The nominations aren't in yet, but they may as well be. Zach is intent on putting Dick and Daniele on the block. He wants Jameka or himself to win POV so the noms remain the same. Then it's bye-bye Daniele, and hello to a final three of Dick, Jameka, and Zach. That's his plan, anyway.
Here are today's events from inside that Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
- Jameka and Daniele talked long into the dawn, but I doubt Jameka thinks of Daniele as a friend in the game.
- Dick asked/told Zach not to put both him and Daniele on the block. Zach told him it wouldn't matter. Dick said it would because of the POV.
- Daniele asked Zach if he was going to put her and her dad on the block because one would probably go home. Zach told her it's a possibility.
- Daniele told Zach that if he was in the final two with Jameka, he wouldn't win. (Since he's gone over that a good 20 times with Jameka since last night, he knows it.)
- Daniele got mad at Zach and told Dick she hates him (Zach).
- Daniele fussed once again about losing the HOH comp.
- Daniele then fussed to Jameka about Zach. (Mmm, mmm? Mmm. <-- Jameka canned response.)
- Dick once again talked to Zach. Zach doesn't seem to be wavering at all. He didn't tell Dick for sure that he was going on the block with Daniele, but he promised nothing.
- Zach told Jameka that his biggest gamble in the game was not taking Eric off the block yesterday with the POV. He could have sent Daniele home then.
- Zach gave Jameka a big speech about how he isn't as he appears, she will be surprised, etc. That's causing the Internet to go wild with rumors. Me? I think that because he's been called Shrek and an ogre and folks have implied that he's not so bright -- he wants to prove he had a game plan all along. That's my opinion, anyway. He's a business owner (DolphinCrash) and he is smart, has studied the game.
- Jameka and Zach went over past comps through the seasons.
- Although Dick didn't get the room, he got his HOH basket today -- snacks, chocolate syrup, cigarettes (although the short ones, not the 100s). He also got a letter from his son Vincent who is now a feeds addict. Dick thinks there's code in the letter. But, sheesh, Dick ... take it from someone who's done online BB stuff since season one ... when Vincent says he's a suckster, that isn't code. It means he's hanging out on the BB section of the survivorsucks site. @@
- Right now the nominations ceremony must be going down. When I hear, you'll hear. But I think we could bet our bippies that it will be a Double Donato nomination.
I could almost sum up what Daniele has said in a few phrases:
"This sucks."
"That sucks."
There. Her reaction to losing the second HOH comp to Zach by a wee bit is out of the way.
Here's what happened since the live show from within that Big Brother House of "We All Float Down Here, Georgie" (a nod to Stephen King):
- As I mentioned in my last post, after the feeds returned around midnight ET, the second HOH comp had been completed and Zach won.
- Dick, who couldn't compete due to his very short HOH reign, told Zach that Daniele is very upset because she was so close.
- Dick has spent most of the time since the feeds returned consoling Daniele who is moping, kicking herself, whining, and going into all but catatonic states.
- Dick did take the time to hit the storage room with Jameka, see it had been freshly stocked, and offered to make them sandwiches as BB didn't feed them after the comp (their usual practice).
- At times, Daniele got mad at Dick for trying to console her. (She probably would be mad if he didn't try, too.)
- Zach got a crown, but he's not acting as insufferable as Dustin did.
- Daniele fussed to Dick that she didn't want to see Zach's "stupid HOH room."
- Daniele worked out and repeatedly refused to put on her microphone. No penalties happened.
- Dick mentioned that he's the oldest person to make it into the final four of the game.
- Daniele fussed that she's already getting the nominee treatment. @@
- Jameka packed up Eric's things.
- When BB called Daniele to the Diary Room she said she didn't want to go. Then she said if she went, she refuses to answer any questions.
- Jameka is still upset about the blue ball in her tube at the POV comp despite the fact it wouldn't have changed the results.
- Zach had a long talk with Jameka. He told her that her key will be in the box.
- He also told her that, despite the fact that she's his friend, Daniele has to go home. He wants the final three to be himself, Dick, and Jameka.
- He swears he will have her (Jameka's) back.
- There ya have it. Nominations will be later today and Zach will put Daniele and Dick on the block.
- In tomorrow's POV, Dick could remove Daniele or himself or vice versa. But if Jameka wins, she can't use it.
The feeds just returned after being blocked about three hours. Zach seems to have won the HOH comp. Daniele is not happy and is fussing to her father. They also found out that there's two weeks left, not three.
The show is starting here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll be updating this entry. Please refresh to see the latest and, as always, your comments are welcome!
As I type this on the fly while I watch, misspellings and typos are a probability. Oops
Are you ready?
Recap about the Little Julie Chen Alliance doubting each other, the HOH, the Zach/Daniele/Dick deal, the Jessica and Jameka noms, and the veto comp.
Julie says it Day 69, Big Brother Fast Foward. Eric will do a cell phone vote live for the America's Player tonight.
