Monday, August 06, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Monday Morning 8/06

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Graphic artist Zoetawny asks if Eric is cracking under the pressure.

Well, watching the feeds into the wee hours, it doesn't seem like he is. As a matter of fact, right now he seems rather stable.

Of course, that could change at any minute!

At the moment, it looks like the Dustin Five is going with the plan to vote out Kail if Eric is put on the block in Jen's place.

Here are the latest happenings from that Big Brother House of Cards:
  • Dick again accused Eric of masterminding Nick's eviction.
  • Dick also doesn't trust Amber and is badmouthing her.
  • Jen is perpetrating the Eric issue by telling people he said she was his #1 and tells her all kinds of information.
  • Jen then told Daniele that it's been Dustin telling Kail everything. (Now that's more right.)
  • Jen said that Amber is a compulsive crier (duh!). She also says Amber must have been the odd vote last week because she didn't cry over voting out Nick (although she surely cried once he was gone).
  • Daniele told Jen that she knew that Eric would get to Jessica and get her on his side. They need another vote and must work on Jameka.
  • Jen talked about how much she doesn't trust Dustin, but Daniele says they definitely don't have the votes to get him out this week.
  • Dustin told Kail that Jen is lying and (paraphrasing) throwing her under the bus.
  • Dick told Daniele if she puts Eric up, Kail will go home. Daniele fussed that she has no friends and wants to go home. She also doesn't trust Jen even though they (D&D) have been talking with her. She wants no deals with Jen.
  • Dick wants Kail gone still, but also Eric, Dustin, and Amber. Um, okay... half the house! ;-)
  • Dick and Eric had another fight -- not physical. Eric held his ground with Dick.
  • Dick told Eric he was going up on the block, it's already a done deal. So much for Daniele's big shocker, eh? Unless she has another plan...!
  • Dick's temper is working against him in the house. (Duh!)
  • Kail said that, for the record, she never had a deal with Eric. That backs up Eric in the eyes of the house majority.
  • Dustin aksed Daniele if she would ever consider putting her father on the block. She was taken aback at that and asked why -- "just to make all of you happy?"
  • Dustin told his bunch that Daniele will never make it to the final two if she doesn't put Dick on the block.
  • Dick told Amber he never lied to her.
  • Eric and Kail talked with Jessica and Jen sitting in. Eric said Dick is a lunatic. Kail thinks he's an escaped mental patient. Eric said he won't back down from Dick.
  • Eric told Jen that she lied and sold him out to Dick.
  • Amber cried.
  • Amber told Daniele she honestly doesn't know right now who she would vote for if Eric went on the block.
  • Dustin told Dick that he (Dick) was running Daniele's HOH with his attitude.
  • Dustin told Kail that he threw HOH because he knew she didn't want to go on slop.
  • Jessica and Jameka think Eric is bold in saying he'll stay this week. But then they both said they need him right now and can't flipflop on the vote.
  • Neither trust either Eric or Dick.
  • Jameka thinks Dustin is becoming more aggressive.
  • Jameka thinks Eric has been throwing the comps all along.
  • Daniele told Dick that Dustin suggested she put him on the block. He's now outraged at him and says he's going on the block next.
  • Daniele begged him not to say anything.
  • Dick can't believe he and Daniele are in an alliance with Shrek (Zach) and Jen.
  • Eric trashtalked Amber to Jessica. (Now, what's going on in his head. He should just trashmouth Dick or others not in "his group" at this time. He definitely shouldn't alienate any of his possible votes to stay!)
  • Kail told Daniele that if she puts Eric on the block with her, she'll go home.
  • Daniele told her that was possible, but wasn't her intention. (She promised Kail that she wouldn't go home this week!)
  • Dick talked to Dustin and tried to turn him against Eric. It didn't seem to work.
  • It's been mostly small talk and chitter-chatter as the night goes on.
At this time it still looks like Daniele will put Eric on the block if Jen removes herself from said block. And, it also looks like if it's Eric and Kail, it will be Kail going home.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Sunday 8/05 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show is starting here. This entry will be updated continuously as the show airs in the NYC area. Please keep checking back, voice your thoughts in the comments, and forgive any typos as I type this on the fly while watching my TV.

