Nah, this is a current screen cap from the house. I took it yesterday. It's dark and they're sleeping now.
Here's what happened in the Big Brother House of Horrible Houseguests since my last report:
- Natalie read the bible out loud to Sheila.
- James told Adam his speech (POV?) was stupid. He apparently said something about "to minimize risk" which doesn't ring bells with me on the nominations speech.
- James and Adam played chess.
- Ryan and James played chess.
- Sharon told Natalie she rarely drinks beer, doesn't like it. Natalie told her that she prefers pot to alcohol.
- Adam, James, Chelsia, Joshuah, and Ryan talked about Natalie's life. They think that something seems to be missing. (Maybe they'll decide that Sheila's her mother next!)
- There seems to be a 2-3 year gap in her stories to them.
- I'm glad they're not analyzing my life. There are some years in the past I rarely mention and remember little ... probably on purpose.
- Natalie says she won't embarrass herself like Chelsia on national television. God has tested her and she passed. @@
- Sheila thinks Joshuah's time in the house is just about up. On that side, she and Natalie only think Sharon is deserving of the win.
- In my opinion, whoever wins deserves to win. It won't mean I'll be happy with the winner, but that's the way it is. They all have to live with themselves afterward.
- They're sleeping like little angels, aw.
Doldrums in the BB9 house -- they definitely do too much in a few days and then pretty much nothing from Sunday until Wednesday this season. I hope the upcoming summer show goes back to a Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday schedule.
Here's the latest scoop from that Big Brother House of Mixed Nuts:
- Natalie told Sharon it takes her more than 30 days to fall in love. She's said that before, too. Then she usually goes back to talking about her Mattie. Go figure.
- The girls talked about their MySpace pages.
- Sharon told Sheila that Natalie is after Joshuah. Sheila said that she will do whatever she wants to do.
- Sheila thinks Adam would have put her on the block if they didn't need the numbers to evict Chelsia.
- Sheila thinks that they want her out of the house because no one wants to be in the final two with her. She'd win against anyone, y'know. (Actually, she might, not that I want her to win. Come to think of it, I don't think I want any of this group to win. A double eviction at the end and no one wins I say!)
- Natalie and Sheila had a gabfest. Natalie is taken with her Mattie!
- Natalie told Sheila that James apologized to her and hinted that she might be working with him. (Oh, fine. Telling Sheila something is like broadcasting it with a megaphone. Oh, I miss the Megaphone Lady, Miss Kitty!)
- James thinks if he was on the block, Chelsia would have a better chance to stay. Well, duh!
- Chelsia told Joshuah that her mother is probably flipping out over her rants. (No, she isn't. I'm sure she's changed her name, moved, and written Chelsia out of the will by now. No flipping out needed!)
- The guys shaved. Ryan even had his arms shaved.
- Natalie once again mentioned that her period is late.
- Sheila complained that she didn't get someone hot like the other women did in the soulmate thing. Well, someone had to have Adam!
My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll be reporting here later tonight. But they have to do more!
Chelsia in a quiet moment yesterday.
Here's what's been happening in that Big Brother Ship of Fools since the veto meeting:
- The HG got their sugar fixes by eating the Easter candy.
- Chelsia asked if they could eat the eggs they dye. They don't think so. @@
- Joshuah and James hid some of the beer they got in the storage room.
- BB gave them beer and wine.
- They had fun with decorating eggs.
- An indoor lockdown was forced as one of the outdoor cameras fell to the ground and had to be fixed.
- Natalie and Sheila say they hate peeps. Well, maybe peeps hate them on back!
- Lots of sex talk once again. Oh, gee. Natalie said she can't bring herself to a climax. If I have to know, so do you.
- Chelsia once again talked about how she would have sex with Matt in sequester -- this time until his crooked eye goes straight.
- Sheila cried because Matt wasn't there to defend himself. @@
- Joshuah asked if Matt was her son (Sheila's) -- she cried more and said he isn't.
- Natalie can't understand why Chelsia keeps attacking her. Yet Natalie keeps making remarks about her leaving.
- Natalie claims that Chelsia would be evicted immediately if she brought up the abortions again.
- Joshuah hopes the latest Chelsia acting out brouhaha doesn't go on the air for the show.
- Joshuah told Natalie that Chelsia was in the wrong. Whether he thinks it or is just working Natalie, your guess.
- Natalie told Joshuah and Sheila she was picked on all the time when she was a child.
- Back to the finger incident between Matt and Chelsia. Natalie still says it didn't happen.
- Natalie thinks she's the sole survivor of the Sexy Six in the house.
- Joshuah told Ryan he thinks Matt is Sheila's son and that's why she's so upset.
- Chelsia napped after her tirade at Natalie.
- Sharon told James that she thinks Matt is Sheila's nephew or son.
- Sheila told Chelsia the only reason she's after Natalie is because Natalie has annoyed her since the first day. Well, yeah.
- Joshuah told James that Sheila said Matt was "family."
- Sheila denied Matt was her son and said there is just too much going on in the house that she can't talk about.
- Joshuah told Sheila that Chelsia is crazy and won't let things rest.
- James and Chelsia talked about the times they've had sex in the house.
- James said he got into trouble for hiding beer for Chelsia.
- As I post this, James and Chelsia are still awake on their fold-out couch, but the rest are all asleep.
The show has started here on the East Coast after being delayed by March Madness basketball (grr). This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome!
