Remember -- tonight's show will air at 9 PM ET/PT. The other nights (Sunday and Thursday) start at 8 PM ET/PT. I figure I'll watch the first hour of America's Got Talent, then switch to Big Brother. I intend on live-blogging the show tonight as long as the thunderstorms stay away. We're expecting a few bad ones tonight here. (Grr.)
So, if you're watching the show here on the East Coast, stop on by to comment during the commercials. If you're another time zone, the happenings are yours for the peeking in!
Here are the daytime happenings from that Big Brother House of Jenisms and Those Who Mock Her:
- Kail, who made the comment about "if my child chose to be gay" during the season premiere, asked Dustin if he's romantically involved with Amber. @@
- Jen apparently could do only one day with real clothes. She's back the the barely-there bikini. (At least she should save that for the Showtime viewers!)
- Dick told Nick that Jen was going around saying that she and Nick are going to go out after the show. Remember, Nick is really sweet on Daniele.
- Carol said that if she stays and happens to get HOH, she'll put Dick on the block because he's the only one in the house she "hates."
- Carol tried to cut a deal with Zach to stay in the house. His terms were only if she votes the way he tells her for two weeks.
- Contrary to the saying, it rained in California today sending the HG back inside for cover.
- Mike told Daniele that the Big Brother Strongman Competition (the thing the guys are setting up) will be tomorrow.
- To show how exciting their chats are -- they miss chewing gum and spearmint is the general favorite. (Mine would be Juicy Fruit or Big Red.)
- Daniele, continuing with her age lie, told Joe that she would be 22 on the same day as Mike's birthday. She also told him that being with Dick in the house is awkward.
- Mike and Zach discussed the possibilities and possible deals to keep Carol in the house.
- Dick mentioned to Kail that he had real problems with Daniele as a teenager. When he asked Kail what she thought of him as a father, it was no comment - "I can't answer that."
- Carol told Dustin that it's hard to talk to Amber now since they're both on the block. She also told him it's just a matter of time before Nick and Daniele "hook up." He agrees.
- Carol told Amber (thought she had trouble talking to her) that she thinks the votes are shifting. (@@ - Now I know why she and Jessica were friends! Why would she mention THAT to AMBER... the one they may be shifting against? Where is her mind?_
- Dustin said he knew he was gay when he was five years old. (When I was five years old I believed in Santa Clause and had no idea whatsoever what gay, straight, or sex itself was all about.)
- One of the girls mentioned that she watched Pirate Master because it was the "worst show ever." I have the feeds minimized, so I'm not sure who said it, but I agree.
That's about where we stand for now. The guys have been talking some CroMagnum (?) man stuff since yesterday, but I'm clueless how to explain it... so I haven't mentioned it before. It's something to do with their Strong Man stuff. They're macho men, y'know.