Jen and Kail are still in, as is Daniele. Jessica is still in it, too. It sounds like none of the guys are and I only see the girls.
Dick is heckling Jen and Kail while encouraging Jessica and Daniele. Ja
meka is out of it, too.
The feeds are still blocked, which is very unusual. Jokers Updates is reporting that they contacted the producers and there have been technical difficulties. Once they fix them, the feeds should resume and I'll be posting updates.
I thought the pendulums were a bit jerky.
As I post this, the feeds are still blocked with trivia and theme music. When they come back on, I'll post an update. From that point on, I'll post a quick update if someone is out or something odd happens. If there is no news, I'll post that information on the hour.
Stay tuned!
The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be doing quick updates on important happenings as they air.
Stay tuned.
So far it's only been the whole group dance, then solos by the girls. Now the guys are doing their solos Still no announcement of the bottom listing.
Sara is in the bottom two girls, Lacey is safe. Lauren joins Sara in the bottom two, Sabra is safe (as she should be!).
Danny is safe, Neil is in the bottom two guys. Pasha is safe, Dominic joins Neil in the bottom two guys.
One Republic is performing "Apologize."
Sara is going home tonight. Dominic is going home, too. He really did so much better than I thought he would this season!

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry throughout the show as it airs. Forgive any typos or misspellings, I'm human!
Cool Zoetawny graphic, eh? So far there has been a recap and Amber is crying. Dustin tells Kail she's apawn and he has more than four people supporting him. Nick is pretty sure he's going to go. I wish they'd get off the recapping! Nick is talking to Dick and Eric about the nomination and Zach interrupted. Amber is crying. She denies knowing he would be put on the block. Sniffle, sniffle, wah, wah. Daniele admits to him that she knew, but couldn't figure out how to tell him. He's mad. But at least she was honest. Now it's to the confrontation with Dustin. It's toned down and they didn't show the cussing he did. Dick confronts Jen about his idea that she forced Jameka to use the veto. She's holding her own. Daniele is talking to Eric when Jen comes in and says nasty things about Daniele's father. Daniele is very uncomfortable with that. They showed Nick shaving his own hair, but Dustin did it! I know he did. Tea scene! Notice Amber just stands there all through it. They're doing the nominee thoughts from the Diary Room. Amber cries. Nick is trying to go for the Trust Card. He thinks he may be able to garner enough votes as he talks to Amber. I can't believe they don't show Dustin curring Nick's hair, but show him cutting Eric's! I have SCREEN CAPS! Why would they edit that out? America's Player is a dissapointment to Eric -- America voted for Kail to go. He wants Nick out and knows the house does, too. We've put him in a spot. He's doing his best and does his Pros of Kail Leaving Talk to the LNC. Dick and Daniele seem to be hedging on the take Nick out vote. It's into the living room. They did indeed all say HI, Babe to Julie as Jameka suggested. Julie didn't even notice. Julie asked Jen about the glass of tea. She said "whatever." She's not surprised at anything. Jameka doesn't know why God chose her to be in the house. More pre-vote DR talks. Very odd -- Jameka said she wanted to keep Kail because she keeps the dishes all in place. What a reason! Dustin is doing his HOH talk with Julie -- he has some regrets about the position Jameka is in, but will be happy to go to Barbados with his girlfriend. Girlfriend, eh? He says Dic goes a bit too far, but he took all of the heat off of him this week. The vote is coming soon -- Kail pleads her case -- appreciates friendships and looks forward to more good times? Nick says he knows the votes are set in stone already, and that he's smitten with Daniele. Aw. The votes are-- Jen votes to evict Nick. Zach votes to evict Kail. Jameka votes to evict Nick. Commercial break. Eric's turn. He tells us he started again on Kail and he does want Kail and Jen out of the house. Jessica votes to evict Nick. Amber votes to evict Nick... holds back tears. Dick votes to evict Nick, regrettably. Daniele votes to evict Nick looking very uncomfortable. Julie is revealing the vote -- apparently BB talked Kail out of the BB house. By a vote of 6 to 2, Nick is voted out. Amber cries. Daniele consoles her. Wow, the volume went low for Julie's interview. She's asking him about the spare vote he was blamed for. Eric is shown admitting it and the America's Player twist. He shows the mustarding. Nick thinks it's funny. The goodbye messages are on... nice so far. Amber cries. Daniele tells him how much he means to her. Ohh... a shot of twisted cat clocks on pedestals in the backyard. It seems it could be an endurance comp! Time for the live HOH comp -- to the backyard! "Time's Up" -- each HG has to climb onto a clock pendulum and sit there. Fall off and you're eliminated. The pendulums are being raised. The pendulums are moving back and forth. Eric's next America's Player assignment Which houseguest should Eric get nominated. It's a night of surprises, Julie says. Another one is coming up. Now they have to hang like bats upside down -- they do have some kind of strap to help them. They have fake crows above them pooping what looks like soap suds. Once the feeds return, I'll be posting reports when folks drop out or, if nothing occurs, I'll post a report on the hour to let you know.