Saturday, July 07, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update - Into the Morning - 7/07/07

At least I like the colors of the house "screensaver" more this season than last. It's a blue whirly liquid tunnel, perhaps tying in with the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. It would be almost relaxing if it didn't move so quickly and wasn't accompanied by the overly loud theme music once again.

But I like blue liquid tunnels much more than angry red clouds (or fire). If we must endure this whenever the show doesn't want us to see what's happening, at least I can sit and say, "Hey, pretty colors."

Some folks wonder why we see it, right? Every time a houseguest sings, we get this clip because it's considered broadcasting and the show hasn't paid royalties to air the song. If the houseguests talk about someone who hasn't signed a release, we get the clip because they don't want lawsuits. Then there's when the show doesn't want us to see various competitions or houseguest talk about the show's staff. Although we often get the clip until well after a competition, eventually the houseguests talk about what happened when we were liquid blues.

Before I go into the actual events of the night, I'm going to call my early season favorites... I like Dustin and Jameka. Both get along well with others and seem to be going with the flow in the house. I enjoy watching Dick more than I thought I would and Daniele a bit less. He seems a bit lost, a bit bereft. She won't give him the time of the day. Eric is probably going to work out okay as America's Player, but the guy has issues. He's very antsy and will end up getting bleeped on the show more than Dick, the Keith Richards stand-in. Now, if Dustin didn't have the Joe Nightmare on his back, I think he would have been better as America's Player. But, of course, he might not even be on the show without the connection.

Onto the late night into the dawn events from that Big Brother House of Hapless Hipsters:

  • Carol, who could very be evicted this week, wants Big Brother to change her picture on the Memory Wall. No, not to black and white. She thinks she looks snaggle-toothed in it. She noted that only she and Jameka seem to be dressed in the women's photos.
  • Jen seems to be the one on the outs with almost everyone in the house. Although Kail said that she had no problem with Jen, almost everyone else has mentioned that she annoys them. Unless she can win competitions, I don't foresee a long stay for her.
  • If it means anything this early in the game, Nick's key was the last to be revealed in Kail's Nominations Ceremony.
  • Is Nick smitten with Daniele? Possibly. There's been a lot of flirting and he had a long talk with her about how his first impressions were totally off-base. He thought she was a hot dumb blonde, but told her that instead, she's a very smart hot blonde. @@
  • Unlike previous seasons, these houseguests are into fake "dates." In a way, it's interesting as they get to know each other. But all they really do is dress up and prepare for the date, then sit around and talk.
  • Joe decided he would tell scary stories accompanied by a flashlight. The stories weren't scary, but the flashlight worked.
  • Dick, Jen, and Mike had a discussion about how boring Kail is. No, Kail wasn't there to give her opinion.
  • Dick has an issue with all of the knives in the house being plastic. He obviously didn't watch Season Two.
  • Mike and Dick were the Stay Up Late Dudes, still up as I type this at 5:30-ish in the morning their time. Joe woke Eric up, so now he's out there with them ticked off at Joe.
  • The boys are talking about making the teacup in the yard the new Jack Shack (no, I won't explain) by covering it with quilts. Eww.

I'm going to go ahead and get this posted. Why am I actually liking Evel Dick? That's just not right!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Into the Evening, July 7

<--- Mike and Jen seem to be getting close on a hammock, eh?

I'm still trying to get the feel of these folks in the house this season. So, until I choose anyone I like, I'm not getting really excited. Oh, I know that they'll grow on me. But they ain't there yet!

Here are the afternoon into evening happenings from that Big Brother House of Mad Hatters:

  • The details of the Veto Comp grew more clear -- each player had to hide a Veto and each had to find hidden Vetos. Daniele won. (The spelling of her name drives me crazy! It should be double "L.")
  • The houseguests aren't too clear on the timeline for events. They think the eviction will be Sunday. Silly hamsters, it's Thursday!
  • Daniele and Amber talked about how annoying Jen is. I mention this because I agree with them.
  • Amber told Daniele that Dick told her he'd never put her (Daniele) on the block.
  • Carol is really down. She's still sure she'll be the one to go home. Unfortunately, her attitude won't help her case, methinks. She started trying to campaign a bit.
  • The HG had to do a lot of cleaning to put the house back in order after the wild Veto search competition.
  • The houseguests got into the hot tub just in time for the After Dark show. @@
  • Amber told Dustin that she'd put up Joe and Jen if she gets HOH. (Hmmm... I want to like Carol for the stay, but Amber has her points!)
  • Joe is one of the HG on slop. He ate a piece of pineapple and got all the slop bunch yelled at by a female Big Brother voice.
  • A lot of the HG think that Dick is a nice guy and Daniele's being cruel to him by ignoring him and being nasty.
  • Carol called the cameras the Evil Eye of Satan. ("Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name...)

