<--- My eyes! My eyes! Jen is barely in her clothing first thing in the morning at breakfast! Call the authorities! Hide the children!
I personally think that Jessica has a more attractive body than Jen does. Jessica, despite her ditziness and voice, wears clothing. Her bathing suits are normal.
Here are the happenings so far today in that Big Brother house of Battling Bimbos and the Mimbos Who Love Them:
- Kail and Mike were the first two up and had quite a pow-wow. Kail is beginning to realize that they probably don't really have Nick in their alliance.
- She went on and on about how Joe had no one and they've struggled so hard for him and may not even have the five votes.
- They don't know where Eric, Jameka, or Jessica loyalties are.
- Kail told Mike he has to work on Zach and Nick to bring them around.
- They talked of setting up a secret signal to use while awaiting the live vote on Thursday.
- Kail thought that Daniele's crying last night may have been due to Dick. Mike didn't know, didn't volunteer his own thoughts.
- Kail told Mike that Jen told her she can get Eric to vote Dick out. (Not if we say he has to vote Joe out!)
- Nick told Kail he didn't know why Daniele was upset last night.
- Kail and Mike don't trust Nick and they're sure he'll vote Joe out.
- Kail and Mike want to work on Eric to secure his vote. (Ain't gonna happen!)
- Kail thinks Nick has three women who have fallen for him -- Daniele, Amber, and Jen.
- Half of the time Kail is rambling on to Mike, he's just nodding his head.
- Dick told Nick that Daniele was upset last night due to her personal situation between the boyfriend at home and her interest in him. Dick asked him not to say anything to Daniele, but thought he should know and wanted to give him a heads-up.
- Dick confronted Kail asking why she told him she was voting for him to stay, then campaigned for Joe. He was relentless, but didn't go all kinds of whacko on her. He called her a liar more than once. She just got antsy and defensive.
- Kail tried to use the situation to make folks vote Dick out.
- Joe tried to get Jameka to commit her vote, but she wouldn't. She's not saying she'll vote to keep Joe. She's just being noncommital - "If you do have it, remember me. If you don't have it, remember me." Um, okay.
- Jen worked on Zach to vote Dick out, but he refused. He said he can't be in the house with Joe.
- When Daniele told Nick he was acting crabby, he told her both sides were pushing him today.
- Zach told Nick that he was threatened by Kail, Jen, and Mike. Zach and Nick think they need to get Mike out of Kail's clutches.
- Jen told Zach that Amber campaigned to get him on the block. Nick told him that wasn't true.
- Zach and Nick are still planning to vote Joe out.
- Mike worked on Zach trying to get him to change his vote.
- Zach said he thinks Kail is becoming a liability. (What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson, Joltin' Joe has left and gone away... oh...oh...oh...)
- Jen got her HOH camera, so gameplay came to a still for the photo op.
All is still up in the air, but we know for sure the vote will be done live on tomorrow night's show... for some reason. Maybe they need a time filler?