanning booth wearing sunglasses. Ew.
The winning team got to watch the main boardroom session of the losing team prior to the firing. I'm of mixed feelings about that. They can see the weak links of the other team too much.
It should have been Omarosa because she's the one who decided (and enforced) they shouldn't use their celebrity to sell hot dogs. But, instead, it was Tiffany the Playboy Bunny who didn't call Hugh Hefner for a donation. (After Omarosa didn't want them to do that, mind you.)
The weather here has been cold, wet, gloomy, rainy and even a bit snowy. I haven't seen Roofus the cat since Saturday, but the roof isn't a good place during this kind of weather. I'm sure he's taken refuge, most likely in that condemned building. This photo is the side of an old warehouse or factory. I guess it's Lugo's parking spot, but I call it the Lugo building.
Here are today's TV Newsy Bits:
Frank TV, the new late night show on TBS makes its debut tonight at 11 PM ET/PT in most viewing areas. Frank is impressionist Frank Caliendo and he's definitely got the "skillz." I watched my screener and was pleasantly surprised at how many impressions he can actually do. His George W. Bush is just about perfect. With the late night shows in repeats due to the writers strike, it's the perfect time to give this show a shot -- every Tuesday at 11, be there or be square.
I want to thank commenter Joy for her excellent recap of The Bachelor for other blog readers (in the discussion post for the show). And, yes ... that's how I do it. I sit and take notes.
Donald Trump's new Celebrity Apprentice will premiere on January 3rd. The last season was so unpopular, I guess he had to turn to a list of Z list celebs. I don't know many of these people -- Omarosa (made famous for being on The Apprentice, say what?), Marilu Henner (okay, I remember her from Taxi with Tony Danza a few decades ago), Carol Alt, softball player Jennie Finch, Piers Morgan (judge from America's Got Talent), Gene Simmons from Kiss, Vincent Pastore (Sopranos), Stephen Baldwin, Nely Galan (ex-president of Telemundo television network), Trace Adkins (country music star), Nadia Comaneci (Olympics star), Tiffany Fallon (Playboy's Playmate of the Year), boxer Lennox Louis, and ultimate fighting champion Tito Ortiz. Um. Okay.
I wrote a TV Squad feature on my seven favorite cop shows. If you click on my name from there, it brings up all the entries I've made. I've been doing some real exciting ones such as CBS news staffers authorize a strike in addition to reviews and features.
Today's music non-sequitur: Well, did he ever return? No, he never returned and his fate is still unlearned. He may ride forever 'neath the streets of Boston. He's the man who never returned. -- M.T.A. - as sung by The Kingston Trio
It's Cinco de Mayo! A time for festivities, tacos, and even parades. I know there are lots of activities going on in this area and it's likely there's something happening in your neck of the woods, as well. Here in the Northeast, the weather is perfect for outdoor doings, whether it's checking out cultural celebration or just enjoying the day itself. Sieze the day, I say.
I want to express my gratitude for the readers and the commenting community here on the blog. I know many of you started reading the Big Brother live feeds either on this blog or the one before it, then you stayed. Big Brother 8 is in casting mode at this time. They historically wrap things up only a few weeks before we see the first show. The cast is put in sequester about ten days before they go into the house. The season usually starts for us during the first week of July, and that seems to be the schedule this year, too. I'm watching for news and will let you know when I hear something concrete. And, yes... I'll be covering the feeds once again this season.
In other TV Newsy Bits:
Paris Hilton's Simple Life is going to get a lot more simpler -- she's heading to jail for 45 days for violating her probation.
In Survivor news, Jeff Probst is very impressed with Yau-Man Chan according to this Reality TV World article. Reality News Online (RNO) has an interview with Alex, the most recent castaway, as well as a transcription of his The Early Show appearance. "You can be a Ninja by yourself. You can't be a Ninja with Mookie."
Kristine Lefebvre, a candidate on the recent The Apprentice: L.A. bares it all for Playboy according to E! Online and TMZ.
