Wednesday, August 08, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - New Post on TV Squad

Yes, I've done it yet again.

There's another new Big Brother 8 live feeds update of mine over on TV Squad.

Stop me before I post again! Bwahahaha!

Um, er ...

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Through the Overnight Into Wed. 8/08

I didn't post a report late last night.


Because there really wasn't all that much to report! It was small talk, Donatos feeling all alone, Eric being devious, Zach and Jen being absent.

Ah, but in the past few hours there have been many changes.

Right now it looks like the tides have changed once again. Here's what's gone down recently in that Big Brother House of "There is no sides" (credit: Daniele Donato):
  • After having a tiff with Dustin last night when she tried to tell him if Eric goes this week she'll go the next, Amber finally got through to him.
  • Even Jameka thinks a good way for Dustin to take the Donato spotlight off of him as a target is to send Eric home.
  • Earlier, Jessica was told by Dustin that Jen has been telling Amber things about Eric.
  • Jen told Daniele and Evel that Zach is uneasy because neither Eric or Kail have even tried to talk to him about the vote. (He must feel he doesn't have any friends even amongst his enemies.)
  • Evel Dick kept working on Amber, telling her a mix of lies, half-truths and some truths. He works her into a tizzy, an anti-Eric tizzy.
  • Both Daniele and Dick keep at her, tag-teaming her as they bring her over to their Dark Side.
  • Amber is an easy subject, but will Dustin be as easy?
  • Amber went to Dustin ... on and on ... there is a bit of video below for you.
  • Now Dustin is all peachy-keen with the Donatos once again.
  • Eric is now the target with Jameka and Jessica the only two possible votes for him.
  • As a watcher, I can only shake my head in wonder at how easily these houseguests are manipulated.
  • Dustin, Amber, Daniele, and Evel Dick are now sitting around laughing about Zach and talking who they want to target next -- Zach or Jen.
Here's the video --

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 8/07 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show has started here on the East Coast.As it airs, this post will be updated every few minutes. Please forgive any typos or misspellings as I'm looking at my TV and not either my monitor or keyboard! ;-)

They're recapping th nominations. Dick is egging on Jen again, no surprise. Jessica warned Eric that if the POV is used, he'll go on the block. Jessica spills all she knows to the group. The LNC minus Dick and Daniele suggest Jessica plays along with Daniele and Dick.

Eric confides in Jameka about it (she wasn't in the room before). Amber and Jameka are in the hammock discussing Eric's possible situation. "We have the votes period," says Jameka.

Zach is in the HOH with Daniele telling her he'd rather not talk game but has no friends in the house. They both think Nick got shafted. Daniele said this POV is for Nick. Once again, Zach says he has no friends and would like to work with Daniele down the road in the game. Daniele tells us it's the "Nick bond."

Eric's looking nervous. Dustin thinks that D&D have made the biggest mistake ever.

Ohhh... picking POV players. Eric needs it, but...! Zach was chosen by Dnaiele, Jen chose Dustin's ball, Kail got HG choice and chose Jameka. Amber will be the host.

The HG head to the backyard where things are covered up and they have little podiums. OMG - Amber's announcing is horrible. Thankfully Jen repeated the game's title -- Numbers Don't Lie. The lowest bid actually loses.

How many hours are you willing to wear a bunny suit? Dustin bid 100 hours and was eliminated. Kail, Jen, Daniele, Zach all have to be Bunny People for five days.

Dump the funk, how many times funky mixture dumped over your head? It smells like manure. All offered to do it for 24 hours.

$10,000 cash is up next. Highest number from zero to 10,000 will be eliminated. All wrote zero.

Sloppy summer is the next one... how many hours are you willing to eat nothing but slop. Daniele is nervouse -- she does poorly on slop. Kail and Jen say 720, Daniele 710, Jameka 480 and Zach is out for answering 250.

Power shortage -- Next 5 HOH comps, how many are you willing to not participate in? Jameka and KaIL said 5, Daniele was out with 3, Jen in the middle. Jameka and Kail can't try for HOH for the next five weeks.

Money walks -- How much of the prize money for the show up to $250,000 would you give up to win POV? Jameka bid 10 grand. Kail bid ALMOST half. Jen bid half and she has won POV. She once again tells us she's not there for the money.

Dick is happy.

The Bunny People have arrived. Jameka is crying about not being able to see pictures from home in an HOH goodie basket. Amber tells her God did it for a reason. @@ She prays and cries and prays some more. Taste God? Um, I dunno 'bout that!

Daniele consoles her then asks if she's mad at her. Thankfully, Jameka sees through it.

Jen thinks she and Daniele will work well together. She told Daniele that she plans to save herself. Daniele made her promise to vote to keep Kail and tells her all about the plan to vote out Eric.

Now Evel Disck is making his move on Jen. He promises to behave, stop picking on her, and says he's sorry ... truce time! Jen agrees. I'm sure she must see through him.

Jen tells us she doesn't know if she's morally ready to work with Dick and Daniele even though it might be smart strategically.

They're dumping the muck on here head.

Dick is lying to Jessica, claiming that Jen told him Eric was the one who was playing both sides.

Jessica went to Jen. Jen admits Eric is a good manipulator. Jessica seems to believe her. Jen is very convincing. Jessica runs to Dustin who doesn't buy it. Then she runs to Jameka who also doesn't buy it.

Local news promo -- A monkey got loose at LaGuardia. Heh.

Eric's America's Player -- To take to the final two, we finally got one right ... Jessica! He talks to Jessica and completes the task. She told him he's acting all weird.

The buzzers are going to the slop bucket dumpers. Jen said it doesn't smeel that bad -- just like manure. Well, maybe that's bad.

Dick is now accusing Eric of ill deeds while Eric is in the hot tub. Dick says Eric has deals with both Kail and Jen. He's way off base. Everybody's sitting there staring like zombies at Dick.

Everyone else thinks Daniele should send her father home. Dustin points out that Dick is running her HOH reign. He's right.

They made Jen wear her paws to do the POV meeting. She asks Kail for her speech. Kail says she wouldn't ask her to sacrifice her safety. Jen then talks to herself and saves herself. Daniele talked about enemies and when you know them, then chose Eric. Big shocker! Are you all okay?

Kail is discouraged because she doesn't think Daniele can keep her promise that she's safe. Dick is on some kind of odd (and probably mistaken) adrenalin high.

America's Player: What should Eric do? Which HG should Eric flatter incessantly in order to stay in the house?

It would be funny if he kept complimenting Dick as Dick screams at him. Heehee!

"You ^*&@#!" "You've got the most beautiful eyes, Dick!" "You #%$#&@*!"

'Big Brother 8' - Schtuff!

I have a new live feeds update up on TV Squad and I'll be live-blogging tonight's show as it airs here on the East Coast (starts in about 15 minutes). Everyone is invited to comment at either or both places! :-)

I'll be writing a late night update for the blog er... much later tonight!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Tuesday 8/07

This is just a quick report as nothing has changed too much in the house since the last entries:
  • Kail thinks she's going home, but wonders why Daniele and Dick are so angry about the Nick vote when they voted to save her.
  • Jessica and Eric joked about getting married after the show.
  • For a change, houseguests trashmouthed each other.
  • Amber told Jameka that Kail needs to go home anyway.
  • Daniele wants the America's Choice to happen.
  • Zach told Dick to be careful about repeating what he says to him as it puts him in a compromising position. (This was about his "Don't trust the Donatos"confrontation with Dustin.) Zach, "I don't really care because he's gay."