I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Monday, July 16, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Ceremony Results
Again, Daniele saved herself. Joe and Dick are up for eviction.
'Big Brother 8' - Still Awaiting POV Ceremony, But...
In the meantime, it seems like Allison Grodner's Joe Crush is scheduled to take a blow...
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Video - Joe Confronts Eric About the Bed Visit
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - America's Player
An added note: That Dingo from Hamsterwatch has posted a video of the task on YouTube. I was late on the record button, so I scrapped mine.
They just woke the houseguests up. Since we're getting blue liquid tunnel and the theme song, they must be playing the wake-up song.
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feed Report - Late Night and Overnight into 7/16
<--- Joe atop Nick to "give him the attention a boy like him deserves." Nick didn't protest. Daniele just laughed.
After yesterday afternoon/early evening's Magnus Strong Man Olympics, there were some bits of gameplaying betwixt the houseguests. But not a lot. There was a period in which Jameka was talking about religion with Eric and others were playing word games in the kitchen... I thought, well, this just shouldn't be happening. These folks need to be scheming. They need to be wheelin' and dealin'! I was saved by Dick and Daniele. No, not the kind of saving Jameka was talking about with Eric. It was far from divine intervention.
But it was something. Unfortunately, when I tried to record the video I got an odd echo and missed the first part. But here's what I caught -- be ready to turn up the volume:
Here's the quick skinny on the Big Brother House Hamster Happenings:
- Dick told Daniele to be careful about winning too much. She said she had to win the veto. He agreed that one of them did and he was glad she won.
- Dick told her that Amber and Kail have been too close (not referring to the chains) and he doesn't trust them. Daniele told him she trusts Amber.
- Daniele wants Dick to think of something she can say at the POV ceremony.
- They actually came across as father and daughter for much of the talk.
- Magnus and Cragnus (Mike and Nick) tied for the win in their games. This should be fun for the show on Tuesday. I was cracking up watching the feeds.
- Jameka told Dick that if he stays and the next HOH is between them, she would give it to him.
- Dick told Jameka that if Daniele was replaced with Nick, he might have trouble winning against him.
- Amber told Nick that Jen would vote for him to leave instead of Dick. She said when she mentioned Nick votes to stay from others, Jen said something about "well, this won't work then."
- The most commonly brought up choices by Jen for replacing Daniele on the block are Nick and Joe. She still seems to want to keep Dick. Daniele had always been her target.
- Amber had a date with Mike. @@
- Amber to Mike that she was hooked on speed for over a year, quitting it only nine months ago. It's too bad that through most of their date she talked fast and non-stop almost as if she was still on it.
- Mike had to define the word "outskirts" (as in the outskirts of town) to Amber because "I hear it all the time and don't know what it means." Context baby, context.
- Kail doesn't do too well on slop. She's moodier. Of course, some of it could be because her alliance is crumbling.
- After the big date, Amber thinks Mike has a crush on her. @@
- Still a ton of anti-Zach talk going on from about everyone. About the only one who hasn't been in on the movement is Mike.
- Dick asked Daniele to get Jessica to support him. Daniele said she can influence anyone in the house except Kail, Mike, Zach, and Jen.
- Despite all of the anti-Zach talk, Jen seems to be deciding between putting Joe or Nick on the block. At the final call (could change), it sounds like she wants to put Joe on the block with her intent that Dick stays in the house.
- That would be fine by me. Go for it, Jenbootilicious.