Thursday, August 30, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 8/30 Live Show - Live Blogged By YOU!

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Due to football preempting the show until 1:37 AM here in the NYC area, it's YOUR turn to live-blog the live show!

Yes, I mean YOU!

If the show is airing in your area at a reasonable hour, any time zone, I ask that you please jump in down in the comments area with a brief about what's happening. Spelling and grammar aren't important! It doesn't matter if you've been posting comments here before or it's your first time.

Any contributions, whether as it airs or during commercials are welcome! Alas, the website running the east coast show feed is also knocked out due to football.

So we need you! And, but of course, we'd greatly appreciate your contributions in the comments.

1:37 AM ... GRR!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday 8/30 Daytime

You may want to remember this picture. I don't think we'll see another smile out of Amber, unless it's one with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Here's the skinny from that Big Brother House of Various Visions and Sobering Realities:
  • What Dick was doing this morning that I couldn't quite figure out was decorating the statues with household items. Um, okay. As I said, the houseguests need a crafts project ... something!
  • Still in the early morning hours -- Dick, Jessica, and Eric were laughing about Zach stealing a plate and cup, putting them in his suitcase. They said he wanted a painting and the dolphin faucet from the bathroom.
  • Jessica is worried that if Amber goes home and Zach wins HOH, he'll put her (Jessica) on the block.
  • Eric tried to tell her that Amber would do the same thing. (I actually don't think she would. I think she'd put up Eric and Dick or Daniele, try to backdoor one of them with the POV if used.)
  • More talk about Eric moving to Kansas after the show. Jessica said he'd be her boyfriend there.
  • Jessica said she only sees her brother, the one fighting in Iraq, every three months or so. He's only 20 years old.
  • They talked about their future wedding... again.
  • Ohhh, they smooched. They really smooched!
  • The wake up song, appropriately, was "Love Shack." The first few bars of it came through the feeds before it was blocked.
  • The BB voice had to yell at them to clean the house.
  • Dick accused Zach of throwing him (and everyone) under the bus.
  • Jessica and Eric were absent when it came to housecleaning duties. Jessica wasn't even moved out of the HOH room when she was supposed to be.
  • Amber cried.
  • it seems that Jessica told Amber she'd be going. She said to a teary-eyed Amber, "I did everything I could, but it didn't do any good." I don't think she was talking the washing machine.
  • Amber told Jessica that she talked to Daniele and it seemed to go well, but Daniele didn't commit to anything.
  • Zach told Jessica whether he stays or not is up to them. If he goes, he goes. If he stays, he stays.
  • Zach didn't cry.
  • As a last feeds gesture, Amber first had er, um, a wardrobe malfunction and flashed her breasts... twice. Oh, my, then a full frontal. So sad!
  • Everything's at trivia and theme music now, has been for a while.
I won't be able to live blog tonight's live eviction show because I'm boycotting it as it seems my favorite Big Brother houseguest in the history of time, Amber, will be voted out. I don't know if my heart can take the stress. So, I apologize to those who expect me to blog the show as it airs. I can't type with tears in my eyes and a heavy weight in my heart! I just can't do it!


I won't be blogging the show because it's not airing here until 1:37 AM due to STUPID football! Argh! Of course, I'll know from when the feeds return who went (and most likely know now). The site which airs the east coast feed of the show is also boycotting due to Amber's impending eviction ... er, football.

But, what I will do is open a show post inviting anyone who's seeing the show at a human hour to jump in the comments section to share the skinny! This could be fun!

'Big Brother 8' - Through the Overnight Into Thursday 8/30

Daniele looks sad, doesn't she? I don't know how well she's handling the pressure and she's neither on the block, nor in the position of nominating anyone. And, the stipend is surely more than her pay at Hooters.

Here are the late night and overnight events from that Big Brother House of War and Worship:
  • Daniele made cookies. She likes to make cookies.
  • Daniele wanted to be called into the DR so she could make fun of Zach. I think she'd like both of the nominees to leave this week, and her father, too!
  • An interesting thing to note -- production has forbidden them to wear all white on the show.
  • Daniele complained to Amber and Jameka that she was trying to make cookies and the two most annoying people in the house were bothering her. Who? Zach and Evel Dick.
  • Now Amber thinks her vision meant that she would win something when she came out of the house. @@
  • Amber doesn't know what a dildo is. I hope she doesn't feel the need to scrutinize one on the show.
  • Jameka tried telling Amber that she should wear something nice for the live show and not her standard "wife-beater" t-shirt.
  • Amber packed, Zach blew up a rubber glove like Howie Mandel's old comedy act.
  • Daniele, despite her hatred of Zach and everything and everyone, cracked up at Zach's inflated glove antics.
  • Evel Dick accidentally put an end to it by hitting it and popping it. Aw.
  • After a six-hour lockdown, they went out to tarps covering a stage or something similar.
  • When accused of farting by Jameka, Amber swore on her daughter that she didn't. Jameka told her that wasn't necessary.
  • Most went to bed, Eric went to the DR.
  • Daniele moped about and cleaned a bit in the kitchen.
  • When Dick got back up, looks were glared and Daniele went back to bed.
  • Eric came out of the DR, passed a few words with Dick and headed to the kitchen.
  • Dick gave a Dick Show. Not that, minds out of the gutter! His talk show to the Internet. He told us it's hard with Daniele and he wants to say goodbye to Amber, it's long overdue.
  • It's fairly quiet now, Dick is on a few feeds, but I don't see Eric. Dick is up to something, but I can't figure it out. He's folding paper towels and putting them about the living room.
  • Eric and Jessica are small-talking in the HOH room. Eric says Amber doesn't talk to anyone, packs and cries. Jessica wonders what she'll do as she goes out the door.
  • The vote seems overwhelmingly an Amber ouster with Jameka the only vote to keep her.
  • Eric says he'll tell her before the show like he promised.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds and Stuff 8/29

Oh, it doesn't look like the smear campaign against Eric by Jameka and Amber has had much effect on the winsome twosome, huh? It hasn't. I really think there's something to the friendship. Will the romance survive after the season ends? I think not so much, but I think they'll be friends.

I have an update up and about on TV Squad, check it out if you'd be so kind!

In other house doings into the evening:
  • They had fun with the HOH camera. That's always a highlight. BB really should give them some sort of arts and crafts, a Twister game, something!
  • It was very hot today and most of the suntanning crew is long gone -- Dustin and all. So they hid inside and napped a lot.
  • Amber thanked God for telling the DR people to tell her to fight to stay. (I don't think she realizes they tell every nominee that, especially the ones who seem down about the nomination.)
  • But Amber thinks God told them because she's a good person playing an honest game.
  • Eric studied things for a memory comp if one comes up. At different times he was joined by Jameka and Jessica.
  • Eric asked Zach if he would let Jessica know that he (Zach) isn't mad at her over the nominations. He's worried that she's upset about nominating him.
  • Eric told Zach that people are saying things to Jessica to hurt her feelings. Zach told him that he doesn't think Eric is just using her.
  • BB sprang for a huge feast for them tonight -- steak, lobster, and more. It's almost as if they had made a last meal request to the warden. Everything you could imagine!
  • They laughed at Amber for not knowing what "scrutinize" means.
  • Amber again thinks she'll get a modeling gig from the show.
  • We STILL have no meeting of the minds on the vote! Argh.
But we do have graphic artist Zoetawny's take on Amber being on America's Next Top Model!

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Video

Amber and Jameka talk game. For Amber it might be too little too late, but the majority vote seems still up in the air in the house ... at this moment.