Jameka doesn't want to campaign against Jessica. Jessica hopes that Dick and Daniele stick to the final four deal. Daniele and Dick try to think ahead. Dick thinks Jameka is too confident. He will string her along telling her she will go home, then offer her a deal shortly before the live show.
Jamkea cried. She's playing for her whole family. She ran and told Jessica.
Jessica tells Eric. Eric thinks that if D&D wanted one of them out, they would have both on the block. Eric is sure that Dick and Daniele will honor their deal and keep Jessica safe.
America's Player -- He got the word that Jameka is "America's" target this week. Verry happy.
Eric approaches Daniele asking her if Jessica was staying. Daniele lies and tells him she is.
Julie is going to tell them about the Fast Forward.
Jameka speaks her bit to us, gave word, guarantee, etc. Strategic first conversation later, hope to still be here. Jessica mentions HS rival and says sitting next to Jameka is harder, may the best person win.
The voting:
Eric -- evict Jameka as per "us." Julie tells him code -- the HG who she tells to lead the others back into the house, that's the target.
Dick -- evict Jessica
Daniele -- Jessica
2-1, as I predicted, Jessica is voted out.
And Eric cries. And Jameka cries.
Eric says he's not surprised, he understands to Dick. Eric said that Daniele should have warned him so he had two days.
Jessica tells Julie campaigning wouldn't have helped. Future with Eric? I love him, feelings real, maybe outside? Goodbye messages -- Dick is so sorry, strategically had to do it. Zach - no hard feelings. Daniele apologizes. Jameka loves her. Eric cries.
HOH comp is coming up. They're off to the backyard.
AP target? -- 1 Daniele 2 for Dick 3 Jameka 4 Zach Text 81818
HOH comp is "Before or After" It's one where they're on stairs, step forward for after (?), backward for before. All right first two rounds. These are events in the house. Daniel just took the lead. Now all tied up again. Daniele and Eric tied for lead. Eric leading by one question now. All tied again now.
DICK won, he's the new HOH.
America is targeting Daniele. I don't think that will work for Eric with Dick as HOH.
Nominations are next. Commercial break!
Eric knows he will be nominated. Dick nominates Jameka and Eric, as we could have guessed. He had a deal with Zach to not put him on the block this week and you know he can't put Daniele on the block. Eric made a half-hearted effort to mention that he should nominate Zach and Daniele, but I don't think it will count as a completed task.
Time for the POV comp! Out in the yard, they have little helmets on. It's called Niagara Falls, 5000 rubber balls, collect only green ones and put in tube, first with 8 in the tube win.
Jameka leading so far with 3, Dick has one, Daniele has one, Eric two. Zach and Jameka leading with three. Zach up to four. Jameka disqualified -- blue ball in tube. Zach needs one more.
Zach has won the Power of Veto!
Time for the veto meeting -- Zach is thinking. Jameka tells Zach she's not ready to go home, teary. Eric says he has no expectations, give me a fair chance.
Zach isn't go to use it, he made an oath to his group. Another live vote and eviction next -- either Jameka or Eric will go.
Last chance for Eric and Jameka to plead their cases. Jameka first -- on the block so much not fun, strategic, kept word, etc., blah blah. Eric says he's disappointed and surprised. I've been good to the three of you, kept my word, didn't elminate you, I've been good to you, be good to me.
The voting:
Zach votes to evict Eric.
Daniele votes to evict Eric.
Eric has been evicted. Dick says he had the best time of all with Eric while in the house.
Julie greets America's Player. Jameka cries.
Eric tells Julie he's at peace right now. He mentioned that the America's Player changed his game. The ones who voted out would be gone if he had played his own game. He says Jessica wasn't a showmance. He won $40,000.
Tuesday will be another eviction followed by another eviction on Thursday where it will be down to the final two. On Sunday, they'll show the HOH. That show won't be live, so I can only think it will take place perhaps tomorrow or Saturday.
Although I'm zooming in here late tonight, I will be live-blogging the live double eviction show when it starts here in the NYC area. I think chances are that the second HOH comp will be an endurance one. Dependent on what it is, I'll try to hang in with it!
In comments, someone asked about Dick and Daniele's proposed deal to Jameka. Since the feeds block for a few hours before the live show (and remain blocked through the live show), I don't know if they actually did it. They plan to vote out Jessica and thought they'd make it seem like Jameka was the target, then save her last minute using her for not voting for them to go (or something along those lines).
In house news for today, there really wasn't too much going on besides a huge make-out session in the early morning hours between Evel Dick and Eric.
Whoops! Make that between Eric and Jessica. My mind must have slipped!
They cleaned a lot, complained about ants. It seems the Jessica vote-out will probably be 2-1 tonight. They have no clue about the double eviction planned and still think there's another week to the season past the finale date (9/18, I believe).
Their trivia questions they play instead of the blue liquid vortex need an editor.
@@ CreateD, thank you!