Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Wednesday Daytime, July 28

Finally, some action in the house.

Enough action as to bring a tear to Andrew's eye. But, it was his fault. He started it.

Here's the skinny:
  • Not long after they got up this morning, Andrew went to the bathroom where Kristen was and said, "You two are playing me like a fiddle." He walked out.
  • Matt, in the kitchen heard it.
  • Andrew and Kristen went on to have a confrontation in the bedroom. She is TICKED.
  • He claims that she's been there for Kathy and doesn't care about him.
  • She said that she told both of them when they went on the block that she'd be there for them.
  • She also said that she would specifically be there to console Kathy this week as she thought she needed her.
  • Then she said Kathy came to her and Andrew never did.
  • Andrew said he shouldn't have to come to her, she should come to him to console him.
  • Andrew said that he has nobody in the house.
  • Kristen said that Kathy didn't either and came to her -- had he come to her, she would be just as sympathetic with him.
  • Andrew doesn't understand, doesn't think he should have to go to anyone, they should come to him.
  • Andrew claimed his "you two" comment wasn't aimed at her.
  • Kristen and Kathy were the only ones in the room at the time. Hence, they believe the "you two" comment must have been aimed at them.
  • Everyone thinks that Andrew is on the edge and is digging his own grave.
  • He is, but many of them threw their shovels of dirt on the grave long before his body was laid to rest.
  • Kristen is obviously no longer the Invisible Hamster. Andrew's behavior has placed her on the front lines.
  • Andrew cried in the Have Not room, alone again, naturally.
  • Andrew told Kathy that he has no one and can't go to Brendon because he said he's after him.
  • Enzo, Lane, and Ragan all have said they're voting Andrew out. Kristen is definitely voting him out with her buddy Hayden sure to follow suit. Britney doesn't like either Andrew or Kathy but has said she's voting Andrew out. Rachel has said all along that she wants to vote out Andrew over Kathy.
  • Now, after the latest, even Brendon is talking about how he can't support his reasoning to keep Andrew in the house.
  • Oh my ... will this be another unanimous vote? It could be!
  • Kathy, perhaps eager to jump in on a rather safe deal, told Kristen that Andrew's been going around saying Kristen is running the house.
  • Say what? I haven't heard him say that and it has no basis.
  • Andrew told Ragan he loves and respects Brendon and his game.
  • Brendon tried to console Andrew a bit and suggested he apologize to Kristen.
  • Kathy told Enzo that Brendon flat-out told her he isn't voting to keep her because he doesn't feel he can control her actions.
  • Does that mean he feels he can control Andrew? Hmmm ... maybe it's time for Brendon to do some damage control, eh?
  • Enzo said that Andrew's getting desperate and will do anything for sympathy.
  • Andrew went into the kitchen and cried some more while eating his baby food.
  • Matt got his HOH camera and snapped a shot of miserable Andrew with his baby food.
  • That's about it for now.
  • At least Rachel and Britney aren't crying and Andrew doesn't dab his eyes carefully to keep his make-up from running.

The reason some men shave their heads.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds - Into Wednesday Dawn, July 28

How cold is it in Los Angeles these days? If they were on the East Coast, they'd stay inside with air conditioning instead of bundling up with jackets and throws!

