How cold is it in Los Angeles these days? If they were on the East Coast, they'd stay inside with air conditioning instead of bundling up with jackets and throws!
We need drama in the house. I've said it before, I'll probably say it again. Yet my words fall on deaf production ears. Maybe it's because I'm not supposed to talk about production, I don't know. Here are the latest non-happenings from that Big Brother House of Monotonous Miscast Misfits:
- BB yelled at the boys for trying to burn a lime with a magnifying glass in the yard.
- They threw apples around the yard.
- They made a football out of aluminum foil.
- Matt and Kathy said they think Rachel would voluntarily quit if Brendon got evicted.
- I don't think she would.
- Andrew doesn't seem to realize that he's not just the pawn anymore, but the target.
- Hayden burned his toe with the magnifying glass. Maybe he should focus it on his hair and get rid of some of that!
- BB took away Britney's hoodie because it had a trademarked logo on it. They're very restricted in that regard -- anything with logos needs permission or, better yet, advertising dollars thrown the BB way.
- Brendon said he'll have a prenuptial agreement before marriage as he's been burnt before. Rachel vehemently is against it. But not enough for interesting drama.
- They talked about how they couldn't believe the fights and drama past seasons.
- They don't seem to realize that watching a houseful of hamsters who get along is BORING and that they're most likely the most boring group ever cast in the show.
- For being so much "in
lovelust," Brendon and Rachel certainly have a lot of arguments. I think they might be starting to realize they jumped into this way too quickly and for all the wrong reasons. - But maybe not.
- They (Brendon and Rachel) are still divided on the vote. As such, they'll virtually have NO vote and it will be up to the rest of the house.
- The rest of the house is planning to vote Andrew out at this time. They still want Kathy out, but Andrew is more of a priority for them right now.
- Matt cut Enzo's hair. Enzo said it was better than Rachel's haircutting efforts.
- Rachel and Britney trashed Kristen and Kathy while they took a bath in the HOH tub.
- Britney is upset that people think she's lived a privileged life just because she's been places on vacation.
- Both talked about working up to three jobs if needed to pay the bills and having to support themselves.
- They don't think that people who complain about the lack of money (Kathy, Kristen) need sympathy on the show -- they could be out working earning money instead of being on a reality show.
- OMG -- I actually agree with them there. I'm SO tired of people on these shows saying how much the need the money and how poor they are. I didn't ever think I'd agree with Britney and Rachel, but there you go. If folks NEED money so badly, they should be out WORKING (yes, it it takes two or three jobs -- I've done it myself over the years) instead of being on reality shows.
- There. I said it.
- That said, I'm not sure where Rachel's VIP cocktail waitress position falls in the world of working for a living, but ...!
- The guys played pool.
- BB - take that pool table away, please!
- Britney told Matt that Kristen would be Rachel's target if she won HOH.
- Ragan thinks a double eviction is coming up soon. I'd say in about two weeks -- sometime mid-August.
- Enzo has a lot of gas from the BB slop and baby food. He all but admitted to Britney that he cheated last week as a Have Not. There has been no penalty for that. However, I haven't seen him cheating this week.
- Ragan talked to the live feeds crowd while alone in the hammock before bed.
- He said that if he plans to throw the HOH this week (which he's leaning toward), he will wear a long-sleeved navy blue shirt.
- Oh goody, now we have some suspense for the live show. Thank you, Ragan. Please talk to us more.