Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning - Aug. 4

Half the time when I look at Hayden, the word "Duh?" comes to mind. I know he's not dumb, but his facial expressions tend to betray him.

It's still not all that exciting in the house and probably won't be until the new HOH shake-up this week. But here are the evening and nighttime happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Hokey Hamsters:
  • Kristen is still working for votes.
  • Hayden doesn't want Kristen to think he's working anyone for votes (and he isn't -- he knows he has them).
  • Ragan is still all full of BB advice for anyone who will listen. "I recommend ..."
  • Ragan is definitely getting to the annoyance level. I liked him in the beginning.
  • Ragan told Kristen he doesn't think the guys (Brigade Boys) are working together. That's the opposite of what he had told Rachel. He supposedly has thought it over.
  • Some expert on BB ... can't see the Brigade for the trees.
  • Or something like that.
  • They got eight beers and two bottles of wine. Woot.
  • Rachel and Brendon are trying to work Hayden into their alliance.
  • They told him they don't really trust Matt -- everyone knows he's sneaky.
  • Well, they have that right.
  • Ragan talked about the Jokersupdates site. It would be nice if one of these hamsters mentioned US!
  • Rachel and Brendon got hot and heavy undercovers again. I switched the cam. I was so over them before they even began.
  • Enzo talked about the characters in his family. "Little Head, ReeRee, etc."
  • It's more interesting listening to Lane, Enzo, Kathy, and Britney talk about their lives and families than watching either showmance.
  • Hayden and Kristen kissed a bit, but their relationship has really quieted down since both went on the block.

Enzo quotes:
"All they do is talk of season 11. We're our own season. Let us be peacocks and FLY!"

"Just when I talk, I make everyone laugh." -- the accent
"Tri-State area is another [bleeping] animal, we have an authenticity. We're straight-up legit."

Yeah, I too live in New Jersey not all that far from where Enzo's from (sans that accent) and we're too legit to quit.
That said, this is the end of this live feeds report!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Daytime Tuesday, Aug. 3

What? Brendon with no Rachel?
(That's Enzo next to him.)

Britney being expressive.
Either that or she's home alone.

We're back to down time in the house. I'd be going crazy without a book or my computer. Either that, or I would be asleep. Unfortunately, down time for them means rather uneventful times for us. Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Ditzy Deviants:
  • Ohhh ... after BB woke them up a bit before 8:30 AM, most hamsters had to change their batteries (in their microphones).
  • Be still, my heart.
  • Ragan is starting to get on my nerves as he keeps going into lecturing phases about the game, repeatedly to Kristen, but also to Rachel this morning.
  • Some are still on the "lifelong friends" saboteur kick.
  • They've been having four different views of the same scene way too much this season. It's bad enough when it's 2 and 2.
  • Ragan tried to hint to Rachel that Hayden is probably a more dangerous player than Kristen as he might be linked to Enzo and Lane.
  • Oh, is the Brigade about to be no longer a secret?
  • Of course, since Matt and Ragan hang out, he isn't thinking Matt is involved with the other guys.
  • He's wrong.
  • But Matt's out for himself more than the Brigade anyway.
  • Actually, that's as it should be.
  • That doesn't stop me from equating Matt to a slimy snake.
  • Brendon told Rachel that he thinks Britney's smart enough not to trust Kristen.
  • Hey, Britney's smart enough not to trust ANY of them. She hangs out a lot with Enzo and Lane, but she only trusts them so far (but more than she trusts Rachel and Brendon).
  • Matt has slimed himself in so well that Rachel and Brendon are sure he's in their alliance.
  • Brendon and Rachel still want to vote Kristen out. They have a one-week safety deal with Hayden and wouldn't trust any deal Kristen puts on the table.
  • Of course, we all know the Brigade will keep Hayden. That's five votes right there.
  • Kristen is still pleading her case to stay. No one is committing, yet they give her hope.
  • We'll see strong editing making it look like she's not getting voted out this week -- lots of fodder for it.
  • But it's not going to happen. She will go 6-1 or unanimously.
  • Jackie says.

Hayden's mouth bugs me. That and his hair.
I won't mention that he's boring.

