Wednesday, March 05, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds After the Live Eviction Show

Ryan checks out his Bone Thugs CD in his HOH room reveal.

So, how have the hamsters adjusted to being singletons? Here's what's happened since the show ended:
  • Matt, Ryan, and Adam decide it's going to be the Four Bros. (Why am I not surprised?) They think James is still in shock.
  • Matt kicked Natalie out of the room and called it a bachelor pad.
  • Matt and company think that Joshua and Sharon will be nominated this week.
  • Natalie is sure Matt will miss her. @@ (What is with her?)
  • Chelsia thinks that she, James, Sharon, and Joshuah have huge targets on their backs.
  • They now think no one is coming back due to the time frame and that no one has been sequestered at this point.
  • Chelsia told Joshuah that James shared many secrets with her and she's not happy being separated. (It's not like they're divorced, is it?)
  • They claim all "operations" are now over. Gardener successfully completed.
  • James thinks that Chelsia will become a social butterfly now, ignoring him now that they aren't a couple.
  • Chelsia thinks James is already ignoring her.
  • It dawned on them that the half-million prize won't have to be split. Smart hamsters.
  • Sheila complained about Adam's sleeping habits and Adam complained about Sheila complaining about him. He says he can finally play the game his way.
  • Ryan told Adam he has no idea who to nominate.
  • Matt told Natalie that maybe her soulmate is in the house, maybe it's ADAM! Heh.
  • Matt flirted with Chelsia. Hey, he's a free man now.
  • They toured the HOH room, saw pictures of Ryan's pit bull and others. Natalie asked for one of his beers and he told her no. Sheila and Sharon didn't ask, but made comments about how they'd share after they left the room.
  • Joshuah is worried.
  • Adam thinks the winner will make the interview circuit including Letterman. How wrong is he?
Speaking of Adam ... if I have to suffer, you do too. Here he is in the kitchen in between cooking some hot dogs, reaching in his pants way down deep in the middle of a room of people. EWWW.

'Big Brother 9' - Live Eviction Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll constantly be updating this entry. As it's written a bit off the cuff as I watch the show, please forgive any typos. I'm usually halfway decent as long as my fingers are on the right keys! ;-)

As always, I love to read your thoughts about the show in comments!

Ah, reacp is over and we have Julie in high black boots, short black skirt, big black turtleneck with bunches of silver bling. But first ... the siren thought has the HG on edge and we get more recap bits.

Sheila is not happy to be on the block but Allison is happy because she thinks Sheila was a sure vote to evict her. Oh, let's recap the siren bit once again. Nerves are on edge!

Ryan tells Allison he trusts Matt, but she doesn't trust him at all. Matt tells Ryan that he loves Adam, but he's been floating. Matt thinks he'll play people so they think the one vote was from him. He plays them all. Allison thinks that Matt and Natalie will vote to keep thme. She approaches James and Chelsia. He says they've made no proimises to anyone.

James tells Allison he thinks Matt may not vote for her, she refuses to believe it. So, Sheila apporaches James, too. He's not giving her any promises, but she tells him that Matt said he'd vote for her and Adam to stay. That concerns James.

James confronts Matt in front of both Ryan and Adam. Matt says it's called Big Brother. But now both Ryan and Adam know he's promised both of them his vote. Busted!

The pre-vote DR sessions we see with Matt/Natalie and James/Chelsia looked SO staged with both couples bring up reasons to vote out/keep different people. Hmmm...

Julie asks about James' theories and others offer a bunch of them. What's the most surprising thing has Sharon learned about Joshuah? Always fun, always smiling. She says she accidentally broke the pic of Jason from last night.

Okay, they're reshowing Matt and Natalie the POV win. The family and friends of Matt and Natalie chime in on their relationship. We go to the Beaver State. Natalie's looking for love, they say. They think she's falling for Matt and that's not a good thing. Over in Boston, his bro friends say they know he's going for the win.

