Uh-oh. Kail is getting buff!
Here's what's happened since I last updated ... or the important things, anyway!
- Dick messed with the kitchen faucet again and Daniele was the victim once again.
- Amber thinks Daniele is rude to her.
- They got beer and played beer pong.
- Daniele asked Amber why she's mad at her. Amber denied that she is. (Argh... make Amber go away!)
- Daniele, not convinced by Amber's denial, asked Eric what she had been saying about her.
- They were talking about whether there's a twist in the game to come. Jessica said there was and "it's you, Eric!" Eric just said, "Yep." They think he's joking.
- Eric, Jessica and Dick talked about Amber's emotional instability. They also discussed Dustin needing to go home before long.
- America must have voted to have Eric say, "I'd do that for a dollar!" He's started saying it and told Dick that he was going to keep saying it because he's tired of Amber's repeated expressions.
- Dustin practiced what he'll say at the POV ceremony when he puts Nick on the block.
Oh, my.
I'm glad Zach isn't looking at me like that. It's no wonder that he creeps Jameka out.
He looks like he's ready to explode, doesn't he?
Sundays are usually fairly quiet in the house as there are no comps and nothing is really happening. But, of course, I have a few tidbits to share with you. I always do!
Here are the afternoon into evening happenings from that Big Brother House of Serial Killers in the Making:
- Zach told Dustin that if he puts him up and he goes home, he won't respect him as a person because they had a deal. (What Zach fails to see is they never did have a deal. He talked, but I never saw Dustin promise him anything.)
- Zach thinks that if another male is removed from the game, the women will rule the house. Then he pushed his Evict Dick bit to Dustin. What? Is Dick one of the girls?
- Dustin reported the Zach conversation to Amber. (Until he stops confiding in Amber, I think I'm going to have to write off Dustin as a Mimbo.)
- Jessica told Daniele that if Nick goes home this week she'll let her have Zach. Snicker.
- Amber is still upset with Dustin about yesterday's POV comp. (Calling Dustin! Look! See! Dump!)
- Amber went to Jameka and relayed the Zach/Dustin conversation.
- Dick pointed out that Jen doesn't take many (if any) showers.
- Zach went to Nick to try to get info about who's going up. Nick told him he had no idea. Zach muttered about lies and left.
- Zach tried to talk game with Eric and Eric told him "later."
- Dustin lied to Jen telling her that Dick is pushing for the veto not to be used.
- Dustin asked Jen if Dick has an alliance with Kail. Huh? Even I can't figure out where he's heading with that one.
- Jen put on her Jenitard again. Oy.
- Dustin keeps trying to get back in Amber's good graces. Ew.
- Zach stared a lot, but stopped trying to talk game to people.
And, there ya go. A thrill a minute. It still looks like Nick will go on the block and be the target this week.
After Big Brother ends on Sunday night, the network television fodder consists of flimsy repeats. With the shows I actually enjoy, I don't necessarily want to see them again so soon. Yeah, I'm the type of person who loves to rewatch episodes of Law and Order from ten years ago rather than from the past season. In ten years, I want to see those episodes!So, I checked out two shows on cable tonight. One I think is a keeper, the other is just odd.Design Star airs at 9 PM Sunday evenings here. While I missed the premiere last week (as well as the show's party in Times Square which I just couldn't make), this was actually the first week of the competition. This is the show which I deem the keeper -- the contestants are eclectic (as is my own designing scheme although it's cluttered eclectic) and it was interesting to see what they did with the spaces given to them.A few of the contestants were a bit off the wall. In some cases it worked, like the guy who put the quarter-pipe skateboard ramp in the living area. In others, it was just bizarre.I was surprised that my own reactions really were similar to those of the judges. I have no experience in design and my own place is the epitome of the lack of skills. But, it must be aesthetics, I guess. I just didn't get the space the one sent home designed. It confused me.I'll probably be watching this one each week, but due to time I won't be able to review it weekly. The show's website is right here. It's creative and, for the most part, unlike Big Brother -- these folks seem to be driven to succeed.Then there's The Two Coreys on A&E at 10 PM. Now, that's just a bit odd. I watched it partly because I was a huge Lost Boys film fan. (I really need to get my DVD out and watch it again.) I know both Coreys have been through a lot of personal demons since the movie. But, in the 20 years, Feldman has an annoying wife and Haim is himself annoying.I don't like either of them much. I want that hour of my life back, please.