They've recapped and are starting to show the HOH comp. Amber is out first. I can see why Eric was disqualified. It was blatant. Jameka was out at the ten minute mark.

They're recapping Nick leaving. Amber is crying.

Back to the comp... da plane, da plane! "We love Nick! Amber and Eric are liars! The LNC is the nerd herd!" Now, I'm very suspicious. Why is the show showing this? SET UP, I say. They have never shown other banners since the third season ban, plus they have spotters surrounding the area. SET UP.

Zach is out after 32 minutes. We're still in the timeframe blocked to the feeds. Dick is out after 44 minutes. Jessica is out after 59 minutes -- the feeds had started just before she fell. The pressure is on Daniele.

Kail is disheartened that everyone was cheering on Daniele and no one cheered her on. Now, I remember Jameka said some words of encouragement to her! Dick is obnoxious with this right now. Finally Jameka is speaking up.

Jen and Danile had a small tiff, but Kail, Jen and Daniele are hanging in there. Now Eric is speaking up for Daniele defending the fact that her relationships have nothing to do with Jen. Jen is out at 1 hour, 31 minutes. Kail is noticeably upset that Jen dropped out.

Daniele tells Kail she has to stay up and will be there until she dies. Daniele promises her no one wants her to go home. Daniele promises her she won't go home. Daniele is the new HOH when Kail drops out. Dick is SO proud.

(Did you notice I changed the ZOetawny graphic when she got HOH?) Zoetawny rocks!

Now Dick is asking Daniele about the second vote for Nick to stay.

Daniele cries. She wants to find the weasel in the house. Daniele thinks it was done by someone trying to set her up for the fall. Amber tells Eric that Daniele asked if she voted to keep Nick. Now Jameka and Dustin are in the room. Eric says how much he wanted him to leave. Jameka thinks either Evel or Daniele could have cast the vote just to cause problems. Eric is looking very nervous!

HOH room time. She's thrilled with her photos. Dustin made some snide comments as did Jen (in DR segments, not to Daniele). Dick cries about getting closer to Daniele. Daniele thinks she will be lonely. Daniele thinks the leak is Eric. "It all fell into place."

Eric tried to pry Dick for information about the leak. I see Dick is totally avoiding eye contact. He may be a bully, but he's definitely uncomfortable about lying to Eric.

Rock music starts as Dick talks to himself about Eric lying re: the odd votes. "I knew it! I knew it!" Dick and Daniele bring Jessica into their theory. She listens intently. Daniele has expanded her theory into Eric being in an alliance with Kail. Jessica is confused.

She told D & D she wouldn't tell Eric. Now she's talking to Eric and asks him about the vote. She tells him it's Dick "feeding her" the info and he can't tell them. She warns him that he's the backdoor plan. Eric is mad!

America's Player needs a partner. Promise a HG he'll go to the final two with them. It's up to Eric whether it's the truth or a lie. Who do you want to be his partner? (I know he's already talked to Jessica about the final two with nothing to do with this at all.)

Now Jen is approaching Daniele as I detailed a bit on the feeds a few days ago. Daniele asked her about the stray vote.

Eric wants America to tell him to get either Jen or Kail nominated. He's thrilled America chose Jen. We finally did something he can get behind and won't give him problems. He talks to Dick; Dick is getting angry. He said Nick promised it wasn't his vote the prior time. Getting heated!

Dick throws pillows and Eric stands up to him. Well, sitting up to him... speaking up. Dick is now yelling at Eric. Daniele tells him to stop. Get ready for the hammock throw! Rats, no hammock throw. Can't show that to the viewers,eh? All of the HG looked really uncomfortable. I have to say Eric has spunk. He didn't cry!

NOMINATIONS TODAY: Certain people were nominated for certain reasons. Key order: Dustin for not nominating me last week, Eric (Dick looks surprised), Jameka, Amber, Dick, Jessica, Zach. Third time is a charm, Jen and Kail again. Kail -- competitor, threat. Jen - you asked me to nominate you, your wish is my command, taken the game to a personal level and I don't like it.

