Finally, some action in the house.
Enough action as to bring a tear to Andrew's eye. But, it was his fault. He started it.
Here's the skinny:
- Not long after they got up this morning, Andrew went to the bathroom where Kristen was and said, "You two are playing me like a fiddle." He walked out.
- Matt, in the kitchen heard it.
- Andrew and Kristen went on to have a confrontation in the bedroom. She is TICKED.
- He claims that she's been there for Kathy and doesn't care about him.
- She said that she told both of them when they went on the block that she'd be there for them.
- She also said that she would specifically be there to console Kathy this week as she thought she needed her.
- Then she said Kathy came to her and Andrew never did.
- Andrew said he shouldn't have to come to her, she should come to him to console him.
- Andrew said that he has nobody in the house.
- Kristen said that Kathy didn't either and came to her -- had he come to her, she would be just as sympathetic with him.
- Andrew doesn't understand, doesn't think he should have to go to anyone, they should come to him.
- Andrew claimed his "you two" comment wasn't aimed at her.
- Kristen and Kathy were the only ones in the room at the time. Hence, they believe the "you two" comment must have been aimed at them.
- Everyone thinks that Andrew is on the edge and is digging his own grave.
- He is, but many of them threw their shovels of dirt on the grave long before his body was laid to rest.
- Kristen is obviously no longer the Invisible Hamster. Andrew's behavior has placed her on the front lines.
- Andrew cried in the Have Not room, alone again, naturally.
- Andrew told Kathy that he has no one and can't go to Brendon because he said he's after him.
- Enzo, Lane, and Ragan all have said they're voting Andrew out. Kristen is definitely voting him out with her buddy Hayden sure to follow suit. Britney doesn't like either Andrew or Kathy but has said she's voting Andrew out. Rachel has said all along that she wants to vote out Andrew over Kathy.
- Now, after the latest, even Brendon is talking about how he can't support his reasoning to keep Andrew in the house.
- Oh my ... will this be another unanimous vote? It could be!
- Kathy, perhaps eager to jump in on a rather safe deal, told Kristen that Andrew's been going around saying Kristen is running the house.
- Say what? I haven't heard him say that and it has no basis.
- Andrew told Ragan he loves and respects Brendon and his game.
- Brendon tried to console Andrew a bit and suggested he apologize to Kristen.
- Kathy told Enzo that Brendon flat-out told her he isn't voting to keep her because he doesn't feel he can control her actions.
- Does that mean he feels he can control Andrew? Hmmm ... maybe it's time for Brendon to do some damage control, eh?
- Enzo said that Andrew's getting desperate and will do anything for sympathy.
- Andrew went into the kitchen and cried some more while eating his baby food.
- Matt got his HOH camera and snapped a shot of miserable Andrew with his baby food.
- That's about it for now.
- At least Rachel and Britney aren't crying and Andrew doesn't dab his eyes carefully to keep his make-up from running.
The reason some men shave their heads.