They're talking about the Veto Comp, its rounds and the timing of the rounds. It was actually hidden items and one POV from what I gathered before they cut the feed to hide the details.

So, right now things aren't a thrill a minute, but I'm positive it will improve. I hope so, anyway.

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Friday, July 06, 2007

'Big Brother 8' Live Feeds Notes, Friday 7/06 Daytime

My apologies for being a bit late with this. It was one of those days in which my issues became a magazine.

But, no fear... you really haven't missed much going on in that Big Brother House of Friends and Foes:

  • Dick finally went to bed at almost 7:30 their time.
  • Big Brother gave them all a wake-up call at a bit past 8:30. Heh.
  • At about 8:45, Big Brother told the houseguests the veto competition would begin in 90 minutes. It actually began (feeds blocked with trivia) at about 10:30, so they're a bit more timely so far.
  • Amber wants Dick to win the Veto for her.
  • Joe mocked the Chenbot's robotly ways.
  • When the feeds came back about a half-hour after the blockage, Amber seemed upset.
  • Then we realized the comp hadn't even taken place yet. All they had done is pick the players. Forget me calling them timely! @@
  • Amber thinks God wants her to keep the nominations the same if she wins. Can we get a mass eyeroll going here? One word... Marcellas.
  • Then the feeds were blocked for almost five hours...! Argh.
  • When they came back on, only those houseguests who didn't play for Veto were trapped in the HOH Room.
  • Now they're all back together talking about wearing headphones, listening to music, talking about missing clothes, messy rooms, time elements to look for something, tornado spins... I have no clue what the comp was or if we have a winner. I'll post more when I get something concrete. They had to hide something and others had to find it. It's very confusing!
  • But Big Brother gave them pizza.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feed Notes - Overnight Into July 6, 2007

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Who woulda thunk it? One houseguest is up washing dishes and cleaning in the kitchen as I write this. Are you thinking Kail? Nope, it's Dick. It's past 3:00 AM their time as I write this. He is indeed a character... and he talks to himself. A lot.

Remember, we already knew from my last post that Carol and Amber are nominated for eviction. The Power of Veto will be played out sometime today. They have been in the house for six days.

Here's the latest skinny:
  • There must have been a food competition more than a few days ago. Some of the houseguests are on Big Brother slop. Daniele and Dustin, for sure, are slop eaters.
  • They don't have playing cards. (Good, because watching them play cards is boring!)
  • Eric is a play-flirter with all of the girls. Alas, he has a potty-mouth. But our America's Player does seem to fit in well with the others. Dick has some problems with him -- something about him lying to him about something. But, on the whole, he gets along decently.
  • It seems the concensus among the houseguests is a vote off of Carol, at least partly because she said she didn't want to be there when she was nominated.
  • If POV is used, Zach may be the next on the block.
  • Nick is shy with the girls? His father thought he could be gay until he was around 21.
  • Big Brother gave them body paint. The slop eaters wanted to eat it because it's flavored.
  • The HOH Room is very futuristic-looking. For some reason, Kail didn't seem to spend much time up there, but Jen did. Jen checked out all of the spy screen views.
  • There seems to be a bit of difference in opinion regarding the vote, but it always seems to fall back to Amber staying unless the POV is used to save Carol.
  • Dick coughs a lot. It might be good for him to run out of cigarettes this summer.

'Big Brother 8' - First Feeds Screencap and Live Feeds Spoilers

It's ON!

Right at midnight, they came on. Well, not until after I had to uninstall and reinstall RealPlayer. But...!

Okay, the skinny I've caught so far...

Carol and Amber are up for eviction. POV will be played for tomorrow. Carol apparently gave the others the idea she wanted to leave when nominated.

She's telling Dustin how much she's given up to be there. He told her that unless something changes, his vote has to be for Amber to stay. Joe wants to build a Six Alliance, but Carol thinks that Daniele and Dick have a one-alliance pact?

According to Dustin, Zach wants to run things.

Amber and Carol get along well. Carol hates being up against her for eviction. Neither will campaign.

It's Day 6 for them. They don't know if the Three (Dustin, Dick, Jessica) can vote for eviction or not (since they're safe this week).

Ah, well, gonna switch feeds and take more notes.