Saturday, August 04, 2007

'Big Brother 8 - Live Feeds Report - Saturday, Aug. 4

Just a couple of bunnies hanging out in the kitchen, eh? Today's been quite a day in the Big Brother house. For more detail on the POV comp, check out my previous post. This one will cover the rest of the day and other odd POV tidbits which have been being discussed by the houseguests.

Here's today's report from the Big Bunny House:
  • Eric and Jessica were up until nearly 5:30. BB woke everyone up at around 9 AM. It would be nice if they got a clue, huh?
  • Keep in mind this happened before the POV comp -- Dustin told Jessica and Amber that he told Kail not to trust Daniele and Dick. They then discussed the POV options to protect both Eric and Dustin as they feel they're in danger of being backdoored.
  • Kail told Jen that Dustin told her not to trust them. She wanted to tell Daniele, but Jen told her not to.
  • Dick told Jessica that now Kail should be the one to go home if the nominations remain the same. She said okay. He also said someone kept leaking info to Kail. (Duh, Dick. Dustin!)
  • Dick accused Zach of doing something or saying something to Kail and Zach got upset with him.
  • Pre-POV, Dick was on a real anti-Kail kick. It might have something to do with Jen mending fences with Daniele. Or, as it was brought out much later by Jen -- the DR talked to Dick about his actions and behavior towards her.
  • Dick accused Kail of throwing Jen under the bus. Um, okay. The guy has a screw loose. He must.
  • Dick had beer before 11 AM. The breakfast of champions!
  • Eric asked Jameka if he goes on the block, does he have her word that she, Jessica, Dustin, and Amber have his back? She said he has her word, but I don't know how she can promise for the rest of them.
  • Dick tried to intimidate Kail and Jen before the veto comp.
  • Pre-veto, Dick and Daniele talked. They decided they want to get Kail out of the house because they think Dustin, Amber, and Eric are working with her.
  • Daniele doesn't think they can trust Jen, but may be able to use her to their advantage.
  • Dick threw some of Jen's stuff over the wall in the backyard. For revenge, she threw his cigarettes in the pool. Not all of them, but...!
  • The POV took place. I made an error in my post about it (which I'll fix), but Jameka did NOT take the 10,000. That's not why she was crying. She was crying because she gave up the chance at HOH for five weeks and won't hear from her family or get photos. No one took the ten grand.
  • And, in the POV, Jen stands to lose half of everything she may win in the game. So, if she takes first place, it's cut in half.
  • The Bunny People have to only slop their group, not innocent bystanders.
  • Dustin was out early in the POV comp.
  • The hourly wake-up/slop heads only lasts 24 hours; the Bunny People wear the costume until the live show.
  • The consensus amongst the POV players is that it was the most brutal POV comp in all the seasons of the show.
  • Daniele thinks Jen just wants 15 minutes of fame, doesn't care about the money and doesn't want to be in sequester for the jury. She thinks she may use the POV to save Kail. If she does, it will be Jen going home.
  • Dick and Daniele are worried that they won't have enough votes to evict Eric if he's up against Kail.
  • Dick thinks Eric flipped out too much over the HOH comp banner plane -- by denying he's a liar. (What about Amber who cried and cried that she's not a liar? Are they so immune to her crying that they didn't see she freaked out, too?)
  • Dustin told Eric and Amber that Dick already threw them both under the bus -- Eric's the leak and Amber's the one who pushed for Nick to go.
  • Dick, Daniele, and Jessica don't think Jen lies. (Yeah, right.)
  • Daniele and Dick want to "expose" Eric. (Do they think they're living in a vacuum?)
  • Kail asked Eric why Dustin didn't put Dick up if he was such a threat. Eric told her that Nick was more of a threat with more connections in the house.
  • Eric told Kail that if Daniele puts up anyone other than Zach in Jen's place, she's probably going home.
  • Jen told Daniele that she knows Mike Boogie, but she doesn't like him. (Yeah, right!)
  • Both Jessica and Jameka seem to be leaning in favor of anyone other than Daniele and Dick although they haven't blown any cover with them.
  • Jen told Dick that it was she who was getting the information from the LNC (last time -- Late Night Crew) and leaking it to Kail.
  • Dick and Jen sort of called a truce. He wouldn't yell at her anymore.
  • Dick yelled at Jen.
  • Dick wants everyone to call out Eric at once. Um... odd.
  • Jessica and Jameka once again told Eric not to worry -- that he has the votes to stay.
  • Then it seems Jessica changed her mind while talking to Jen ... or was saying that Eric played her for the benefit of Dick and Daniele. (Everybody's story changes dependent on to whom they're talking.)
Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Argh. This is all so confusing! I honestly feel that more people really don't care for Dick, but accept Daniele. I don't know for sure if the Eric, Dustin, Amber, Jessica, Jameka block is really falling apart or whether they're just telling people what they want to hear. I really think that if Eric is on the block with Kail, it would be Kail going home. But I'm not certain. Argh. At least Zoetawny is flying a banner for Eric!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds POV Competition Update

Jen won POV (sigh). It sounds like an interesting comp (which was blocked to the feeds, of course).

