Tuesday, July 10, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Tuesday Daytime 7/10

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Remember -- tonight's show will air at 9 PM ET/PT. The other nights (Sunday and Thursday) start at 8 PM ET/PT. I figure I'll watch the first hour of America's Got Talent, then switch to Big Brother. I intend on live-blogging the show tonight as long as the thunderstorms stay away. We're expecting a few bad ones tonight here. (Grr.)

So, if you're watching the show here on the East Coast, stop on by to comment during the commercials. If you're another time zone, the happenings are yours for the peeking in!

Here are the daytime happenings from that Big Brother House of Jenisms and Those Who Mock Her:

  • Kail, who made the comment about "if my child chose to be gay" during the season premiere, asked Dustin if he's romantically involved with Amber. @@
  • Jen apparently could do only one day with real clothes. She's back the the barely-there bikini. (At least she should save that for the Showtime viewers!)
  • Dick told Nick that Jen was going around saying that she and Nick are going to go out after the show. Remember, Nick is really sweet on Daniele.
  • Carol said that if she stays and happens to get HOH, she'll put Dick on the block because he's the only one in the house she "hates."
  • Carol tried to cut a deal with Zach to stay in the house. His terms were only if she votes the way he tells her for two weeks.
  • Contrary to the saying, it rained in California today sending the HG back inside for cover.
  • Mike told Daniele that the Big Brother Strongman Competition (the thing the guys are setting up) will be tomorrow.
  • To show how exciting their chats are -- they miss chewing gum and spearmint is the general favorite. (Mine would be Juicy Fruit or Big Red.)
  • Daniele, continuing with her age lie, told Joe that she would be 22 on the same day as Mike's birthday. She also told him that being with Dick in the house is awkward.
  • Mike and Zach discussed the possibilities and possible deals to keep Carol in the house.
  • Dick mentioned to Kail that he had real problems with Daniele as a teenager. When he asked Kail what she thought of him as a father, it was no comment - "I can't answer that."
  • Carol told Dustin that it's hard to talk to Amber now since they're both on the block. She also told him it's just a matter of time before Nick and Daniele "hook up." He agrees.
  • Carol told Amber (thought she had trouble talking to her) that she thinks the votes are shifting. (@@ - Now I know why she and Jessica were friends! Why would she mention THAT to AMBER... the one they may be shifting against? Where is her mind?_
  • Dustin said he knew he was gay when he was five years old. (When I was five years old I believed in Santa Clause and had no idea whatsoever what gay, straight, or sex itself was all about.)
  • One of the girls mentioned that she watched Pirate Master because it was the "worst show ever." I have the feeds minimized, so I'm not sure who said it, but I agree.

That's about where we stand for now. The guys have been talking some CroMagnum (?) man stuff since yesterday, but I'm clueless how to explain it... so I haven't mentioned it before. It's something to do with their Strong Man stuff. They're macho men, y'know.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Late Night Into Overnight - Tues. 7/10

Yes, it's the Jensa Member herself who's still up at this hour. Mike and Jen are talking and talking... and talking. No really interesting strategy, no real insight.

If she worried about her picture on the Memory Wall, she really should think of all the screen caps on all of the websites which may show her in even worse condition. You know that if I can catch her making an odd face or something truly awful... I'll snag it!

