As I write this up, all are in bed. But here's a profile screen cap I took of Jessica as she talked with Eric last night.
Here's the skinny on the house happenings last night:
- Dick and Eric had another installment of their ongoing argument about the amount of dishes Eric washes. Eric thinks he's washed 6000 dishes this summer, Evel Dick scoffs at that amount.
- Daniele would just as soon Eric not wash dishes because she doesn't think he gets them really clean.
- Daniele thinks there will be a fan question on the show tomorrow and thinks there should be plenty of time for one. Heh. No time with a double eviction!
- Zach talked about Jen not showering for a week.
- Zach packed his bags to move out of the HOH Thursday. This is unlike Jessica who stayed sleeping in the room and didn't pack until well past the deadline to get out.
- Daniele and Dick talked more about Jen.
- Eric told Jameka he will definitely be voting for Jessica to stay. (America's Player?)
- Jameka told him that she hopes that Jessica stays just so she can win HOH and get "them" out.
- Eric and Jessica talked more about their wedding.
- While in an indoor lockdown, something was set up in the yard. HOH?
- Dick and Daniele went over various comps and house happenings in preparation for a memory-based comp. (Although they don't know if it will be such.)
- Eric trashtalked Jameka to Daniele and Dick. (Personal maybe, but this does seem to be America's Player when added to what he told Jameka earlier.)
- As the evening went on it became three separate groups -- Dick and Daniele, then Jameka, Eric, Jessica and mainly by himself and to bed early, Zach.
- It ended up being an early night for them, all in bed by 3 AM their time.
- No one knows what tonight will bring!