Friday, August 06, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Friday Daytime - Aug. 6

Another day in the happy house of hamsters. As I get this written, the nominations haven't been done. However ... Matt did open Pandora's Box and Ragan will be unleashed to wreak havoc on all. Matt, of course, doesn't know what he's unleashed.
  • Hayden told Enzo and Lane about his talk with Rachel last night. You know, the one in which he was so sympathetic and told her he too had no one in the house except Kristen.
  • And now she's gone.
  • Brendon, possibly using his crystal ball, is trying to work his way into the guys. He's been hanging around a lot with Enzo. Buddy-buddy, grunt-grunt.
  • Brendon is still going on about the comps being made for smaller people.
  • Rachel told Brendon that she can't wait until this is all over and she won't be friends with anyone after they leave the house (present company excluded).
  • She hates them all!
  • Hayden thinks Matt should take Rachel's $5,000 and then nominate her anyway.
  • Rachel told Brendon she's sure they're safe this week, but must win HOH next week because it's probably a double eviction.
  • Wrong and wrong.
  • Well, I don't know for sure about the double eviction. I haven't done the math on that and I don't want to think right now.
  • I don't want to think because these hamsters are turning my mind to mush.
  • Rachel thinks she's the only one with a great life and they're probably jealous of her.
  • @@
  • Meanwhile, in another room -- Kathy, Hayden and Britney are trashing Rachel.
  • And so it goes.
  • Lane told Ragan that Brendon called him (Ragan) a cockroach.
  • Ragan still thinks the only real alliance in the house is Brendon and Rachel.
  • A cockroach might be smarter about that.
  • There was a big cockroach in the kitchen which Lane killed.
  • Perhaps it was named Ragan, I don't know.
  • Rachel pouted.
  • Ragan and Rachel had words about words (names being called).
  • Rachel called Matt and Ragan "a pair."
  • Oh my.
  • Ragan got all bothered by it.
  • Rachel cried some more.
  • Then they all (Rachel, Ragan and Brendon) apologized to each other.
  • Some brouhaha.
  • After an extended trivia session with the feeds blocked, Matt admitted opening Pandora's Box.
  • He said he got a dollar in a briefcase and a promise of wealth ... but he would be unleashing something on the house.
  • He doesn't know what he has unleashed.
  • Now I've gone full circle.
  • As I get this posted, we have extended trivia again. This time it might be the nominations.
  • It looks like Matt will stick to his guns and nominate Brendon and Rachel.
  • If he doesn't, he'll lose face with the rest of the house.
  • Once I know the noms, I'll post a bulletin.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Dawn Friday - Aug. 6

My review of last night's show and a special live feeds endurance comp post should go up over at TV Squad sometime this morning. They're written, just waiting for an editor.

In the house happenings since the comp ended, here's the main scoops:
  • Rachel cried some more.
  • Brendon told Rachel that he'll always protect.
  • Boy, he protected her well this time, eh?
  • Not that I'm really knocking him for losing the comp.
  • Brendon complained to Enzo that the comps are all geared towards smaller people.
  • Enzo agreed.
  • Matt told Ragan of his need to have people backing him. He said that in his speech, he needs to say something about putting the strongest couple in the house up.
  • Britney said people have told her she looks like Dolly Parton -- commenters have even said that here in this blog!
  • BB gave them alcohol.
  • They all checked out Matt's HOH room -- he got sliders from White Castle along with other goodies.
  • Britney, Matt and Ragan think they need to go after Rachel before Brendon because she's so much better in comps than her man.
  • They're right. I think she's the real threat in the game.
  • Ragan thinks it will be a double eviction next week.
  • Maybe. It's about due.
  • Britney thinks Brendon is condescending and egotistical.
  • He is. He treats Rachel that way (just talking outside of her own issues) and he comes across that way in the house.
  • Enzo thinks that he and Hayden should make side alliances with Brendon, but not let him know of the Brigade or anything.
  • They're still up as I get this posted. All four cameras are on Enzo, Britney, Hayden and Lane.
  • They're talking about Rachel and Brendon "still fighting" but since all cameras are on them, I don't know.
  • There have been no saboteur signs yet.
  • And, it looks like Matt will be putting Rachel and Brendon on the block.
  • But, of course, that's subject to change before nominations tonight.
  • Okay, they switched to Rachel.
  • She's crying again. Hayden is telling her that he's all alone in the house since Kristen went.
  • I don't know where Brendon is.
  • Rachel says everyone hates her.
  • She doesn't know the half of it.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Big Brother 12 - HOH Endurance Comp Coverage - Aug. 5

10:40 PM ET - Matt just told Kathy that she has another two weeks in the house. It looks like he's going to put up Brendon and Rachel. Or, Kathy with one of them as a pawn. He won't put up the Brigade or Ragan.