Here are other POV comp happenings they talked about:
  • There are bunny suits involved.
  • Jameka prayed and asked for forgiveness from God while crying.
  • She feels that way because she sold out - she gave up her chance to compete in HOH comps for five weeks and won't get letters or photos from home as a result.
  • Kail is on slop -- will be for the remainder of the game.
  • Kail, Jen, Zach and Daniele had on bunny suits which they must wear for a week. (Better than Zach in a unitard!)
  • Jameka and Kail can't compete for HOH for either 4 or 5 weeks.
  • Kail wants Jen to tell Daniele to put Dick up or she's going home.
  • Eric is freaking out because he knows they plan on backdooring him.
  • Dick is still at Daniele to put Eric on the block in Jen's place.
  • Daniele says that Jen has to use the veto, Eric will go up and then the alliance would have to choose between evicting Kail or Eric.
  • Jen supposedly gave up some prize money to win the veto.
  • Daniele is worried that Jen will save Kail with the veto, then she (Jen) will go home. (I don't think Jen is that dumb. She'll save herself.)
  • The Bunny People have to dump "manure" on peoples' heads every hour tonight

That covers the POV -- more details on the day itself and stray POV stuff will be posted a bit later tonight!

Latest up on TV Squad

Yes, once again...! My latest update can be read on TV Squad! The more the merrier!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Into Saturday Morning 8/04

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Daniele hung in there for the HOH comp, but how will she handle her week in power?

So far, it seems that she'll be doing it with no real imagination. Her nominees are the same two who have been up the last two weeks, only the backdoor plan is different.

After the nominations ceremony, both Kail and Jen were taking it all too well. It's like a joke to the both of them now. Jen had even asked Daniele to put her on the block so she could go for a record.

Here are the other events through the evening hours and into the morn from that Big Brother House o' Bobbin' Betrayals:
  • In small talk, the HG confirmed the stipend went back down to pre-All Stars levels. They're receiving the standard $750 a week for time spent in the house and in sequester. (All Stars got $2500 a week if memory serves.)
  • Daniele talked with Jen -- told her that she might consider Kail her friend, but she can't trust her. She will "throw you under the bus" if she can.
  • Jen again said what a great team they (her and Daniele) could make if they work together.
  • Daniele told Jen that she would need to win the veto for herself as Kail is telling others not to use it.
  • Eric told Dustin that Dick and Daniele were planning to backdoor "one of us."
  • Amber voiced her doubts about a backdoor plan to Eric and he told her not to say a word about it to Daniele or Dick.
  • Eric told Jameka that Dick and Daniele plan to backdoor either him or Dustin as revenge for Nick being voted out.
  • Kail thinks both the mustard and the odd votes were Eric as he keeps saying he does his own thing. Earlier, Daniele told Kail that she knew the mustard and odd votes were done by the same person, but didn't specify by name.
  • Kail thinks it was Eric doing the deeds, but Jen thinks it was Amber.
  • Jen and Kail don't want Jameka or Zach to win veto as they'll let the noms remain the same.
  • While the LNC is debating the value of taking Jen and Kail into their group, Jen and Kail are talking about allying with Daniele and Dick to take down the LNC.
  • Kail and Jen are sure Dustin is working for Dick.
  • Dustin, on the other hand, told Amber that Dick and Daniele want either him or Eric to go home this week via backdoor. He thinks that if Kail wins veto, she'll save Jen because she feels safe. He doesn't want either Jen or Kail to win POV because the noms have to remain the same.
  • He also thinks there wouldn't be enough votes to get either himself or Eric evicted.
  • On the Dick/Daniele side of life -- the plan is to save Jen and backdoor Eric. They'll work on everybody in the house to get it done. (Eeek, Eric!)
  • Dick wants Daniele to get in good with Jessica for their cause.
  • BB actually announced a lights out time for 2 AM ... not that it means anything, mind you. I always think the HG are night owls, but this crowd is really bad -- usually more than a few stay up past the time of sunrise there.
  • Eric defended himself to Jessica. She questioned him about wanting Nick out. He said he always wanted him out and was very vocal about it.
  • Eric is trying to get buzz going about putting Daniele and Dick on the block next week.
  • Dustin reminded the LNC remainders that they were all in the room when Dick brought up getting Nick out in the first place -- now for him to blame them for losing Nick...!
  • Jessica thinks that Daniele and Dick think the only way to get one of them out (LNC) is to backdoor them, but they also think there would be enough votes to save Kail against one of them. They could be very wrong.
  • Jessica wants to get HOH and also wants the LNC to know she's not getting in an alliance with "them."
  • Eric thinks Daniele is the sneakiest person in the house. (I think he is!)
  • Amber and Eric stayed up talking about the events of the day.
  • Players were picked for POV early once again. In addition to Daniele, Jen, and Kail, there will be Zach, Jameka, and Dustin playing. Jameka is playing for Kail as per the pick, but hasn't said she would use it.

Friday, August 03, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations are In 8/03

Second verse, same as the first...

Daniele nominated Kail and Jen. It's the third week on the block for these two.