Kail thinks it's rough being the pawn. Jen is just having fun. Daniele promises to shock us with her choice/target if the POV is used. "Your jaws will drop to the floor."

Hmmm... now the only nom she could make that would do that for me would be a Dick nom. Anyone else in the whole house wouldn't surprise me. Y'think?

'Big Brother 8' - Sunday 8/05 Live Feeds and Video!

There are rumors abounding that this week will be a double eviction. Of course, the houseguests would have no clue, so any mention they would have would be speculation, not fact. I haven't found any concrete source other than folks posting it, but it could very well be true -- we are due for a double eviction. However, that wouldn't mean two houseguests going home on Thursday. How they usually handle it is the new HOH on the Thursday live show has to name two nominees on the spot, then there is a second eviction on a live show on Sunday. If anyone has a verifiable official source for the rumor -- not just folks on the Internet saying it is -- please let me know!

In other news, I've been messing with video. Those who are outraged about the show wasting water will have more anmunition with this!

Part two of that video can be found at this link. I also have a longer take on the late night Dustin/Kail talk in the storage room posted.

In other happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Repulsive Rabbits:
  • It's still very iffy who will vote for whom and Daniele hasn't really told anyone who she'll put on the block in place of Jen.
  • Zach has been trying to worm his way in with Jen, Dick, and Daniele.
  • Kail is still torn between two lovers... er, alliances. Neither really wants her, but Dustin has been working on her most likely for his own personal gain of an ally.
  • It still stands that if Kail and Zach are on the block, it would probably be Zach going home.
  • It also still stands if Kail and Eric are on the block, it could go either way.
  • Dustin, similar to when he was HOH, has delusions of grandeur. Make him stop.
  • Dick is still trying to intimidate people. Make him stop.
  • The alarms have been going off hourly and the Bunny People plus Jameka have dumped the goo, then wasted the water each time.
  • Daniele said her rent is $1400 a month for a one bedroom. I don't think the stipend could work as regular pay for her although many have said it's more than they earn weekly -- $750 a week.
  • Daniele said she hates the "Internet people." She can't mean me! No! I have to go pull an Amber now!
  • There hasn't been a ton of game talk today due to the hourly alarms and the time it takes for them to get through the drill.
  • Dick told Jameka that Eric is playing all sides. Well, yes he is. So are a lot of folks. I'd love it if someone called Dick out for changing his mind so often! Evel Waffle!
  • Dustin again told Kail that if she goes up against Eric, his group is solid... she will go home. He wants to push for a Zach nomination.
  • Dustin also said that if one of "his group" gets HOH, it's to be Daniele and Dick on the block (presumably with Dick as the target).
  • Kail thinks that Jessica is the one who may not vote with Dustin's group.
  • Jen told Dustin that Eric "probably" gives her information on how the votes should go. She then said it was Nick and Eric telling her.
  • Then she recanted and said Eric only gave her information the week Joe went home.
  • Amber cried.
  • Daniele and Dick kept working on Jameka to convince her that "everyone" is on board with Eric needing to go home.

That's basically where we stand right now as I post this. I'll be returning later tonight to live-blog the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I invite y'all to join me in the comments!

'Big Brother 8' New Latest on TV Squad!

My latest entry is up on TV Squad. It includes some live feeds news, a short video and some screen caps you won't see here. A bit later I'll be posting some video clips for here and catch you all up on the latest!

I'm getting very dizzy.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

'Big Brother 8 - Live Feeds Report - Saturday, Aug. 4

Just a couple of bunnies hanging out in the kitchen, eh? Today's been quite a day in the Big Brother house. For more detail on the POV comp, check out my previous post. This one will cover the rest of the day and other odd POV tidbits which have been being discussed by the houseguests.

