Gosh, I hate missing out on whatever happens the first five days in the house before the feeds go live for us. As I mentioned in my last report, Hayden put Brendon and Rachel on the block. His target is Brendon and, for some odd reason, the house seems to want to vote Brendon out although they're sure it's Andrew who's the saboteur. Andrew is safe this week as he volunteered to be a wiener. Meanwhile, Brendon and Rachel refuse to campaign against each other because they're too busy having a sucking face showmance. Are you with me so far?
They had the POV comp today ... Brendon won, thus throwing the others into a tizzy. Here's what's happened thus far today --
- Andrew went to Hayden trying to make a deal for next week, claiming he isn't the saboteur. He knows the house thinks he is and he's in danger once he's no longer safe.
- Andrew would be a very bad saboteur as he's such a big clown and an annoying one at that.
- Kathy, Annie and Monet think Andrew likes to send them on a guilt trip when they eat his food by accident and he tells them after the fact.
- Hayden told Monet that he won't put her up on the block if the POV is used to save someone.
- Brendon and Annie have an alliance thing going.
- Hayden and Enzo talked about getting Annie in a fake alliance with them, using her of course.
- Hayden suggested it to Annie and they talked about Brendon being a big threat and even a double threat as he's already a couple with Rachel.
- Britney pushed for a Britney, Lane, Hayden, and Monet alliance.
- I do keep typing Money instead of Monet.
- Ack.
- It sounds like the POV had something to do with spelling.
- Kathy, Britney and Kristen are all very worried that one of them will be put on the block if/when Brendon uses the veto.
- Enzo and Matt think Rachel has to go home.
- So do I.
- She's beyond annoying.
- Enzo is disgusted with his own performance in the comp.
- Matt and Enzo notice that Annie is sucking up to Brendon. I guess her "secret" alliance isn't all that secret.
- Brendon says he doesn't want to be in the house without Rachel. Oh, well. Don't let the door hit you on the way out! I was psyched to like him, but don't know that I've seen him in action.
- Brendon and Annie are pushing for a Monet replacement on the block. But I think she's safe with Hayden.