Wednesday, July 25, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - And Amber Cried, The Video

I created this slideshow/video of screen caps and Zoetawny art, and set it to "Driven to Tears" by The Police. Thankfully, it's not ALL Amber as I don't take that many screen caps of her!


'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds News Into the Morning Hours 7/25

Although the hamsters are still all asleep as I write this, there were a few happenings which went down in the wee hours before they conked out.

Now, I think this week's America's Player is going to put Eric at odds with the rest of the house. Those who watch the feeds know that Mike is the actual target this week although Dick wants to make Kail worry and squirm. On that basis, in order to complete the task, Eric would have to go with a "push Mike out" campaign.

But the viewers want Kail out, not Mike. They apparently voted to have him go for a Kail removal. He's trying, but I think we set him up for failure and quite possibly have thrown him into a vote which might jeopardize him down the road. I guess we'll see how it all goes down.

In the end of the night before bed Dick Show, Dick once again told us that the target this week is Mike and he should be going home. Dick also thinks it would take a miracle for him and Daniele to be the final two. (I think he's right there!) He thinks Nick was responsible for the mustard on Jen's shirt and pillow and was amazed that no one cried during the entire day (that he knows about). He also thinks that something is going on with Amber, but can't put his finger on it.

All hamsters in deep sleep right now... this is a screen cap I took of Kail last night. Kail and Nick both bite their fingernails too much. It skeeves me to watch someone constantly chewing their fingernails. Make them stop. I might have to cry about it!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Tue. Into the Night Wed (7/25)

The houseguests play volleyball with the yard giraffe.

I wish I had a yard giraffe, don't you? Other kids may have a pony, but to have a giraffe...!

I'm sorry this is coming at you so late, but it covers the major events throughout the day on Tuesday into the wee hours of Wednesday morning from within that Big Brother House of You Done Did Me Wrong:
  • In the beginning of the day, Nick was called into the Diary Room and the audio remained on. BB was asking him if Dick's behavior was getting to the others in the house.
  • There's a group of houseguests still intent on burning to a crisp laying out on the backyard. They all want to be the darkest. Um. Okay, not my idea of a good time!
  • Dustin told Kail that Dick is pushing to get her out. He's apparently still playing to the plan -- the target is Mike and he knows it. Dick wanted everyone to act like Kail is still the target to mess with her gameplay.
  • Daniele and Dustin talked about previous seasons. Daniele hated Eric (Cappy) from season 6. (Well, she may be wiser beyond her years, eh?)
  • Amber loves the person she is today. @@ That confirms it. She is one odd duck. She'll cry again later.
  • Jen went on again to Amber about Kail being her "friend" for 19 days and never mentioning that she was in an alliance since the second day.
  • Eric found out about the nefarious doings of Nick and Dustin -- hiding his clothes piece by piece. Amber let it slip. While he said he'd get them back, I can't help but wonder if he might think that it has an America's Player kind of touch to it.
  • They're still having odor issues in the backyard. The ChenBat hasn't been seen, but I personally think one small dead bat in a yard couldn't cause that kind of smell. Perhaps a decomposing yard giraffe could.
  • Jen and Dick talked about sex. (Would that be oral if you just talk about it?)
  • In the evening they all chanted "beer" and BB gave them beer. Huh. I should try that with something more useful -- "good knee good knee good knee." Sigh. It doesn't work!
  • Dustin and Nick think Jen is spoiled, neither like her. What a surprise!
  • Daniele told Dustin that Kail told her she was going to give her all dirt on Nick in a heart-to-heart talk before she leaves.
  • Nick said, "Everyday Jen looks more like a transvestite." Well, yeah. An android transvestite!
  • They were talking about America's Choice (not that BB said anything -- they're just speculating). Amber thinks she's probably America's Favorite.
  • And Jackie cried. (In disbelief, of course!)
  • The guys played quarters beer game. Jameka was noticeably not playing.
  • Now they're playing volleyball as I get this posted.
What a waste of a day in the Big Brother house, huh? I haven't heard a mention of the voting yet, so I don't know if it will be taped on Wednesday or live on the live show Thursday. From the bits and pieces of game talk, it seems that Mike is still the target for eviction this week.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 7/24 Show Live-Blogged - East Coast Updates!

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Come one, come all! Put your Veto hats on and join the party. I'm live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast.

Please join in with your thoughts and comments. And, please forgive any typos or misspellings as I'm watching TV with a keyboard on my lap not looking at the monitor.

So far, we're into the recap. Jen thinks everyone hates her and she could go home as easily as Kail.