Here's today's report from the Big Bunny House:
  • Eric and Jessica were up until nearly 5:30. BB woke everyone up at around 9 AM. It would be nice if they got a clue, huh?
  • Keep in mind this happened before the POV comp -- Dustin told Jessica and Amber that he told Kail not to trust Daniele and Dick. They then discussed the POV options to protect both Eric and Dustin as they feel they're in danger of being backdoored.
  • Kail told Jen that Dustin told her not to trust them. She wanted to tell Daniele, but Jen told her not to.
  • Dick told Jessica that now Kail should be the one to go home if the nominations remain the same. She said okay. He also said someone kept leaking info to Kail. (Duh, Dick. Dustin!)
  • Dick accused Zach of doing something or saying something to Kail and Zach got upset with him.
  • Pre-POV, Dick was on a real anti-Kail kick. It might have something to do with Jen mending fences with Daniele. Or, as it was brought out much later by Jen -- the DR talked to Dick about his actions and behavior towards her.
  • Dick accused Kail of throwing Jen under the bus. Um, okay. The guy has a screw loose. He must.
  • Dick had beer before 11 AM. The breakfast of champions!
  • Eric asked Jameka if he goes on the block, does he have her word that she, Jessica, Dustin, and Amber have his back? She said he has her word, but I don't know how she can promise for the rest of them.
  • Dick tried to intimidate Kail and Jen before the veto comp.
  • Pre-veto, Dick and Daniele talked. They decided they want to get Kail out of the house because they think Dustin, Amber, and Eric are working with her.
  • Daniele doesn't think they can trust Jen, but may be able to use her to their advantage.
  • Dick threw some of Jen's stuff over the wall in the backyard. For revenge, she threw his cigarettes in the pool. Not all of them, but...!
  • The POV took place. I made an error in my post about it (which I'll fix), but Jameka did NOT take the 10,000. That's not why she was crying. She was crying because she gave up the chance at HOH for five weeks and won't hear from her family or get photos. No one took the ten grand.
  • And, in the POV, Jen stands to lose half of everything she may win in the game. So, if she takes first place, it's cut in half.
  • The Bunny People have to only slop their group, not innocent bystanders.
  • Dustin was out early in the POV comp.
  • The hourly wake-up/slop heads only lasts 24 hours; the Bunny People wear the costume until the live show.
  • The consensus amongst the POV players is that it was the most brutal POV comp in all the seasons of the show.
  • Daniele thinks Jen just wants 15 minutes of fame, doesn't care about the money and doesn't want to be in sequester for the jury. She thinks she may use the POV to save Kail. If she does, it will be Jen going home.
  • Dick and Daniele are worried that they won't have enough votes to evict Eric if he's up against Kail.
  • Dick thinks Eric flipped out too much over the HOH comp banner plane -- by denying he's a liar. (What about Amber who cried and cried that she's not a liar? Are they so immune to her crying that they didn't see she freaked out, too?)
  • Dustin told Eric and Amber that Dick already threw them both under the bus -- Eric's the leak and Amber's the one who pushed for Nick to go.
  • Dick, Daniele, and Jessica don't think Jen lies. (Yeah, right.)
  • Daniele and Dick want to "expose" Eric. (Do they think they're living in a vacuum?)
  • Kail asked Eric why Dustin didn't put Dick up if he was such a threat. Eric told her that Nick was more of a threat with more connections in the house.
  • Eric told Kail that if Daniele puts up anyone other than Zach in Jen's place, she's probably going home.
  • Jen told Daniele that she knows Mike Boogie, but she doesn't like him. (Yeah, right!)
  • Both Jessica and Jameka seem to be leaning in favor of anyone other than Daniele and Dick although they haven't blown any cover with them.
  • Jen told Dick that it was she who was getting the information from the LNC (last time -- Late Night Crew) and leaking it to Kail.
  • Dick and Jen sort of called a truce. He wouldn't yell at her anymore.
  • Dick yelled at Jen.
  • Dick wants everyone to call out Eric at once. Um... odd.
  • Jessica and Jameka once again told Eric not to worry -- that he has the votes to stay.
  • Then it seems Jessica changed her mind while talking to Jen ... or was saying that Eric played her for the benefit of Dick and Daniele. (Everybody's story changes dependent on to whom they're talking.)
Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Argh. This is all so confusing! I honestly feel that more people really don't care for Dick, but accept Daniele. I don't know for sure if the Eric, Dustin, Amber, Jessica, Jameka block is really falling apart or whether they're just telling people what they want to hear. I really think that if Eric is on the block with Kail, it would be Kail going home. But I'm not certain. Argh. At least Zoetawny is flying a banner for Eric!