For a change, we're starting the show with a recap of the last show! What a novel idea! Matt just got evicted and Adam is the new HOH! And now we see it all again in black and white after the show theme. Matt is evicted once again! And Natalie is sad.
James tells us that it's their own stupidity they brought him back. He's happy he got Matt out of the house.
It's Day 42 and Natalie is crying as her beloved Mattie's photo goes black and white. Sharon thinks Nat feels she's lost the game and her "soulmate." Adam feels pigeonholed into an alliance with Sheila and Ryan.
Oh, now Adam won HOH again! Adam really doesn't want it -- he doesn't want to make decisions. Sheila says "we'll" seek vengeance like she won. Natalie is acting like she won. Chelsia wanted the HOH bad and thinks it will be a tough week. James thinks everyone's fair game with Adam.
Natalie immediately goes to Adam, so does Sheila. He's their hero. Poor Adam. He tells Joshuah he didn't want to win. He thinks people are both nervous and fake around him. He doesn't care that Sheila is proud of him.
Then it's Ryan's play for him. Ryan plays the Boys Club card. Adam just looks buggy-eyed.
Natalie is still upset about losing her Mattie. Joshuah thinks Natalie is already like a lost puppy and he's glad to see them separated. Sheila comforts her, tells her it will be fine. Natalie tells us in a DR session she will be strong. She tells the others that she's had to be strong her whole life.
Natalie seems to have had some issues with people getting close and leaving her in the past. Of course, she doesn't quite get that Matt doesn't think of her like she thinks of him.
Natalie tells Chelsia she already knows what will happen this week -- someone from her side (Chelsia) will be going home. Now she's determined in the DR sessions. Ryan tells her that Adam is easily swayed by people and she has to work on him. She tells us she already has Adam's HOH reign planned and it will be war against the other side.
Sharon is calling the guinea pigs "beebies" -- babies. Joshuah mocks her in the DR room, then shoots himself with his figure. Joshuah thinks they don't understand her, all they want is food. Sharon loves them. They're her fur-iends.
Time for Ada's HOH room. Wow, in one photo he loks good. He was a cute kid. Aw, doggies. He has baby food. He tells us he likes it, but is totally embarrassed. (I actually like the banana stuff myself, though haven't had any in years). Natalie wants some baby food.
Joshuah and Sheila talk in the bathroom. She asks who will go up, he tells her that he (Josh) and her just to freak her out. Now her stomach is hurting her.
They do a gay Josh and Straight Adam bit. Joshuah tells him that he's his bitch and made a deal. He told him he'd help him out, not put him up and what he told Sheila. They go in to see Sheila. Adam plays along. Sheila is stunned. Joshuah is just about laughing. He tells us it would be a good move for him to put her on the block.
America can get involved in this week's HOH comp -- details at
Adam calls for all to gather in the living room for a very special luxury comp. It's for the new movie 21. We see the preview the HG saw. They're thrilled. Sheila is the biggest movie buff ever, of course. The backyard is done up like Las Vegas with all kinds of gambling. The game of blackjack is beatable if you know how to count cards. The cards have the HG face and number. Be the first to ring in at 21. If right, you get a chip. Wrong, out of game. First to four chips wins and invites three others to see the movie.
Ryan gets the first chip. James is the first one out. Adam won a chip. Sheila is out not to any surprise of Joshuah. Ryan has a second chip. Joshuah is out. Natalie has a chip. Ryan has his third chip. Ryan has his fourht chip. He won the comp. He chooses Adam, Natalie, and James. Sheila is upset.
Are you a gambling man? VIP trip for two to Las Vegas and $5,000 to spend. He has to risk losing the movie passes, they will go to other group of houseguests he didn't invite. He would have to win a game of blackjack.
Ryan risks it all for the 21 grand prize package. Ryan stays at 18, dealer 19 and Ryan lost. Now Sheila can see her movie. Ryan is happy for the other group -- Joshuah, Sharon, Chelsia and Sheila get to see the movie.
Natalie is praying to God and telling us how she reads the bible for strength. She tells Sheila that she was looking for signs. Eight curtains. Eight vases, eight ducks, eight sayings. She's found seven groups of eight. She neds one more. She will keep counting. She looks at the der head and says okay. Huh?
The table shrunk. It's that time of the season! Natalie is now thinking it has more to do with eight -- eight letters for Evel Dick, maybe he's coming back. She's sure there's some relevance.
She works on Adam for a Chelsia/James ticket for the block. Adam wants to nominate Sheila to show they're not working together. Natalie tells him Sheila is no threat. He's worried they'll come after him, she keeps talking numbers and he needs to get rid of the stronger players. She doesn't want him to put up someone from their side.
They showed a promo asking for applicants for BB10, epected to start in July.
Nominations today. James tells us that he'll go after him if he puts him on the block. Sheila is worried. Joshuah thinks Adam will stay true to their deal. Adam thinks he's made up his mind already and it's time for nominations.
Adam gives the shpiel, no one has done him wrong, and he feels what he did is not so bad. Key order: Natalie, Sharon, Ryan, Joshuah, Sheila. She looked like she was going to cry. He told her not to thank him.
He nominated both Chelsia and James because he didn't want to backdoor. He thinks they can play to keep themselves in the game. Natalie tells us in the DR that that's what they get for messing with her. Adam thinks Matt will be happy. Chelsia tells us that Adam will not be safe next week. James tells us that it will come back to bite him in the butt if he gets off the block.