I think she's giving us the evil eye!
Quick! Enzo! Give her The Face!

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds As it Turns Into Tuesday, Aug. 3

"I don't casually throw the 'L' word around.
I got it. I got it. You love Vegas."

The "Brendon's lecturing me again" look.
As Popeye said before,
Rachel says now, "I yam who I yam. I AM VEGAS!"

My apologies for the weird timing of my posts today -- I think I got used to being on staycation! As I posted before:
  • Britney had a plan for saving Kristen and getting Kathy on the block against Hayden.
  • The plan was based on gameplay values -- Kathy is just taking up space while others (Hayden and Kristen) are there to play the game.
  • The plan was to try to hook up a Showmance Alliance with both the couples in the house.
  • Brendon and Rachel knew no part of Britney's involvement in the plan.
  • Had it worked, whoever won HOH next (except Brendon) would put both Brendon and Rachel on the block. Lies and deceit!
  • I love it.
  • But it all fell through.
  • Although they didn't say anything to Britney about it, the Brigade Boys (except Hayden) weren't too cool on the plan. They actually want Kristen out to strengthen Hayden in their alliance.
  • Chances are if they let any woman into their testosterone circle, it would be Britney.
  • So, Hayden and Kristen (in her "hippie" unitard and Orphan Annie wig) are still on the block.
  • Hayden isn't doing any campaigning. He knows he's all but guaranteed safety due to the Brigade and the fact that Rachel wants Kristen out so much.
  • Kristen, on the other hand, without maligning Hayden, is really campaigning. Instead of focusing on why they should get rid of Hayden over her, she's telling them why they should keep her.
  • Her points are: it would make Rachel crazier than she is, she's a strong player, could make their own positions easier in the house as she's likely to be targeted before them, she would vow to get out Brendon and Rachel.
  • She's talking to each hamster in turn in her campaign.
  • Everyone is patiently listening and telling her she has good points.
  • But I think their minds are already made up.
  • She thinks that, too. But she won't go out without trying.
  • She said she has never even been asked a question by Julie Chen on the show and she's dreading going out in the unitard and wig.
  • Meanwhile, there's trouble in paradise.
  • Once again, Rachel imbibed too much ... not uncommon at all.
  • She got on a Vegas kick -- talking about it forever and repeating the same things over and over again.
  • As Brendon later said, "I got it. I got it. You love Las Vegas!"
  • Brendon tried to leave the conversation and she followed him, still talking Vegas.
  • So they got into one of their long talks where he gives her lectures with puppy dog eyes and she shoots daggers from her eyes.
  • I don't see these two lasting outside of the house, not at all.
  • But now they're all lovey-dovey again.
  • Blech.
  • And that's how it goes in the house of hamsters.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Meeting 8/02

The veto was NOT used. Hayden and Kristen are still on the block. A full report will be posted later.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into the Dawn, Monday Aug. 2

As you can tell from the screen caps, it's been an exciting night in the Big Brother house! Here's the scoop:
  • Britney continued to work on her plan (see last live feeds report). She told Lane about it.
  • Britney told Lane that it helps her if Kristen is there, yet won't hurt her if Kristen leaves.
  • If Rachel says definitely not to use the POV, she won't. She doesn't want to hurt her own game.
  • She told the others that Kathy doesn't want her to use the veto and throw her under the bus.
  • Matt and Ragan hung out with Brendon and Rachel.
  • But then, Kristen and Hayden met up with Brendon and Rachel in the HOH room.
  • And, they struck a deal.
  • The two couples, the four ... will be the strongest alliance ever in the game.
  • Rachel said everyone needs to be completely honest.
  • They think it's a bold move.
  • Kristen and Hayden are lying -- if Kathy goes up and out, whoever wins HOH is to put Brendon and Rachel on the block.
  • Rachel said that if a nominee comes off, her only real choice for replacement is Kathy.
  • Enzo isn't really aboard the plan. I don't think he'll make waves, but I think he would rather Kristen out to force Hayden 100% Brigade.
  • Brendon and Rachel are hedging a bit, but it sounds like Britney's plan could very well go down.
  • Most are still up as I post this.