I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
It's nearly 6 AM in the house as I get this posted and the Late Night Crew is still up. Separated a bit, but up. Jameka, Jessica, and Eric are in one room while Daniele and Dick are in the backyard.
Here are the more interesting events from that Big Brother House Flip-Flopping Focus:
Daniele and Dick were talking about backdooring Eric would be the only way to get him out because he'd freak out. Dick said he wants Eric in the game longer, though.
Dick and Daniele were in the backyard when Nick joined them. Nick snapped at Daniele for always interrupting when he tries to talk and walked away.
Zach asked Nick if it was okay if he worked to save him in the house. Nick said he could go for it.
Zach thought he could work on Jessica as Jessica really doesn't like Kail. Zach also seemed to have some ulterior motives in getting closer to Jessica. (Can you imagine that?)
Jessica was pleasant enough to him, but didn't commit her vote.
Nick and Daniele fought. She thinks he doesn't care about her feelings; he says he just wants to enjoy his last few days in the house.
Nick thinks he's in the position he is because he's so personable and everyone approached him to be in an alliance, now it's backfired.
Nick asked Jameka if she was one who wanted him on the block. Dick said it was a group decision for strategic reasons.
Dick told Nick that he can't trust Dustin if the vote's a tie.
Dick is waffling again -- he told Nick he wants Kail gone this week and has mentioned it to the others, too.
Jen thinks she has a gap between her two front teeth. So she enlisted Kail's help in tying them together with dental floss. @@!
Eric and Dick mocked Dustin's CD. (Miko)
Jessica believes everyone in the LNC will vote Nick out this week.
Here's an odd tidbit -- Jameka had bones removed from her feet to change her shoe size from a 9 to a 6 1/2. That's just weird!
Eric talked to Jessica about Dick -- he feels his temper is getting worse and they should seriously consider getting him out of the house.
Eric said he doesn't really want HOH because the goodies basket would mean so much more to others. Jessica, for example, would get news of her brother in Iraq.
Jessica and Eric both think that Amber will cry if she's not the one chosen to receive a phone call from home (when that time comes) Well, duh. Amber would cry at the mention of home!
Dick talked to Daniele. He thinks something isn't quite right with Eric and he can't be trusted. He thinks the producers talk to him in the Diary Room and give him information. "Something is up," he says. Watch out, America's Player! Dick has an inkling!
Eric is adamant that Nick will be going home this week. America's Player? I'd find that surprising. He may be just trying to cover for an odd Kail Go Home vote this week. I think America would go for Kail leaving more than a Nick leaving vote. Eric's already mentioned that he thinks someone is going to vote against the crowd until the numbers are down.
There ya go. They're STILL up, so we can expect a lot of sleeping today.
Welcome one, welcome all! This post will be constantly updated throughout the show as it airs here in the NYC area. Since it's in that format, please forgive typos and mispellings. See! I misspelled mispellings! :-)
The recap is still going on right now as I get this up...
Jen is crying ... well, it's her original cry. Not a new cry. Dustin told Kail that neither Jen or Kail are his targets. His target is Zach. Kail asked him what will happen if neither win, he said Jen goes home.
Then he tells us Kail shouldn't trust him. If Jen, Kail, Zach or Nick go home, he'll be content.
Amber told Dustin that Nick is playing Jen because he's comforting her over her nomination "hurt." Amber is pushng Dustin for a backdoor of Nick.
It's time for the Veto Competition. Kail, Dustin, Jen play and they choose --- Dustin/Daniele, Jen/Jameka, Kail/Jessica. Kail look disgusted. Eric is the host. And, as we know from the feeds, it's several hours before the comp.
Jameka told Jen that she will do her best to win for her. Jameka told Dick that she would remove Jen from the block because she is playing for her -- Jen pulled her ball. She went all into the predestined God's will explanation. Dick is right when he talks to us and says God probably has better things to do.
Veto comp is on. Eric has a beret on and is attempting a French accent. They all don berets and go to the Big Brother art gallery. Whine... er... wine as Amber's not there, and chees for all. Vincent Van Veto, BB slogans. They will earn BB Bucks for each masterpiece completed.
The first one went to Daniele although it looked like SpongeBob Squarepants on a house. Daniele won the second one, too. Ack, Daniele got eliminated with a wrong answer. Kail is in the lead. Now items are for sale. A trip for 2 to Barbados ... Dustin takes it. Daniele glared at him. Jessica tells us how mad she was. Dick think's he's a jhackass.
Kail answered wrong and was eliminated. Dustin is in the lead, plus he has a trip. They offer 5,000 dollars for the price of $1500 BB Bucks. Dustin does it again! Everyone almost dies.
Amber cries.
Dick thinks Jen answered wrong just so Jameka would win (as she was in the lead). Jameka regrets telling her she'd save her and thinks Jen threw the last question.
