Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning - August 11


Enzo's reaction as Brendon screams at Ragan and Britney in back of him.

Brendon's talk to the Internet after he screamed at Britney and Ragan and then couldn't get to Rachel as she was in the Diary Room.

Putting on a show for the Internet explaining the recent brouhaha in the house. Alas, the view is from the back because the camera in the front would only focus on one at a time, not a group shot.

There. Have I whetted your appetite for the most recent brouhaha in the house? I hate to admit it because it really makes me a bit of a mean girl ... but my whole reaction to this dramatic event was a bit like Enzo's. I had to hold the giggles in. Here's what went down:
  • It was a relatively peaceful evening in the yard, another pool tournament (yawn) in motion.
  • Rachel and Brendon are still working on the "Vote out Brendon because he's a meanie-pants while Rachel is simply a dear heart who's so misunderstood. She deserves to be here!" plan.
  • With that in mind, Rachel wants to smooth things out between herself and Ragan, Britney to a lesser amount.
  • Now, Ragan isn't having any of the apology bit. He told her that he doesn't like the drama and that every drama in the house has a common denominator -- Rachel.
  • Ragan isn't loud, nor really rude. Yet he definitely was condescending.
  • Britney joined in to agree with Ragan as he continued.
  • Rachel kept pushing them by claiming she never did the things they said she did.
  • But she did laugh maniacally at Ragan the night before. She did. I saw it. The house saw it. Perhaps Ragan attaches too much dramatic significance to behaviors like this, but it happened.
  • "Never happened!" said Rachel. The denial of things which had happened continued. Ragan told her that he wanted to be surrounded by fierce competitors in the comps, then be able to relax and play pool with them later.
  • Ragan told her she was a poor sport when she wins, gloating it over everyone and a poor sport when she loses, crying and pouting. No one wants to be around her in either scenario. She needs to adjust her behaviors and she'd have less of a problem getting along in the house.
  • He is right on that bit. Her mood swings are so predictable and she never seems to really get over things.
  • Rachel teared up, apologized for EVERYTHING and said she was sorry for ruining his game. Then she ran into the house to the Diary Room before the tears overflowed and caused flood warnings.
  • Brendon, only knowing that Rachel was upset and heard a mention of his name (Ragan mentioned Brendon calling him a "pussy" to Rachel), ran out to the hammock where Britney, Ragan and now Kathy were.
  • He lit into them, really! He started screaming and yelling at them, full of expletives! WOW! I didn't know he had it in him.
  • Ragan called him a "neanderthal."
  • Brendon corrected his pronunciation.
  • All the time Brendon was screaming at Ragan and Britney (Kathy had quickly jumped up and ran to safety), Enzo was probably less than fifty feet away by the pool table with Lane and Hayden. His back was to the brouhaha. It was all he could do to keep from guffawing.
  • The glee in Enzo's eyes was priceless. It's obvious that he relishes this kind of thing in the house as it takes him totally off the radar.
  • After screaming at them a bit more, Brendon headed towards the house with Britney on his tail.
  • Towering over her, he sputtered something about her being three feet tall. She sputtered back at him.
  • He went in and looked all over the house for Rachel, finally deciding she was in the diary room.
  • The diary room wouldn't let him in.
  • So he addressed the cameras pleading his case and explaining his outburst.
  • He's in love and he KNOWS they picked on her (even though he really has no clue what was said by anyone).
  • He's going to defend his love no matter what.
  • She doesn't deserve such treatment and never does anything wrong.
  • They're all so mean to her and she has never been mean in the house.
  • Kathy came through to check for "libations" in the storage room.
  • Since she's not Britney and Ragan, he didn't scream at her.
  • Coming out with two bottles of wine and maybe five beers, he asked that she leave both bottles of wine for Rachel and him (Rachel still in DR).
  • She left them on the kitchen island and headed out the door, letting Britney in on her way out.
  • Britney snagged the bottles, said something about all of the liquor going outside and put them with the rest by the pool table.
  • Brendon went out, grabbed the white wine and brought it back into the kitchen, took the corkscrew and opened it.
  • Kathy came in for the corkscrew only to find out that Brendon hid it in his pocket and didn't want to give it to them. But he gave it to her without argument when she said something about sinking to their level.
  • Rachel eventually came out of the DR. Brendon and Rachel went over the fight and how mean everyone is over and over again as they drank their wine in one of the bedrooms.
  • Hayden, Kathy, Britney and Ragan put on an Internet show in the HOH room (and to Matt) reenacting the events of the evening, offered with a bit more relish just to spice things up.
  • Enzo, Hayden and, to a lesser degree, Kathy, are sitting pretty in Rachel and Brendon's eyes.
  • Ragan, Matt and Britney are cockroaches according to Brendon.
  • He will squash them.
  • Brendon is SO brainwashed by Rachel. While Britney and Ragan tend to exaggerate her behaviors, Rachel has a lot of serious emotional and people skills issues. Brendon, though his earlier "talks" with Rachel showed he knows there are issues, now is blind to anything she does wrong.
  • Ragan also addressed the Internet on his own, explaining his stance. Now, he's beginning to remind me a bit too much of a know-it-all guy I know, so I should zip my lip.
  • Suffice it to say that he's not perfect either.
  • But Rachel's behaviors have been really manic, that I will say. She needs that house shrink they have on staff.
  • That was about it for the excitement of the night.
  • Finally, a brouhaha which lasted more than two minutes and really caught my attention. I wanted to go make popcorn in the middle of it for my viewing pleasure.

