Half the time when I look at Hayden, the word "Duh?" comes to mind. I know he's not dumb, but his facial expressions tend to betray him.
It's still not all that exciting in the house and probably won't be until the new HOH shake-up this week. But here are the evening and nighttime happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Hokey Hamsters:
- Kristen is still working for votes.
- Hayden doesn't want Kristen to think he's working anyone for votes (and he isn't -- he knows he has them).
- Ragan is still all full of BB advice for anyone who will listen. "I recommend ..."
- Ragan is definitely getting to the annoyance level. I liked him in the beginning.
- Ragan told Kristen he doesn't think the guys (Brigade Boys) are working together. That's the opposite of what he had told Rachel. He supposedly has thought it over.
- Some expert on BB ... can't see the Brigade for the trees.
- Or something like that.
- They got eight beers and two bottles of wine. Woot.
- Rachel and Brendon are trying to work Hayden into their alliance.
- They told him they don't really trust Matt -- everyone knows he's sneaky.
- Well, they have that right.
- Ragan talked about the Jokersupdates site. It would be nice if one of these hamsters mentioned US!
- Rachel and Brendon got hot and heavy undercovers again. I switched the cam. I was so over them before they even began.
- Enzo talked about the characters in his family. "Little Head, ReeRee, etc."
- It's more interesting listening to Lane, Enzo, Kathy, and Britney talk about their lives and families than watching either showmance.
- Hayden and Kristen kissed a bit, but their relationship has really quieted down since both went on the block.
Enzo quotes:
"All they do is talk of season 11. We're our own season. Let us be peacocks and FLY!"
"Just when I talk, I make everyone laugh." -- the accent
"Tri-State area is another [bleeping] animal, we have an authenticity. We're straight-up legit."
Yeah, I too live in New Jersey not all that far from where Enzo's from (sans that accent) and we're too legit to quit.
That said, this is the end of this live feeds report!