The show is starting here on the East Coast. Right now it's still in recap mode. But, as it airs I'll update this post with the happenings. Please refresh the page to see the latest!
As always, with the live-blogging, please forgive any typos and misspellings. I'm not a JenBot! ;-)
And, as always, feel free to give me your reactions in the comments section! Hip-waders ready? Let's get to it!
Evel (or just a guy named ED) is accusing Jen of being the second vote for Kail to go. The house is in an uproar over that second vote. Jen? Nick? Anybody but Eric, eh? Amber thinks that Nick is playing both sides, Dustin also thinks it was Nick. Actually, though Eric isn't my favorite player, he did do that one well. No one suspects him at all.
Amber cried because she's so happy Dustin won HOH. Kail makes the word "toward" into two distinct syllables. Jen thinks she's "all right" with Dustin as HOH. The HOH room is a celebration indeed. His graduation pictues and family photos. Amber smiles. Kail thinks his parents look like they accept Dustin for who he is. Um, okay. That sort of should be a given with parents. Hey, Kail, he's gay. He's not committing crimes or a druggie or a thief.
Oh, gosh... now Dustin's crying.
Amber said she thinks the same of her dog (if not more) that she does her daughter. Ack. Dick called her on it. I have two cats I love dearly, but sheesh! If I had a child, I'd have to put the child before my pet! Dick has a point. When you don't have children or your children are grown, that's when your pets step in the role. They're a part of the family, but even I (a true pet lover) would have to say your children should always come first! Of course, I'm one who thinks lots of folks have children who shouldn't even have pets, but... that's another topic for another day!
Dick told us about the Dick at Night Show -- something I always look forward to on the feeds. He rigged the kitchen faucet to spray and caught Daniele.
Zach tells a story about a weird offensively twisted thing he did at a comics convention. Now, I'm a comics fan. I've been to comics conventions. The most notable thing I've seen was a bunch of Klingons eating at Horton Plaza in San Diego. So, this leads onto how annoyed the HG are at Zach.
More on the Dick and Daniele relationship. I really have to take Dick's side a bit more than Daniele's. However, I don't think the BB house is quite the place to work out their problems. Dick is certainly trying to make amends. You can tell he loves his daughter.
I feel uncomfortable watching these bits. It's like BB is having cash flow due to their very real problems. I do think Dick really cares a lot, though. And, for Daniele, he can't be an easy guy to have as a father, but hopefully she knows deep down inside that he loves her.
Now Eric is teaching Jessica how to dance. He actually flipped her and caught her. He's so not ready for Dancing With the Stars.
The food comp is on -- The Humpty Scramble, they're paired up. Ericc and Zach, Nick and Daniele, Kail and Evel. They're costumed up. Humpty Dumpty bottom and his legs, puzzle pieces. Dustin, looking like the Imperial Margarine King, eplained the rules. Jameka and Jessica are partners.
Jessica and Jameka finished first and won the competition. They get to choose five subjects to be placed on slop for the remainder of the week. They chose Dick because he hadn't been on slop. He also had volunteered to do so on the feeds. They chose Zach after acting like they were going to Eric. They chose Zach because Jameka doesn't like him. Kail. Nick next. Jen. JenBot is happy about it it becuase it may control her weight.
Dick started asking Jen if she had a boob job. She looks confused.. She won't confirm or deny the boob job. But she keeps looking at her chest as if it will tell her.
Dustin talks to Kail and she gives him advice. @@ She wants to win him over. "Kail is a tool for me. She's weak, feeble, desperate and annoying... and I'm in a position of power."
It's Jensa Member's turn to talk to Dustin. He accuses her of voting to evict Kail as the second vote. She denies it. She said maybe the same person did both deeds -- the mustarding and the vote. She said if he puts Zach up against anyone, he'll go home.