Reality TV World says that Stephanie Wilhite, recently ousted on The Bachelor: Officer and a Gentleman, saw it coming. Another contestant on the show, Amber Alchalabi, saw her boss resign over her leave of absence to appear. Yikes! Sheesh, it's one thing for reality show contestants to lose their own jobs in pursuit of a dream, but for a boss to be in hot water and blow her career?
Billy Ray Cyrus' wife claims that he's happy to remain on Dancing With the Stars in this Reality TV Magazine interview.
Can't get enough of Sanjaya Malakar? Celebrity Spider has the list of concert tour dates for the American Idol Top Ten contestants. Um... no. I won't be going.
This week we'll see BeeGee Bro Barry Gibb coaching the American Idol contestants. I think that's fitting, don't you? At this time, the four all want to be "Stayin' Alive."
In other American Idol news, Reality TV World says that Chris Richardson "knew" he was heading home this week. "I seen the band setting up, and the guitar player grabbing a 12 string guitar, and I'm the only person with a 12 string guitar, so you put it together," said Chris. Why am I not surprised that he said "I seen." Saw, Chris... you saw! AOL Television has an interview with both Phil Stacey and Chris Richardson, as well as other exit interviews with previously dismissed contestants.
We can expect Lost to last for two more seasons according to E! Online and discussed in this TVSquad article. The good news is that this will give the show's creators a timeline in which to address issues raised. The bad news is that once this season ends, we won't see the show again until January. I personally think long hiatus periods hurt shows. I know that I lost interest in Jericho when it went away for so long and haven't watched it since its return. I know they can't run new shows for forty episodes a year, but I think they have to come up with a better plan. The show should move back to the 9 PM slot once it reappears.
AOL Television has a feature page for May Sweeps and May finales. Check it out and mark your calendars!
Yes, the town of Bound Brook, New Jersey, is still all but cut off from the world. Trains are bypassing the train station, roads are closed, flood-ravaged business and home owners are still trying to clean up. I took this shot of the State Farm Catastrophe Services mobile unit set up in a Home Depot parking lot just outside of Bound Brook. None of my friends and co-workers who were evacuated from their homes over a week ago have been allowed to return as of yet.
But, television goes on. That's actually a good thing as entertainment can get our minds off of troubles for a while, at least.
Here are today's TV Newsy Bits:
Celebrity Spider has very mild location and other spoilers (nothing to ruin it for you) for the next The Amazing Race 11: All Stars as we head towards the season finale (May 6).
Ousted Apprentice wannabe Nicole says love (for Tim) is worth losing the position. Do you think that will last?
Did anyone catch Ivanka Trump on Letterman last night? She wasn't listed on the guest list when I made my weekly post on Sunday morning. I discovered that when allowed to talk freely, she has Frank's disease. What do I mean? I believe she said "at the end of the day..." six times (or more) during the interview. Actually, it was nice to see her really smile and not be a stiff Mini-Me of her dad for a change. But this "at the end of the day" stuff is as annoying as the "like" and "you know what I'm saying." I'm crossing it right out of my vocabulary. You know what I mean?
Blog readers are buzzing about Heather Mills getting the boot on Dancing With the Stars. Gee, I would have thought she'd have a leg up on the competition! Join in on the conversation in the blog discussion post for the show or check out all the articles on the show's SirLinksAlot page. I've only been catching the show now and then, but have those childhood "Paul is the cute Beatle" memories stuck in my mind. So I was happy to hear of the boot.
Huh. Ellen DeGeneres will be hosting the Idol Gives Back concert tonight. I don't recall hearing that on the show, but I hope that's not the "shock" promised to us by Ryan.
The finale of Survivor 14: Fiji will mark the 200th episode of the long-running show which really set the reality television genre in motion. The finale reunion show will air on May 13 from the Ed Sullivan Theater in NYC (where The Late Show with David Letterman is located). Hey, Survivor staff... I'm local. I like tickets! (Yeah, like that will work.)
Celebrity Spider has the skinny on the upcoming episode of Heroes. Oh, Hiro and Ando are in for an adventure!
And, Bachelor fans... remember to drop by the blog discussion post for the show! Lots of great folks are dishing on the latest episode there!