We need drama in the house. I've said it before, I'll probably say it again. Yet my words fall on deaf production ears. Maybe it's because I'm not supposed to talk about production, I don't know. Here are the latest non-happenings from that Big Brother House of Monotonous Miscast Misfits:
  • BB yelled at the boys for trying to burn a lime with a magnifying glass in the yard.
  • They threw apples around the yard.
  • They made a football out of aluminum foil.
  • Matt and Kathy said they think Rachel would voluntarily quit if Brendon got evicted.
  • I don't think she would.
  • Andrew doesn't seem to realize that he's not just the pawn anymore, but the target.
  • Hayden burned his toe with the magnifying glass. Maybe he should focus it on his hair and get rid of some of that!
  • BB took away Britney's hoodie because it had a trademarked logo on it. They're very restricted in that regard -- anything with logos needs permission or, better yet, advertising dollars thrown the BB way.
  • Brendon said he'll have a prenuptial agreement before marriage as he's been burnt before. Rachel vehemently is against it. But not enough for interesting drama.
  • They talked about how they couldn't believe the fights and drama past seasons.
  • They don't seem to realize that watching a houseful of hamsters who get along is BORING and that they're most likely the most boring group ever cast in the show.
  • For being so much "in love lust," Brendon and Rachel certainly have a lot of arguments. I think they might be starting to realize they jumped into this way too quickly and for all the wrong reasons.
  • But maybe not.
  • They (Brendon and Rachel) are still divided on the vote. As such, they'll virtually have NO vote and it will be up to the rest of the house.
  • The rest of the house is planning to vote Andrew out at this time. They still want Kathy out, but Andrew is more of a priority for them right now.
  • Matt cut Enzo's hair. Enzo said it was better than Rachel's haircutting efforts.
  • Rachel and Britney trashed Kristen and Kathy while they took a bath in the HOH tub.
  • Britney is upset that people think she's lived a privileged life just because she's been places on vacation.
  • Both talked about working up to three jobs if needed to pay the bills and having to support themselves.
  • They don't think that people who complain about the lack of money (Kathy, Kristen) need sympathy on the show -- they could be out working earning money instead of being on a reality show.
  • OMG -- I actually agree with them there. I'm SO tired of people on these shows saying how much the need the money and how poor they are. I didn't ever think I'd agree with Britney and Rachel, but there you go. If folks NEED money so badly, they should be out WORKING (yes, it it takes two or three jobs -- I've done it myself over the years) instead of being on reality shows.
  • There. I said it.
  • That said, I'm not sure where Rachel's VIP cocktail waitress position falls in the world of working for a living, but ...!
  • The guys played pool.
  • BB - take that pool table away, please!
  • Britney told Matt that Kristen would be Rachel's target if she won HOH.
  • Ragan thinks a double eviction is coming up soon. I'd say in about two weeks -- sometime mid-August.
  • Enzo has a lot of gas from the BB slop and baby food. He all but admitted to Britney that he cheated last week as a Have Not. There has been no penalty for that. However, I haven't seen him cheating this week.
  • Ragan talked to the live feeds crowd while alone in the hammock before bed.
  • He said that if he plans to throw the HOH this week (which he's leaning toward), he will wear a long-sleeved navy blue shirt.
  • Oh goody, now we have some suspense for the live show. Thank you, Ragan. Please talk to us more.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds - Tuesday Daytime July 27

Andrew makes faces at his bok choy.
He might be better off cooking it.

Seriously, something must be done to liven this house up. I'm talking seriously. Really. Here's the big scoop of the day from that Big Brother House Blatant Boredom:
  • BB didn't wake them up until 9 AM their time today.
  • Rachel made French toast for the Haves. Brendon questioned why she put sugar in it and said it wasn't needed as the syrup already had sugar. Brendon can't have the French toast anyway.
  • I wonder why she put sugar in it, too.
  • They talked about iPads and Twilight. Yawn.
  • Brendon and Rachel kissed for a change.
  • They talked about college.
  • Someone made a mess in/on the HOH toilet. Matt suspects Enzo.
  • Yeah, probably.
  • Brendon and Rachel argued more about the vote. He still wants to keep Andrew, she wants to keep Kathy.
  • Rachel, "Are you dating him or what?"
  • Oh my.
  • Andrew misplaced his yarmulke (or, as Rachel calls it, his "Yom Kippur")
  • He found it. There was no conspiracy.
  • They've napped and lazed around.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into the Dawn, Tuesday July 27

I wonder if BB got Matt's PJ's from a costume shop.

