My review of last night's show and a special live feeds endurance comp post should go up over at TV Squad sometime this morning. They're written, just waiting for an editor.
In the house happenings since the comp ended, here's the main scoops:
- Rachel cried some more.
- Brendon told Rachel that he'll always protect.
- Boy, he protected her well this time, eh?
- Not that I'm really knocking him for losing the comp.
- Brendon complained to Enzo that the comps are all geared towards smaller people.
- Enzo agreed.
- Matt told Ragan of his need to have people backing him. He said that in his speech, he needs to say something about putting the strongest couple in the house up.
- Britney said people have told her she looks like Dolly Parton -- commenters have even said that here in this blog!
- BB gave them alcohol.
- They all checked out Matt's HOH room -- he got sliders from White Castle along with other goodies.
- Britney, Matt and Ragan think they need to go after Rachel before Brendon because she's so much better in comps than her man.
- They're right. I think she's the real threat in the game.
- Ragan thinks it will be a double eviction next week.
- Maybe. It's about due.
- Britney thinks Brendon is condescending and egotistical.
- He is. He treats Rachel that way (just talking outside of her own issues) and he comes across that way in the house.
- Enzo thinks that he and Hayden should make side alliances with Brendon, but not let him know of the Brigade or anything.
- They're still up as I get this posted. All four cameras are on Enzo, Britney, Hayden and Lane.
- They're talking about Rachel and Brendon "still fighting" but since all cameras are on them, I don't know.
- There have been no saboteur signs yet.
- And, it looks like Matt will be putting Rachel and Brendon on the block.
- But, of course, that's subject to change before nominations tonight.
- Okay, they switched to Rachel.
- She's crying again. Hayden is telling her that he's all alone in the house since Kristen went.
- I don't know where Brendon is.
- Rachel says everyone hates her.
- She doesn't know the half of it.