Here are the late night shenanigans from the Big Brother House of Bored Baristas:
  • In reference to the switch to Amber out this week, Zach told Mike in a whispering conference that it would be in their best interest to keep her in and focus on getting Joe out next week. Mike said he'd talk to Kail, but seems to agree. So it may be back to Carol leaving this week.
  • Mike is actually very into housecleaning. (Could he come over here, please?)
  • Evil Dick gave the cameras a free peep show from the shower. (My eyes! My eyes!)
  • Someone ate Jameka's waffle. You don't mess with Jameka's waffle. The culprit was Dustin. He apologized and apology accepted.
  • Joe held his storytime and Dick was noticeably absent -- smoking in the backyard. The cameras focused on Dick instead of the stories. It turns out that Big Brother banned Joe's stories because they're copyrighted material, they aren't of his own imagination.
  • Jen told Joe about how she knows Mike Boogie. (See, the ChillTown Ringer!) She has also met previous BB winner Drew. Joe told her he hated Mike Boogie. (Maybe he has some redeeming qualities after all, eh?)
  • Everyone is still talking about how annoying Jen is, but the latest thinking is a Joe eviction next week, not Jen.
  • Dustin and Joe talked while on the hammock, but it became Drama Mamas again.
  • Eric hurt his foot wrestling with Jen. "She's a powerhouse!"
  • Jen fussed more about her Memory Wall photo.
  • Jameka has applied to be on the show before and made it to the finals.
  • Joe told Dick that if he got HOH he'd put Jen up on the block. Dick agreed that she must go before sequester because she's so annoying.
  • Daniele and Nick got all touchy-feely under covers.
  • Dick told Jen that she had her wild workout today just to garner attention. He went to be at a reasonable hour... 3 AM (their time).
  • Jen and Mike stayed up talking in the kitchen until a few minutes ago. When she went to bed, she went to the HOH Room.
  • All hamsters snoring in their cages as I post this.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Into the Evening - Mon. 7/09

Liven up, houseguests! This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around! (Credit to Talking Heads)

First off, on the whole, they're getting along too well. For the most part, those who don't get along with each other tend to avoid each other. While that may work for their interests in the house, it doesn't make for really intriguing live feeds.

Yeah, they pick on Jen and her behavior brings it on, but that can get old rather quickly.

The houseguests had no competitions today and really had little to do with themselves. The food restriction was lifted last night, so eating was a big event as was exercise.

Since I last posted, these are the earth-shattering events from that Big Brother House of Frats, Sororities, and a Hapless Hipster:
  • Jessica told Eric that Carol was lying about what producers said to her about staying, food and more.
  • Eric realizes he he probably blew a phone call home prize because he put a friend down instead of a family member.
  • They also talked about Kail being a big threat because she gets along with folks and will probably last a long time.
  • Zach warned Dustin that Joe was trying to get together a movement to throw the HOH so he (Joe) would win. If Joe wins, his plan is to put Jen and Dustin on the block with Dustin being the target. Dustin was already aware of the Throw HOH movement, but didn't think of the angle that they could get rid of Jen at any time. Zach promised him he wouldn't throw the comp. He didn't promise him he wouldn't put him up.
  • Eric first applied for Big Brother in season two. He was out of the country for the callbacks. He's a huge fan. (An antsy angry rabbit one, too.)
  • Jen wore her Jenth Degree shirt.
  • The guys are going to have a World's Strongest Man competition for fun.
  • Jen mentioned that the latest ending date for the show would be September 24. I'm assuming that date was in the contract, but the show generally ends just past mid-September. CBS hasn't announced the final show date as of yet.
  • Nick and Daniele are still a shomance. He gave her the key to his heart today. Aw.
  • When Dustin told Amber about Zach's conversation with him, she played it down.
  • Jen went into such a frenzy working out in the gym room trying to work off 1200 calories that the others were concerned that she'd pass out. They think they picked on her too much.
  • Zach and Mike don't trust Jessica.
  • Eric thinks they should make 9 to midnight party time for those watching on ShoToo. Hey, what about me?
  • Kail met with Mike and told him they need to switch the vote - the target will be Amber, not Carol. Mike passed it on to Nick. So, it looks like we should see Mike, Nick, and Kail votes to oust Amber this week. The tides may be turning.

Lots of small talk going on, Carol doing some sort of cheerleading practice, hot tub sitting... and that's it!

Monday, July 09, 2007

'Hell's Kitchen' - A Quick Take on Episode 6

Hell's Kitchen
Why did Ramsay keep Melissa last week? It's not like the men are so great on their own, but I knew she would surely make them worse.

The challenge saw a win for the Red Team, but I can't help but wonder if this one was just a tad tainted.

After all, the prize was a photo shoot with Ramsay. It seems that the women always seem to win that prize. I wonder if they could have gotten by with serving a walking live lobster. Rock didn't take too well to their rather suspicious win either. Ah, but he had to see the girls in their glory and had to go through their trash as punishment.

