In honor of Him loving Amber, I made a new silly video.
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Tuesday 8/28 So Far

Now, if it were Amber ... "I had a vision of you in stripes!" In other news from that Big Brother House of Worried and Winsome Wilmas:

Eric thinks this season is more entertaining than All-Stars. I beg to differ.
BB woke up the houseguests at noon their time today. And they wonder why they're up until dawn, eh? I think BB should start waking them by 8 just to jolt them back to reality.
Dick pointed out to the Internet watchers that there will be five people left to evict and three more weeks of the show.
Jessica is having second thoughts about her nominations. She thinks she may have made a mistake and isn't sure they can trust Evel Dick and Daniele. Eric sympathizes with her, but thinks she did the right thing this week.

Dick and Eric joked about what deals Zach might offer them to save him.
Eric complained about Zach making noise and "having a tantrum" when called to the DR early in the morning.
When Daniele kept going on about being glad there's only 21 days left, Dick did the old "don't wish your life away" kind of talk. Now, my parents used that on me when I was a child, but I didn't mouth back to them. Daniele got snotty and covered her eyes with her towel while sunning.
That's it for now! Oh, Jameka denied to Zach that she's looking for a husband. She says she's just waiting, not looking.
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Through the Night Into Tuesday

Nah, Evel Dick isn't burning anyone with a cigarette. And, I'm pretty sure he isn't a gang member. He's outside talking to Daniele in the wee hours. Here are the late night happenings from that Big Brother House of Misfit Toys:
- The houseguests watched a private viewing of the Daniele/Amber appearance on The Power of Ten, but aren't allowed to talk about it until Tuesday night. I guess the show wanted to air it, but doesn't want live feed watchers knowing the outcome of the game show.
- Amber thinks that Jessica nominated her to show Dick and Daniele they're not together while Zach was nominated to make him think they're not with Daniele and Dick. My head hurts at her logic.
- Dick told Jessica that Zach told him that she turned on him.
- When Eric said the DR told him his Abercrombie and Fitch necklace looked gay and he shouldn't wear it, the BB voice said, "Eric, stop that!"
- Dick read into Julie Chen's comments to him that he may not be looking good on the show.
- The houseguests all think this is a boring week for both them and the feeds watchers.
- BB called each HG into the diary room tonight and most just wanted to nap.
- Daniele told Eric he should say he swore on Amber's daughter that he won't keep her in the house.
- Eric told Dick that Zach wanted them to backdoor him (Dick) this week.
- Daniele and Dick had a pleasant talk about the game, Daniele's plan to go to DisneyWorld and more.
Monday, August 27, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - TV Squad - 8/27 Evening
If I have to suffer, you have to share my pain. It's very boring in the house tonight and several houseguests have complained about it. BB, give them something to do! Have 'em paint gnomes or something!
One camera kept focusing on Amber chewing, biting, and swallowing fingernails -- with the appropriate audio. Blech.

EWW! Make her stop! Another camera focused in and out on somebody's foot sticking out of the covers looking mysteriously like a part of the male anatomy. At least I think it was a foot. I have a new update posted on TV Squad, take a gander and make a comment if you wish!

One camera kept focusing on Amber chewing, biting, and swallowing fingernails -- with the appropriate audio. Blech.

EWW! Make her stop! Another camera focused in and out on somebody's foot sticking out of the covers looking mysteriously like a part of the male anatomy. At least I think it was a foot. I have a new update posted on TV Squad, take a gander and make a comment if you wish!

TV Squad - The Jen-terview
I have a new article up over on TV Squad, going over the AOL TV Tattler Jenterview. Stop on by!
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