Rachel did this ...
... just so she could do this and mess it up.
The big news of the day is that Britney didn't use the power of veto. But we already knew she wouldn't use it. But ... there is some related news to the PoV meeting.
- After several of the hamsters were up most of the night, BB woke them up a bit after 9 AM their time.
- The vote is still planned to be 6-0 for a Rachel eviction.
- Lane promised that if Matt's in the finals with Enzo or Hayden and he (Lane) is on the jury, he'll vote Matt for the win for his sick wife.
- Hopefully, if that's the case, Lane will snap Matt like a twig when he finds out the wife disease is a lie.
- They had the veto meeting.
- Apparently Brendon and Rachel kicked in their plan to alienate Brendon from the house so that they'll vote to keep Rachel.
- He insulted Britney and Lane (and probably more) in his veto speech.
- Rachel cried, horrified at Brendon's behavior.
- Yeah, right.
- Brendon and Rachel think their plan is working.
- The others see through it, plan to let Brendon and Rachel think they're changing their minds for a Brendon eviction.
- Then they'll unanimously vote out Rachel.
- Everyone except Kathy, Rachel and Brendon are in HoH going over questions for the upcoming comp (which they think will be a quiz).
- Rachel is sucking up to Kathy.
- That's about it for now.
- I haven't seen anything from the saboteur and no one is thinking Ragan.