When it came to the dinner service, the guys crumbled while the girls got the job done. With the exception of Bonnie not knowing what to do with a kitchen fire in a pan -- don't walk around with the pan -- and Julie letting the pressure getting to her and crying, the Red Team did a fairly remarkable job throughout the service.

Then there was the Blue Team, the Men Plus Melissa. They were horrible. Everything Melissa touches, she curses. Josh and Brad had their worst services to date and Rock just watched it all happen. He didn't do poorly, but he couldn't save the sinking ship.

In the end, after six dinners from the Blue Team were sent back, Ramsay shut the kitchen down and ordered the Blue Team to come up with two nominees. Melissa knew she would be one on the block no matter what (deservedly so). Then it was between Josh and Brad. Brad said it was his personal worst night while Josh has continued to not perform well on the whole.

Ramsay didn't give them a chance to even tell who they nominated. He called Melissa up, took her jacket, then had her whisked away. Then, in a move to make us think he was getting rid of both Josh and Brad, he reamed them... and sent them back to line with Rock.

So this leaves us with Julia, Bonnie, and Jen on the Red Team. I still hold my grudge against Jen for trying to use pasta from the trash can, but she's most likely the most capable in the long run. While I think a lot of Julia, I'm not sure if she's ready for the responsibilities which come with the win. It's getting to the point where Waffle House might limit her. Bonnie is out of her league and I don't see her lasting much longer.

Of the men left -- Rock, Josh, and Brad -- only Rock has any possibilities. Josh and Brad could go before any of the remaining women and it wouldn't ruffle my feathers.

I think we'll see it down to Rock and Jen as the final two. But I could be wrong. I'm still not impressed with any of the chef wannabes this season.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update - Monday Daytime - 7/09/07

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

These houseguests really have to kick things in gear. Perhaps I'm sadistic, but I like watching big time drama. I'm not talking about crying about your photo on the Memory Wall.

I'm talking like the Eric backyard scene with Kaysar in Season 6. Or even the Janelle/Beau brouhaha that very same season. While there are little tiffs here and there and no one seems to like Jen (except maybe Kail - at least on the surface), there aren't any huge showdowns. Not yet, anyway.

Here are the events of the daytime hours so far in the Big Brother House of Go Blue... like, 'cuz we're the Blue Team:

  • Dick thinks that Nick will target him because it would make his romance (shomance?) with Daniele less awkward.
  • Dick seems to be in this to win it. He told Amber that he studied Dr. Will's performance on the show and took notes.
  • Dick also said that Eric was an "angry Jew rabbit." He then mentioned that his grandfather was a Russian Jew. (Hmmm... qualifiers don't always cover comments which focus on religion, culture, etc. My personal jury is out on that comment. Angry rabbit defines Eric.)
  • While he was alone before heading to be, Dick stopped at the Memory Wall. He told us that he wants Jameka to go home and that Jen must go before sequester.
  • Dick finally headed to bed when it was almost 6 AM their time. (A few folks asked if he ever sleeps -- he does, but definitely not enough and in small chunks of time.)
  • Jen, Mike, and Kail studied for the next HOH in case it's a question-based comp.
  • Jen wore her "Jenerous" shirt today. (I'm sure we'll see Jentastic, Jenlicious, and more as time goes on.)
  • Jen and Zach clash. (Jen clashes with most of the folks.) She decided to paint her toenails red to annoy him because he hates red. Then she walked around asking how much he had to yell at her to get a penalty nomination. @@
  • Still with Jen - she wants BB to contact her orthodontist because she lost retainer on, like, Day 2. It cost a fortune, y'know. (So, why has she waited until, like, Day 10 to bring it up?)
  • I'm not sure if this is the result of the America's Player vote or not, but Eric went to Kail sniffling, fussing, mumbling, bringing up Daniele's possible eating disorder, and a personal friend of his with an eating disorder. This could be the big sad sob story and to whom he must tell it. I believe it is. Good acting, but it's annoying.
  • Now I feel old. Carol and Jessica were 13 when Big Brother had its first season. Feh.
  • Nick was on MTV Spring Break in 2002.
  • That's the deal, Internet Fans! Dick is still out of the picture and must be sleeping, so he's had a good day's sleep. Maybe he's a vampire.