I keep expecting the unexpected but BB just isn't delivering it. Oh, I long for the days of a Cappy showdown or an Evel Dick brouhaha. Although there are definite sides in the house, these folks just aren't lively --- and they get along too well, even the "enemies." Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of The Problem with Pawns:
  • It really looks like Andrew's speech during the PoV ceremony might have sealed his fate. I don't know exactly what was said, but most of the house is pro-Kathy now.
  • Brendon and Rachel can't agree on the vote. Trouble in paradise, eh? Their votes will likely cancel each other out. Not a good thing for power players in the house.
  • Lane thinks that Hayden doesn't have a personality and possesses a dry sense of humor.
  • I'm not all that into Hayden, but contend that if he indeed has a dry sense of humor, he has a personality.
  • Hayden does seem a bit boring. Maybe it's because I can't see his eyes.
  • Britney mentioned that she's been on a lot of cruises, Hayden's been on none.
  • I've never been on a cruise. I've been on whale-watching and deep sea fishing boats, but I guess it's not the same.
  • Lane agreed with Ragan about keeping Kathy this week.
  • Lane claims it will be Brendon and Rachel's fault if Andrew leaves this week.
  • Huh? Especially if their votes cancel each other out! I guess he means it's because of the Rachel/Brendon/Andrew connection.
  • Kristen told Matt for sure she'll be voting for Andrew to go.
  • They talked about how BB is editing them. Matt says that the show is portraying Enzo as total Jersey guy and capitalizing on the popularity of The Jersey Shore.
  • He does have a point there.
  • Britney is on her Hayden/Kristen being brother/sister kick still. She said that Kristen told her that her parents named all the children with "en" at the end of their names.
  • Meanwhile, watching and listening to Hayden and Kristen shows they're no way brother and sister. If it's some kind of surprise reveal, they're going to be horrified at their actions.
  • Britney thinks Andrew has eaten some non-kosher items. Don't ask me ... unless it's something blatant, I don't know.
  • Enzo doesn't think he's anyone's target. He's basically right although he doesn't realize that he's considered a bit sketchy by Brendon and Rachel.
  • Matt thinks it will be an 8-0 vote to evict Andrew. Maybe, possibly a 7-1 if Rachel sticks to her guns.
  • Looks like Captain Kosher is piloting a sinking ship.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Monday Into the Evening, July 26

Another day in that Big Brother house of Poor Casting:
  • Brendon and Rachel are the early birds this season, once again getting up before BB wakes them up.
  • They've noticed that Enzo, Lane, Hayden and Kristen hang out a lot together and are thinking there may be an alliance there.
  • They don't seem to think Matt is a part of it.
  • I actually think Matt is the loose card of the alliance and the Brigade would do better with Kristen in his place.
  • Brendon and Rachel are worried about Enzo and don't trust Britney. Um, okay.
  • Enzo is really on a "get rid of Andrew this week" trip as opposed to his earlier "get rid of Kathy" trip.
  • They went on an outdoor lockdown in prep for the PoV ceremony.
  • Bam, no feeds for the ceremony!
  • The nominations remain the same as we expected. Brendon couldn't use the PoV or Rachel would go on the block (supposedly).
  • Apparently Andrew said something about Matt being in cahoots with Brendon and Rachel.
  • Oh my. Andrew should have remained quiet. This might be enough to change up the vote and give him the boot.
  • Matt told Andrew he liked the speech. Andrew told him that if he stays he won't be gunning for him.
  • Andrew knows Matt indeed has alliances.
  • Ragan said the PoV meeting was the weirdest ever and Andrew made him laugh with his speech.
  • Hayden said he thinks Andrew's speech was all an act.
  • Kristen told Matt that, since the speech, she decided to vote out Andrew. She said Rachel's weird reaction to it makes her think he's in with them (B/R).
  • Britney agrees with Kristen.
  • This speech seems worth the watch Wednesday!
  • Matt claims that he's worried who Kathy would nominate if she won HOH.
  • That's just silly.
  • Kathy is the least likely to win any comp on the show.
  • I think Matt's working both sides of the house ... still. His only allegiance is to himself and his fake-disease wife.
  • Kristen, Hayden, Britney and Enzo seem to be solid votes to boot Andrew. Lane is a maybe.
  • Unless something big happens, Ragan is going to vote to evict Andrew.
  • I think Andrew got himself in hot water.
  • And it's all because Matt put him up as a pawn and didn't nominate EITHER of the ones they all claim are the targets.
  • Super Genius strikes again.
  • It seems like Brendon and Rachel still might be a split vote on this one. She wants to get rid of Andrew and he doesn't.
  • We'll see.