Julie just said that when the evicted houseguests reach the door, the siren will go off and the game will change. And now we're into commercial.

We're back. Julie says the front door will be locked and they can't leave. The second the siren goes off, the game goes individual and only ONE of the evicted couple will leave. The votes are already done, not live, and Julie announces 2-0 Ryan and Allison are evicted.

Hugs, hugs, c'mon, go for the door! More hugs. The door is locked. SIREN! Allison and Ryan are thrilled. Joshuah looks crushed. Julie tells them she has an important announcement. Game about to change. No longer couples, cheers! Joshuah shocked. Sharon shocked. Partners up to each of you -- your partner is now your competition.

Allison and Ryan, only one of you will be leaving tonight. A live vote will determine which one goes.

Allison and Ryan have a chance to plead their cases. Ryan looks embarrassed, would like to stay to spend another week up on the block. Allison is sobbing, really wants to stay, but would be happy if Ryan stayed, too.

Adam votes first -- to evict Allison. Chelsia votes to evict Allison. Matt votes to evict Allison. Sheila votes to evict Allison. Natalie votes to evict Allison. James votes to evict Allison. It's unanimous. Allison is a goner.

She pretty much brushed past everyone. They're happy, she's with Julie. Now Joshuah is smiling. Dang, can't they control the language ... more bleeps than speech.

Allison says she's very surprised to be sitting there alone. She's not ahppy, says the lesbian lie was just a jokle and wasn't meant to stir anything up.

Goodbye messages, Matt and Nat nice. Joshuah still going off about the lesbian lies, Sheila cries and will miss her, wishes her the best. Allison says the best part, what she'll remember is going in without a plan, learning about herself and other people. HOH single comp is next.

The HOH comp is a booth Q&A set up called Time After Time, about the order of things which have happened in the house.

James and Natalie out. Only Adam and Ryan still in the running. A shot of the guinea pig made me giggle.

Ryan is the new HOH! From being evicted to being HOH, he ran the gamut tonight!

Julie says the surprises arent;' over yet. After commercial whe'll tell us how we can take control (?).

Evicted houseguests have all been sequestered, have no idea what's going on. We can vote for one to return. I'd like to see Alex come back!

BB9 Tonight

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll be posting a live-blogging post of tonight's live eviction show which has promised changes!

See you there!

'Big Brother 9' - Late Night and Into the Dawn Wednesday

It turns out that the Hudson River Virus may have infected the houseguests prior to us ever seeing them. The symptoms? Huge egos, bad manners, foul mouths, wanton sexual drive, and an increased and exorbitant level of the annoyance factor.

Well, maybe I made that all up. Here are the happenings from the overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • As some of the couples were getting called into the DR, Joshuah increasingly freaked out. "They never call couples the night before an eviction!" He's sure he won't be able to sleep a wink and kept pacing the HOH room.
  • Natalie went around writing numbers of things in nail polish on a napkin. She said she was creating art, but it was actually study tips for herself. When she was called solo into the Diary Room, Joshuah was thrilled because he was sure they'd take it away from her as it's against the rules.
  • The remote is missing for the HOH television and Joshuah can't use the TV to spy on others. Joshuah said BB took it.
  • Joshuah is super paranoid that Allison will somehow remain in the house.
  • Natalie begged fro more "Mattie time." @@ I'm just finding her infatuation a bit pathetic.
  • When she was after Matt, she still had her numbers "art."
  • Sharon accidentally broke the glass on the framed photo of her and Jacob. Accidentally? Yeah. She cried.
  • There was a flash of a BB staffer (stranger in the house!) in the storage room.
  • Joshuah was restless for most of the night so far, the others are sleeping.
  • No sirens, no real drama ... yet.

BB9 Schtuff!

There isn't all that much exciting going on in the house at the moment -- the boys are making dinner. No sirens have gone off. Joshuah still hates Allison.

I once again wrote an impromptu episode review of the show for TVS tonight. You can find that here.

I'll have a full report up in the morning!