Thursday, July 15, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Episode 4 Eviction Blog Party Post

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. Tonight we'll see the first eviction and the reveal of the saboteur (to us, not them). As the show airs here, I'll update this post with the major events. Later on, I'll be writing up my full review of the show for TV Squad. Then, late tonight, I'll bring you the latest from the live feeds.

Hamsters ready?

OMG - The saboteur is ANNIE!

Monet, Andrew and Lane voted to evict Annie. Lane was her only ally. Not looking good. Commercial break. Unanimous vote - Annie is out.

Rachel won HOH!

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn, July 15

My review of last night's show is up on TV Squad.

I'm still waiting for some spark of excitement from the hamsters ... a brouhaha, catching the saboteur on the feeds ... something! Here's what's gone down since I last checked in:
  • Ragan told Rachel his plan is to target those who aren't really trying to play the game.
  • Ragan and Rachel memorized the counts of various objects in the house.
  • Annie continued to campaign for herself. Now, I know she has to do so, but this is so neverending and repetitive.
  • Make her stop!
  • Brendon told Hayden he doesn't want Enzo to win HOH because he's a wild card. Hayden agreed. Both claimed to like Enzo.
  • But I think only Hayden actually likes him.
  • Hayden and Annie seriously seem to think the saboteur's "escaped eviction" message points directly to Brendon.
  • I don't think so. I think it only points away from Annie and Rachel.
  • Lane and Hayden talked about possibly saving Annie (which would be a smart move to break up the more powerful Brendon and Rachel), but don't think Enzo would go along with them. They call him a loose cannon and say they'll have to backdoor him eventually.
  • Of course, Lane has always been on Annie's side and Hayden seems to agree with whomever he's talking to at the time.
  • The Brigade decided they feel sorry about Annie, but she must go this week.
  • Hayden told Kristen that she's hard to read and he only knows about three things about her.
  • She claims he knows more.
  • Kristen told Hayden she's suspicious about Matt. Hayden told Kristen that Matt's said just about the same thing about her.
  • Hayden told Kristen that he'd like Britney to go home next week.
  • Oh my. What of the power duo, Brendon and Rachel? Just let them stay and grow stronger?
  • Silly hamsters.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Wednesday's Live Feeds, July 14

Rachel told Britney she doesn't regret getting implants. I regret that she got them.

The hat suits Lane

Yikes, I'm only really submitting one report on the action in the house today! Why? Because there was so LITTLE action that it just didn't make sense. I'm glad tomorrow will bring us a new HOH and hopefully shake things up a bit.

So, here's what I've got:
  • Annie continued to campaign.
  • The only real friend Annie might have in the house is Lane. The others merely tolerate her.
  • They were put on a long indoor lockdown.
  • The saboteur appeared again (they block the feeds when that happens), this time telling them "I'm glad I escaped eviction this week."
  • A lot of them think it's Brendon as he saved himself with the POV. But, in reality everyone except Annie and Rachel (likely Annie) "escaped" eviction this week. So the message only means that the saboteur isn't Annie or Rachel.
  • I still think it's Matt.
  • Annie feels she's been exonerated with the saboteur's message.
  • Hayden got the HOH camera, did a tweet on Twitter and his blog entry for the CBS website.
  • Lane and Matt put green tape on Britney and Enzo's photos just for kicks.
  • First of the season, Hayden locked himself out of his HOH room.
  • Kristen mentioned there were two blackouts the night of the padlocked storage room. She thinks the first was a failed attempt.
  • The beeping continued along with other noises -- chirping, cricket noises, etc.
  • Britney and Monet insisted to Hayden that Andrew is an ally of Brendon and Rachel.
  • When let out of the house, they found an oversized golf set in the yard.
  • I would guess it might be to practice for HOH. Maybe not.
  • Lane told stories of castrating steers, bulls, something. Not my thing.
  • The guys also talked guns.
  • There was a weird divide for a while (see the screen caps below) --

The girls, including both Rachel and Annie in the Have Not Room

The guys plus Kristen in the kitchen.


Liven up hamsters! I can't take this!

Big Brother 12 - Episode 3 Blog Party

big brother,jackiestvblog

I know, I know ... I haven't posted a live feeds report on the day's happenings yet. But they're SO in the doldrums in the house that there is little to report. The only thing which happened was another saboteur video appearance, this one mentioning that "I escaped from being evicted this week." Could be Brendon, could be anyone.

Anyway, the show is about to start here on the East Coast. Everyone is welcome to join in down in the comments area. The more, the merrier! Late tonight, my full review of the show should be up on TV Squad and this post will be updated to reflect major events as it airs.

Brendon won POV.

The saboteur appeared again -- said two in the house are lifelong friends and it's easy to figure it out.

Brendon saved himself and Annie is on the block in his place.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morn, July 14

The show schedule with shows on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday is providing way too much downtime once again. At least, with the show we have something to talk about! Boring hamsters -- that's why I didn't post late last night. Here would have been my post:
  • Kathy wore a shirt I didn't really expect from her. Rachel, yes. Kathy, no. The hot water seemed to be doing a job on the camera mirror by the sink.
  • Enzo, unlike Lane, seems to think a man's place can be in the kitchen as he made dinner for all (except Andrew). Matt, another man, helped prepare the salad.
There you go. It didn't get all that much more interesting overnight with a few exceptions.
  • They had a pool tournament. It's better than the chess games as they talk, but give me a break! I wouldn't mind at all if the pool table and chess game vanished.
  • BB (or the saboteur) has planted a weird beeping doohickey between the Have Not room and the one bedroom. The camera kept focusing on it.
  • Ragan heard the noise and looked for it.
  • He seemed to be trying to figure out Morse Code or something similar with its beeps.
  • After Ragan left the Have Not room, the camera kept focusing on a knotted rope. I don't know if it was there before or not. That room's a nightmare.
  • Andrew and Kathy did the after dinner clean-up. Everyone else just took off and left the mess.
  • After a Diary Room session, Annie continued her campaign. I believe it's falling on deaf ears although everyone is being polite to her.
  • Annie talked. And talked. And then she talked some more. Had the house not been dead set against her in the first place, they would be by now even though she has some really valid points citing why Rachel should be evicted instead.
  • Shut up, Annie. Now. Please!
  • Britney thinks Brendon should be the next out after Annie. Of course, that's her secret ally's target, too.
  • What secret ally? Hayden.
  • The beeping started again when Andrew turned out lights.
  • The beeping is driving him bonkers. Well, not "kill people" bonkers, but bonkers nonetheless.
  • Brendon and Rachel had some undercover operations.
  • There was a lot of sex talk again.
  • Annie shaved Hayden's toe hair. Ew.
  • They think the beep is coming from a bad microphone in the house.
  • They're wrong.
  • They all went to bed.
In my downtime of boredom, I got looking into the Future Funk kids on America's Got Talent. No wonder the older one (age 9) is so good -- he's the youngest member of Rock Steady Crew who have been featured on America's Best Dance Crew. Future Funk has also appeared on the streets of Las Vegas with Haspop, another contestant on AGT.

These kids are the cutest thing which has happened to hip hop ever. Well, there are those Kia hamsters ...

Doo-dah-dippity! Sorry for the excursion away from BB, but I be bored!