Saturday, September 08, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - POV Comp 9/08

Daniele won PoV, goodbye to Zach's plans.

'Big Brother 8' - Current Live Feeds Screencap and STUFF

Well, I didn't say it would be exciting, did I? Above is the current scene from the quad can view of the house as all of the houseguests sleep. Nothing of note really happened after their bout with the arts and crafts last night. BB had issued a curfew -- bedtime, no talking or fooling around, sleep -- last night in anticipation of the Power of Veto comp today. Tentatively, it's scheduled for 9 AM their time, but BB notoriously is late with these things.

Whatever and whenever it happens, I most likely won't be able to post about it until evening (ET). So, if you see or read news, feel free to comment about it. (If you see folks posting WRONG news, please correct 'em!)

In other blog-related stuff -- graphic artist Zoetawny's computer decided it was a good time to go seriously ill, perhaps die. I received word that there are problems with her computer, she's fine. But she might be absent for a bit.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update - Finally...!

Big Brother gave them something to do -- too little too late. Dick went into the storage room and found two boxes of arts/crafts stuff for age 8 and up. Jameka, Dick, and Daniele are going to make candles and STUFF! Woohoo! Zach is taking a shower in the HOH bathroom and plans to go to bed. He doesn't know about the crafts.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Into Friday Night 9/07

When no one talks, it's hard to write about the hamsters. So, much of this will be screen caps I took this evening. I have a post awaiting publishing over on TV Squad, not sure when it will go live. But I didn't want to neglect you folks!

After the nominations ceremony, it became more of a house divided. Daniele and Dick trashtalked about Zach and Jameka to each other while Jameka and Zach more kindly and gently trashtalked about Daniele and Dick.

Nothing definitive is going to happen until the Power of Veto comp tomorrow.

Daniele exposes her knees to the world! One thing I must mention, although her behavior is often not showing it at all -- when she and her father were talking, she said, "No matter what happens, we're going to be friends forever again." At least she seems to deep-down realize that her father wants to be in her life.

Above is the view from Zach's spy cam as he watched Jameka, Dick, and Daniele in the kitchen post the feeds return after nominations.

Alas, this Dick picture I edited down for size for my TV Squad article and didn't save the original size. But I think it's a nice shot of him. He's not down at all about the nominations although he's ticked off at Zach. Right now, Dick is in BB Euphoria -- he's excited to be this far in the game.

Zach is watching the spy cam. No, he's not nude.

Jameka is chanting prayers in the hot tub. She and Zach exercised together earlier and talked a lot. It's odd that now they're new best friends, isn't it?

But, since they've all separated for some time now, no one is even talking.

Tomorrow will be the big excitement!

Friday, September 07, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Noms Confirmed

The feeds came back on about ten minutes ago and we have confirmation.

Daniele and Evel Dick are on the block.