As America's Player, Eric should get Jen nominated for eviction. Eric puts it out as fact that Jen and Zach were the two votes against the house wishes. Kail and Jen, Nick and Zach... the pairings which must leave the house.
America's Player: Which catch phrase should Eric get going in the house?
Sweet chicken!
I'd do that for a dollar!
Well, that's pretty stupid. I want the phrase to be "And Amber cried."
It's time for Dustin to make his decision. Zach is confident and almost threatening in his DR bit to us. Kail is worried. Nick feels safe.
The key order:
Based on competitiveness and strategy... Amber is safe. Jessica is safe. Dick is safe. Jameka is safe. Nick is safe. Zach is safe. Daniele is safe. Eric is safe.
Jen and Kail nominated. Jen -- strong competitor, Kail -- questionable behavior over the past week.
Dustin tells us that Kail is not a pawn and he wants her to go home. JenBot cries.
OMG - In the last shot of the show Kail has this odd pasted smile on her face like a mix of Betty White's Sue Ann Nivens (sp?) character on Mary Tyler Moore and a Stepford Wife.
I'm gonna have nightmares tonight!
<--- Dustin goes for the mandana with the nasty grey v-neck look as he talks with Zach.
Zach thinks this eviction would be the perfect opportunity to get Dick out of the house. He also thinks that if he himself goes up against Kail, he (Zach) would go home. Zach also thinks that Kail has "made a deal with the Devil" -- Dick. Dustin isn't committing anything to Zach as they talk, though.
He SO needs a fashion designer. I'm not one to talk, but I refrain from television appearances!
Here are the day's happenings so far from inside that Big Brother House of No Guts No Glory: - Amber cried. Feeling betrayed by Dustin's doings in the POV competition, told Jameka it will be herself, Eric, Jameka, and Jessica in the Final Four. Well, I can see possibilities for three of them in there, but tough luck Amber. She has to wear thin enough on the others well before then to get booted. Please!
- Daniele thinks she should tell Nick he's going home after Monday's POV ceremony.
- Kail thinks Jessica will never win a comp but has a great strategy -- eats, sleeps, drinks, and doesn't make enemies. Kail wishes she had thought of that first.
- Jen thinks that if Jessica wins a HOH, she won't put her up because she wants to use her outside of the house as a modeling contact.
- Jen said that Vanna White's house (where she is a nanny) has an indoor theater, maid quarters, and a wine cellar.
- Kail thinks Dick is wealthy, Jen thinks he isn't. (But does Jen know Kail owns a town?)
- Jen thinks NY is dirty "like a third-world country." (Argh! Just when I was sort of kind of liking her! NYC is SO much cleaner than it was in the 60s and 70s, so much safer than it was in those decades and the 80s, and DIVERSITY in cultures does NOT make for a "third world country." Grr.)
- Kail actually asked Jen if Vanna White and her family go to church regularly. Whose business would that be? Jen shouldn't have answered the question, but told her they didn't -- that it's hard for a celebrity to do something like that.
- Nick asked Dustin if he thought Jameka would use the veto. Dustin said she's a woman of her word and he's sure she will use it.
- Nick asked him if he was putting Zach on the block in Jen's place. Dustin told him he was pretty sure he would.
- Eric thinks that they're all in the house because they failed the pre-screen psychological testing. Heh.
- Eric tried to work his ways in getting in on the good side of Daniele. He actually wanted to get her to stop from telling Nick that he will be voted out. But, it's all about trust, right?
- Dustin told Zach he'd put up either him, Dick, Daniele, or Nick if Jameka uses the veto. (Looks like Nick still -- it's just no way is Dustin telling either Nick or Zach beforehand!)
Those are the major events from the day so far. Please stop back as I live-blog the show tonight as it airs here on the East Coast. It starts at 8 PM, bring your umbrellas as it's been very stormy here today. Oh, bring your hip-waders, too. Not only for the floodwaters, but for what the HG and show producers will be spreading about!