According to graphic artist Zoetawny, Jameka consulted her Bible before making the decision to use the veto to save Jen from eviction!
I apologize that today's reporting has been so haphazard, but here are the events of the day from that Big Brother House of Not-So-Veiled Threats:
- In the morning, Zach was pretty sure he'd be the one going up on the block with Kail.
- Amber had changed her mind about pressing Dustin to keep Nick. When they discussed putting Nick up, she told Dustin that she'll just play it off if Nick asks her. She also told Dustin that she thinks that Daniele tipped Nick off.
- Dustin plans to tell Nick it was a group decision to put him up with a 4-3 split which he wouldn't divulge.
- Daniele went to Dustin and told him she was having trouble not telling Nick.
- There possibly was a banner plane, but the HG were inside on lockdown.
- Nick got nominated.
- And Amber cried.
- And cried.
- And cried.
- Nick tried to comfort her, but you would think he'd be the one who needs comforting! Sheesh.
- Nick was a bit defensive in the beginning -- he went to Dick and company accusing them of not telling him when they knew it would happen.
- He briefly lit into Dustin, but then changed to acceptance.
- Dustin gave Nick a Mohawk haircut. He also cut Zach's hair, but not into a Mohawk.
- Dick verbally attacked Jen telling her he wished her a "long slow death" and called her all kinds of vulgar things. He claims she used Jameka and forced her to use the veto.
- Jen joined up with Kail and searched the guidelines book to see if Dick broke any rules. Apparently the Diary Room didn't think he did. (One thing I want to mention here. I could be off-base, but I think this could be all an act between the two of them. Some days ago, they were talking about working together. Could this blow-up be a ruse to throw off everyone else? After all, Dick WANTED Jameka to use the veto. He WANTED Nick out instead of Jen. I find the whole thing a bit too much.)
- Eric told Jen to put the book away. "He won't be thrown out."
- Jen went on about how she thinks Dick will hit her and if he hits her in the face it could ruin her career.
- Jen went on to say that Dick isn't safe outside the house. She knows people who will hurt him. (See? This is getting a bit contrived, methinks.)
- Kail got told several times, then yelled at, by BB to put on her mic. She wasn't on a feed at the time, so I'm not sure what was up. She was with Jen at the time.
- Amber told Kail she reacted to the Dick/Jen incident so strongly because she's so sheltered. Jameka disagreed -- said someone needs to talk to Dick.
- Amber said that if the 500 people behind the walls didn't intervene, they must not have thought it a large threat. (Odd that Amber of all people is sticking up for Dick, eh?)
- Dustin told Eric that Jen told him that Dick had once wanted to make an alliance with her as no one would suspect them. Jameka said she'd suspect them.
- Jen says she wants a restraining order against Dick. (I think it's all a scheme!)
- Nick feels he will be evicted this week and genuinely seems to want to just relax. He wants to eat, too. "What can they do? Give me a penalty nomination?" But he asked ... they would take his stipend.
- Eric says that right now if he left, he will have earned $3000 for the month.
- Eric again confessed to the mustard and told them they could call him The Mustard King. No one believes him! He also told them (Jameka, Dustin, and Amber) that it's likely there's going to be an odd vote each time until the numbers are down and the person won't be able to get away with it.