Monday, August 09, 2010

Survivor: Nicaragua Cast Announced

The CBS website is live and the cast has been officially announced. The spoilers had it right. I'm not going to be able to watch Jimmy Johnson without thinking of those late night ads for male enhancement pills. Ack! I'm posting the "Meet the Cast" video here and, as I have time, I'll be taking a closer look. You KNOW I'm going to be cheering on the older tribe!

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Monday Daytime - August 9

Rachel did this ...

... just so she could do this and mess it up.

The big news of the day is that Britney didn't use the power of veto. But we already knew she wouldn't use it. But ... there is some related news to the PoV meeting.
  • After several of the hamsters were up most of the night, BB woke them up a bit after 9 AM their time.
  • The vote is still planned to be 6-0 for a Rachel eviction.
  • Lane promised that if Matt's in the finals with Enzo or Hayden and he (Lane) is on the jury, he'll vote Matt for the win for his sick wife.
  • Hopefully, if that's the case, Lane will snap Matt like a twig when he finds out the wife disease is a lie.
  • They had the veto meeting.
  • Apparently Brendon and Rachel kicked in their plan to alienate Brendon from the house so that they'll vote to keep Rachel.
  • He insulted Britney and Lane (and probably more) in his veto speech.
  • Rachel cried, horrified at Brendon's behavior.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Brendon and Rachel think their plan is working.
  • The others see through it, plan to let Brendon and Rachel think they're changing their minds for a Brendon eviction.
  • Then they'll unanimously vote out Rachel.
  • Everyone except Kathy, Rachel and Brendon are in HoH going over questions for the upcoming comp (which they think will be a quiz).
  • Rachel is sucking up to Kathy.
  • That's about it for now.
  • I haven't seen anything from the saboteur and no one is thinking Ragan.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Monday Morning - August 9

We didn't expect earthshaking developments and we didn't get them. Here's the latest from inside the Big Brother House of Delayed Emotional Growth:
  • They played yet another pool tournament.
  • When Rachel joined the others, her fake loud laugh became even more fake and louder.
  • Brendon and Rachel talked more about wishing they could get Britney to use the veto.
  • Brendon thinks he should be the one to leave because she stands a better chance of winning.
  • Like Brendon or Rachel have a choice in the matter, eh?
  • Once again Rachel offered Britney the $5,000 to use the veto.
  • If she doesn't want to use it on her, use it on Brendon!
  • No, no, a hundred times no.
  • Britney said that using it on Brendon is using it and she's not planning on using the veto at all.
  • Rachel told Enzo that he and Hayden will be targets after she and Brendon are gone.
  • Rachel thinks Enzo is playing a good social game. She thinks she's not doing well with the social game.
  • You think?
  • BB gave them alcohol.
  • Rachel got drunk.
  • She did a stripper routine in the kitchen, then went on to make her bed in her underwear looking so naked-ish that I couldn't use it as a screen cap on this blog.
  • Now Regan, Matt, Hayden, Lane and Enzo are in HOH talking about how embarrassing her behavior was and how bad it is for Brendon, too.
  • They don't think they'll last as a couple outside of the house.
  • I don't think so either!
  • Brendon is saying he's going to go all Evel Dick on the house if Rachel goes.
  • Brendon never watched that season, so he's only heard tales.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Nominations Show Blog Party - August 8

big brother,jackiestvblog

Look! Zoetawny made us a new saboteur logo! She rocks, right?

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

In HOH - Kathy jumped and took the slop. Enzo decided to let his boys handle the dirty work and jumped. Brendon is down -- Rachel is ticked at him. Lane, Britney and Hayden down 1, 2, 3. Matt and Ragan remain. Ragan down, Matt wins HOH.

Matt took the diamond power of veto and opened Pandora's Box. Made up a lie about the prize - $1. Ragan accepted the new saboteur role.

Rachel and Brendon are on the block.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Sunday Daytime - August 8

I mean, seriously, who wears these things? I know that they're limited in their clothes, but Matt wears this daily. Then he changes into his BB-given footy pajamas.

Usually Sundays are totally uneventful in the house. But, that was the norm when there wasn't a (:::dramatic music:::) ... saboteur! Yes, today had another saboteur video. This time it was blocked to the feeds. The message it shared with the hamsters hinted that they should keep Rachel. Now they're all thinking the saboteur is Rachel because she's the only one who would benefit from it.

I don't have much to report on, but here's the other news of the day:
  • Matt once again told Rachel it was just gameplay that he put Brendon and her on the block.
  • She thinks it is personal, everyone hates her, she's had to fight from day one to stay in the house and so on.
  • Rachel told Matt that Britney turned down the $5,000 offer to buy her use of the veto.
  • Then Rachel went off crying.
  • Rachel and Kathy talked calmly.
  • Most just want to avoid the drama which is Rachel.
  • The HOH gang plus Ragan and Britney had a discussion of how the saboteur (whom they believe to be Rachel) was chosen.
  • They decided if BB chose it, it would be somebody they spotlight on the show (for good or bad).
  • If America chose it, it could be either the villain of the season (to mess with their game) or a favorite player.
  • Ragan is still under no suspicion whatsoever.
  • Matt had stayed up late watching the HOH cam and saw nothing happen.
  • They're nonchalantly "studying" for a BB house knowledge comp which they expect is due Thursday.
  • That's the sort of thing Rachel is great at, Brendon not so much.
  • Of the crew I've been watching, the only ones seriously into it are Britney and Ragan. Britney's knowledge is better than Ragan's on the counts of things.
  • I haven't heard any odd statistics from the BB voice to the hamsters this season -- laps in the pool or around the yard to make a mile, number of windows.
  • Matt is good at comps and time sequences.
  • Stop on back for the show post a bit later tonight -- 8 PM ET!