If she worried about her picture on the Memory Wall, she really should think of all the screen caps on all of the websites which may show her in even worse condition. You know that if I can catch her making an odd face or something truly awful... I'll snag it!
Here are the late night shenanigans from the Big Brother House of Bored Baristas:
- In reference to the switch to Amber out this week, Zach told Mike in a whispering conference that it would be in their best interest to keep her in and focus on getting Joe out next week. Mike said he'd talk to Kail, but seems to agree. So it may be back to Carol leaving this week.
- Mike is actually very into housecleaning. (Could he come over here, please?)
- Evil Dick gave the cameras a free peep show from the shower. (My eyes! My eyes!)
- Someone ate Jameka's waffle. You don't mess with Jameka's waffle. The culprit was Dustin. He apologized and apology accepted.
- Joe held his storytime and Dick was noticeably absent -- smoking in the backyard. The cameras focused on Dick instead of the stories. It turns out that Big Brother banned Joe's stories because they're copyrighted material, they aren't of his own imagination.
- Jen told Joe about how she knows Mike Boogie. (See, the ChillTown Ringer!) She has also met previous BB winner Drew. Joe told her he hated Mike Boogie. (Maybe he has some redeeming qualities after all, eh?)
- Everyone is still talking about how annoying Jen is, but the latest thinking is a Joe eviction next week, not Jen.
- Dustin and Joe talked while on the hammock, but it became Drama Mamas again.
- Eric hurt his foot wrestling with Jen. "She's a powerhouse!"
- Jen fussed more about her Memory Wall photo.
- Jameka has applied to be on the show before and made it to the finals.
- Joe told Dick that if he got HOH he'd put Jen up on the block. Dick agreed that she must go before sequester because she's so annoying.
- Daniele and Nick got all touchy-feely under covers.
- Dick told Jen that she had her wild workout today just to garner attention. He went to be at a reasonable hour... 3 AM (their time).
- Jen and Mike stayed up talking in the kitchen until a few minutes ago. When she went to bed, she went to the HOH Room.
- All hamsters snoring in their cages as I post this.