Snicker ... Rachel is VERY upset because her man didn't win it for them. Brendon tried to make her feel better and this time HE went stomping out of the room.

So, Matt is officially the new HOH. He agreed with Ragan that Kathy will go home this week while they were still on the can spinning. Kathy was the first out, so she's the sole Have Not for the week.

9:53 - Ragan said he's going to jump (although he's scared to jump) -- feeds blocked, but I bet he's down and Matt's HOH.

9:47 PM - Ragan says he feels sick and asked the best way to fall. He's still up, though.

9:42 PM ET - Deja vu all over again. Matt and Ragan left, Matt can last all night, Ragan weakening.

9:38 PM ET - Feeds blocked a bit. Britney's down. Kathy tells Ragan it's just him and Matt again. Lane and Hayden must have gone down while feeds were blocked.

9:32 PM ET - Kathy and Enzo apparently out before Brendon while feeds were down. Brendon went down just after feeds returned. We didn't get to see Kathy or Enzo go down.

9:28 -- Feeds up, kind of adult-oriented commentary -- "spank me, etc." BRENDON IS OUT

9:20 PM ET -- Feeds still blocked.

As I get this posted at a few minutes after 9 PM ET, the feeds are still off. I'll be updating this post with screen caps and commentary on tonight's endurance comp. Everyone is welcome to chime in down in comments! Newest content will be at the top of this post, so be sure to refresh it now and then.

Big Brother 12 - Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Aug. 5

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start on the East Coast. As it airs here, I'll update this post with the major events. Later on, I'll be writing up my full review of the show for TV Squad. Everyone is welcome to party, er ... hang out in comments and share your thoughts!

Since the houseguests have been on lockdown since 6 AM yesterday while something has been being built in the yard, they think it's going to be an endurance comp for HOH. I don't think it will be as the last endurance comp was just two weeks ago, but you never know. If it is endurance, I'll create a separate post to cover it.

Hmmm ... Julie says they'll crown the most powerful HOH EVER. Something's up. It doesn't quite sound like endurance, but something.

Whoa! Kristen's boyfriend at home is ticked off!

The vote:
Enzo --> Kristen
Kathy --> Hayden
Matt --> Kristen
Commercial break
Lane --> Kristen
Ragan --> Kristen
Brendon --> Kristen
Britney --> Kristen

Buh-bye Kristen

It is endurance -- they're on a ledge on a huge revolving paint can with paint splattered at them. I'll be opening a new post with screen caps and for commentary when the feeds return. The first person out is the only Have Not for the week.

The choice for saboteur was Ragan. The HOH has to open Pandora's Box (and get a secret power) to unleash the saboteur.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn, Aug. 5

Rachel never looked better!

Good morning, blog guests! My review of last night's show is up over on TV Squad. And we're about to start the morning of a live show day. That means they'll have to scramble around cleaning the pig sty they've created all week. I think it would be easier to keep things semi-clean all week, but I guess I'm wrong. Here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of the Sinking Sun:
  • Kristen cried.
  • Britney and Rachel think that Enzo would win in a final two with just about anyone.
  • Yo, Jersey Boy! You're too well-liked!
  • Rachel and Britney took another bubble bath complete with mud masks ... as you can see.
  • Rachel is offended that Kristen had the nerve to approach Brendon for a vote.
  • Kristen has been pulling straws and telling her tale to all.
  • All except Rachel. Maybe Rachel thinks Kristen went after her man by asking him for a vote.
  • Brendon thinks that Ragan isn't a great ally as he floats and is too close with Matt.
  • Brendon, Britney and Rachel don't think there's a "boy alliance."
  • Brendon and Rachel have really turned on their alliance with Matt. They think he's sneaky and should go.
  • Britney told Matt and Ragan that they want Matt up if Brendon gets HOH.
  • Britney, after the bubble bath, pretty much reported everything to the guys.
  • She really needs to be careful.
  • Is there someone named Kathy in the house?
  • Matt and Ragan discussed possibly throwing the HOH to each other.
  • Ragan told Matt it would be best to get Rachel out first, then go after Brendon.
  • I think he's right.
  • Due to the long lockdown and construction in the yard, they think it might be an endurance comp.
  • I don't think so as there was an endurance comp just two weeks ago.
  • I could be wrong.
  • They tried to pump up Kathy for the HOH comp.
  • Yeah, like that will work.