Graphic artist Zoetawny asks if Eric is cracking under the pressure.
Well, watching the feeds into the wee hours, it doesn't seem like he is. As a matter of fact, right now he seems rather stable.
Of course, that could change at any minute!
At the moment, it looks like the Dustin Five is going with the plan to vote out Kail if Eric is put on the block in Jen's place.
Here are the latest happenings from that Big Brother House of Cards:
- Dick again accused Eric of masterminding Nick's eviction.
- Dick also doesn't trust Amber and is badmouthing her.
- Jen is perpetrating the Eric issue by telling people he said she was his #1 and tells her all kinds of information.
- Jen then told Daniele that it's been Dustin telling Kail everything. (Now that's more right.)
- Jen said that Amber is a compulsive crier (duh!). She also says Amber must have been the odd vote last week because she didn't cry over voting out Nick (although she surely cried once he was gone).
- Daniele told Jen that she knew that Eric would get to Jessica and get her on his side. They need another vote and must work on Jameka.
- Jen talked about how much she doesn't trust Dustin, but Daniele says they definitely don't have the votes to get him out this week.
- Dustin told Kail that Jen is lying and (paraphrasing) throwing her under the bus.
- Dick told Daniele if she puts Eric up, Kail will go home. Daniele fussed that she has no friends and wants to go home. She also doesn't trust Jen even though they (D&D) have been talking with her. She wants no deals with Jen.
- Dick wants Kail gone still, but also Eric, Dustin, and Amber. Um, okay... half the house! ;-)
- Dick and Eric had another fight -- not physical. Eric held his ground with Dick.
- Dick told Eric he was going up on the block, it's already a done deal. So much for Daniele's big shocker, eh? Unless she has another plan...!
- Dick's temper is working against him in the house. (Duh!)
- Kail said that, for the record, she never had a deal with Eric. That backs up Eric in the eyes of the house majority.
- Dustin aksed Daniele if she would ever consider putting her father on the block. She was taken aback at that and asked why -- "just to make all of you happy?"
- Dustin told his bunch that Daniele will never make it to the final two if she doesn't put Dick on the block.
- Dick told Amber he never lied to her.
- Eric and Kail talked with Jessica and Jen sitting in. Eric said Dick is a lunatic. Kail thinks he's an escaped mental patient. Eric said he won't back down from Dick.
- Eric told Jen that she lied and sold him out to Dick.
- Amber cried.
- Amber told Daniele she honestly doesn't know right now who she would vote for if Eric went on the block.
- Dustin told Dick that he (Dick) was running Daniele's HOH with his attitude.
- Dustin told Kail that he threw HOH because he knew she didn't want to go on slop.
- Jessica and Jameka think Eric is bold in saying he'll stay this week. But then they both said they need him right now and can't flipflop on the vote.
- Neither trust either Eric or Dick.
- Jameka thinks Dustin is becoming more aggressive.
- Jameka thinks Eric has been throwing the comps all along.
- Daniele told Dick that Dustin suggested she put him on the block. He's now outraged at him and says he's going on the block next.
- Daniele begged him not to say anything.
- Dick can't believe he and Daniele are in an alliance with Shrek (Zach) and Jen.
- Eric trashtalked Amber to Jessica. (Now, what's going on in his head. He should just trashmouth Dick or others not in "his group" at this time. He definitely shouldn't alienate any of his possible votes to stay!)
- Kail told Daniele that if she puts Eric on the block with her, she'll go home.
- Daniele told her that was possible, but wasn't her intention. (She promised Kail that she wouldn't go home this week!)
- Dick talked to Dustin and tried to turn him against Eric. It didn't seem to work.
- It's been mostly small talk and chitter-chatter as the night goes on.