Zach is ready to do his streaking through the backyard. This gave the entire house ammo to use against him. Heh. They're hiding inside from him and stole his towel.

Kail and Jen were talking about the guys being vulnerable in POV -- Mike and Zach, that is. Kail feels she HAS to win.

Kail tells Dick she's the most loyal, passionate, non-judgmental person. Dick cut her off and told her that she's not playing the game well. He said she'd have to get POV and everyone wants her out. She tells him Jen is after Daniele. He point-blank tells her that she went after him, she lied to him and won't stay unless she gets the veto.

Eric recieved his task and found out the target is Jen. He's thrilled to know that America hates Jen as muvh as he does. He put the mustard on her Jensa Member shirt which was on her pillow. As I mentioned in the feeds that Jen wasn't all that upset. Dang, Eric looks guilty to me!

Veto player picking time has arrived -- Kail wants to pull Mike's ball. Hey, no gutter minds! Zach, Nick and Jessica are the players in addition to the two nominees and HOH. Dick warns Kail he'll do anytiing he can to get her out of the game.

Dick meets Jen in the storage room and told her she needs to save herself because she tried to throw Jen under the bus. Then he told Kail that he told Jen about it in front of Jen. "You're a liar and you're going home. You were going to throw her under the bus and you're going home."

Kail is shaking and uncomfortable. (I think it's likely that Amber is off crying just thinking of the drama unfolding before her in the house.)

Time for the Veto Comp -- Eric is the Mad Hatter. They all have costumes. It looks like a Mad Hatter's tea party! They all have oversized hats, must stand on a pedastal with a glass balanced on their heads. Kail's out almost immediately, rips off her costume, goes to bed and cried.

Heehee! The other are all in costume jeering them. Daniele said the plan was to leave Dick up last. Jessica is out. Nick is out. This is a hoot. Oh, no... zuma, zuma! Jen and Dick remain. Dick is telling Jen she won't go home. It's a standoff! She wants a guarantee she won't go home and Dick's words just don't do it. Kail notices that all of the others are after Jen and only Mike was working on Dick.

Kail and Dick team up for a plan. Mike says it shows he's still loyal to her. Jen asked why he wouldn't want them up together on the block. Dick told her Mike was for another time, Kail was for now.

Now it's to the "I don't care if I go up" bit from Mike. Mike told him it's just a game, no big deal. Dick stepped down, threw his glass down and told Mike he's on the block. Jen wins POV.

Mike thinks it shows how loyal and trustworthy he is. Dick thinks it could be a ticket home for him and as bad as pulling a Marcellas. He had been safe ... before.

Kail is now looking pensive. She thinks that if Mike goes on the block, she';; lay low.

And Kail cries.

It's in God's hands and she will pray for protection. @@

The HOH room has been taken over by Nick, Zach and Jen. Nick got the others out. Dick asked Zach to stay out of the HOH room unless he's in there. Dick wants Amber to go evacuate the room and get the key back, but he ends up ding it. Dick told Nick the last thing he wants to see is Jen and Zach up there together. He tells us he thinks Nick, Jen and Zach are working together.

Nick tells him that he likes his daughter and it's messing with his head. Daniele interrupts, but Dick told her he's in a conversation.

Daniele tells Dick that every person in the house is mad. He's talking down to everyone in the house and it's not fair to her. Dick confronts her about the alliance with Nick and others. Now Daniele doesn't want to talk about it. "I won't hang out with him anymore!"


Now Daniele pouts and Dick sullenly smokes. He approaches her. Dick told her he'd like to try family counseling after the show.

Dick goes to Eric and Jameka about his uneasiness with Nick.

It's time for Jen's decision. The JenBot (thanks ORKMommy!) shows she knows the game. She's playing a bit dumb. KAil said she didn't expect her to use it on her. Jen is actually kind of funny as she talks to herself about why she should save herself. Dick says he's going to do something unexpected...

"Daniele.... I'm going to nominate Mike."

Kail is more upset that Mike is there than Mike is.

America's Player - Who do you want Eric to get evicted from the Big Brother house?

(Yeah, like one vote is going to help, eh?)

Tonight, Tonight...

As I squeal my brakes coming home much later from work than I should be ...

I'll be live-blogging tonight's taped Big Brother 8 starting when it starts at 9 PM here on the East Coast. The post will continuously be updated throughout the hour. Everyone's welcome to drop on by, count how many times Amber cries and have at it in the comments!

Later tonight, I'll be posting the recap of the major feeds events of the day.

And Amber Cried rules!

Oh. Bring snacks and beverages, please!