Dick asked Dustin why he took the trip, calling it selfish. Amber's mad at Dustin, too. She asks Jameka again about taking Jen off the block. The church music starts.
Amber cries.
Even Eric thinks Dustin made a fool of himself.
Dick confronted Jen about throwing the comp so Jameka would win.
America's Player -- The catch phrase is indeed "I'd do that for a dollar." He got a few to say it, then told Dick about using it to mock Amber's sayings.
Dick explains the LNC. Daniele, Dick, Dustin, Amber, Eric, Jessica, Jameka. They decide Nick will go up on the block in Jen's place. Eric wants Nick to go because he's a fierce competitor. Daniele would prefer Jen stay on the block and go home.
Whoa. Jessica spoke smartly!
Jameka thinks Zach should go because he's sahdy to everyone and a nobody.
It's time for Jameka to stare at the Memory Wall. Anyone who was nominated "has a dream." Zach doesn't think Dustin will put him on the block. Nick and Kail think Zach will go on the block.
Veto meeting -- Jen says everything happens for a reason and I really enjoy being here... twice. Kail won't ask her to use it over her friend. Jameka - Actions speak louder than words -- cut to a nervous Dustin. Jameka saves Jen.
Dustin nominates Nick and says there are people who have been playing both sides. Nick looks a bit surprised. Daniele looks more surprised.
Daniele cries.
Amber cries.
Kail thinks everyone loves Nick. Jen is upset that he put up Nick.
Who do we want Eric to get evicted? Now, we know that Kail is actually the pawn and the house is on a Nick go route now.
So much more than just a pretty face, right? He's not only HOH, he's MoH -- Mohawk Hairdresser! Another Zoetawny graphic! I'll be live-blogging tonight's show as it airs here on the East Coast. It starts at 9 PM tonight, so I'll get a post going around that time and update it throughout the show. As always, you're all invited to discuss the show in the comments. There are a few rules, though.
You may not throw iced tea on each other. Only water is allowed.
If you must refer to a part of either the male or female anatomy, please substitute the word AH-OOO-GAH instead of crude non-creative descriptors.
Play nice with each other or Zach will sit across from you and stare at you for extended periods of time.
No mustarding!
No singing and no talking about friends who haven't signed the release forms.
The beverage cart is your friend, be kind to it.
No Jello in the hot tub.
In lieu of the Bible, the only reading material is an old Archie comicbook. Live with it.
If you make a mess, clean it up. Your mother doesn't work here!
Here are the more intriguing events from today in that Big Brother House of Weebles Wobble But They Don't Fall Down:
Since most of the houseguests were up all night (or most of it) once again, the early risers were Kail and Nick -- at about 11 AM their time.
Eric's new black hairdo is a fauxhawk. I guess he's not as committed as Nick.
Daniele thinks Dustin is like Marcellas except with a crown.
Jen antagonized Dick.
Dick antagonized Jen.
Eric did pretty well with "I'd do that for a dollar!" I think that will be a task completed for him. Anyone keeping score? He gets $10,000 for every five completed tasks.
Dick made nasty comments about Jen.
Jen said one of her goals is to be more empathetic.
Dick is trying to get discussion going about keeping Nick and ousting Kail.
Eric isn't keen on the idea of Nick staying.
Dick told Dustin it would make more sense to get Jen out of the house before Zach.
Dustin asssured Kail she won't go home Thursday. He told her if it's a tie, he'll vote to send Nick home.
That's about it for now! See you in about an hour!
Last night was surreal. If you haven't done so already, check out the video I posted in my previous entry.
Here's what's happened since the tea-pouring:
Someone asked if Jen cried. She didn't. What's even stranger is that she didn't even rinse her hair or change her top. She sat talking to Kail and went a bit robotic once again.
The rest of the houseguests really don't seem to have much reaction at all to the incident.
Amber is now in Dick's court. How odd.
Dustin thinks that Dick is "fracturing" their group. He feels they must focus on their targets.
Daniele and Dick think that Jameka is a hypocrite because she said she won't use a veto again. Dick also thinks that Dustin showed his true self when he gave up for the prizes at the POV comp.
Most agree that Kail is clueless.
Dick said he won't dump any more tea on anyone, but didn't apologize to Jen.
Eric's hair is now dyed black.
Dick now claims he'll vote to get rid of Nick for the group, but it's not best for strategic reasons. (Then why did he push for it for so long? He wanted Nick on the block and gone!)
Eric and Jen had a long talk. Eric told her to hang in, she has never been the target. Jen wants to ally with Eric, Jameka, and Jessica.
Now even I'm confused. Daniele lit into Jen about being rude to her, Nick has joined Dick in the Jen-abuse, and Dick dumps iced tea on her head. I caught it all on video and sent it on to YouTube. Warning - rough language alert!