Hey, Rachel ... not that I'm one to give advice. But did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, it's those SOCKS? I'm jus' sayin' ...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Tuesday Night - August 10

What? I haven't posted since early morning? Yikes! Well, y'see ... so much in the house this season is a bit of deja vu all over again. You know ... lather, rinse, repeat. And repeat and repeat. Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Billiards Buffoons:
  • BB actually woke them up before 9 AM their time. Oh my.
  • Enzo sees through floater Kathy's all of a sudden joining in on the brigade against Brendon and Rachel now that it's the thing to do.
  • Not The Brigade, just your basic generic brigade, mind you.
  • With actual The Brigade discussions, no matter how "close" they seem, Ragan and Britney aren't a part of the circle jer... um, inner circle.
  • That was horrible of me, but I couldn't resist. My apologies.
  • The plan remains to let Brendon and Rachel think they're voting out Brendon.
  • But they'll be voting out Rachel.
  • They practiced their memory testing questions. Some are so obscure they could never be used on the show.
  • Rachel thinks they might still be planning to get rid of her even after Brendon's big mean POV meeting speech.
  • Britney and Ragan continued to trash talk Brendon and Rachel.
  • Rachel continued to whine that everyone hates her.
  • Brendon continued to patronize Rachel in an annoying and condescending way.
  • They all napped at one time or another.
  • I couldn't nap. My boss hates it when I do that.
  • Lane and Matt think that Rachel is the saboteur. Lane is sure of it because the sequence of who changes their batteries when changed.
  • It must be a conspiracy.
  • I can see Rachel over there on the grassy knoll now.
  • No one suspects Ragan.
  • Then again, the saboteur has only released a video and no havoc.
  • They played pool.
  • Rachel talked about Las Vegas.
  • Brendon told Hayden not to trust Lane because he's the saboteur.
  • Hayden told Lane that Brendon thinks he (Lane) is the saboteur.
  • That's just silly thinking!
  • Brendon is trying to torment the hamsters, but he is so not an Evel Dick.
  • Rachel thinks everyone hates her.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Big Brother 12 - LIve Feeds Into Tuesday Morning - August 10

Matt is his usual stance, hand down the pants.

It's another evening gone by with Rachel and Brendon on the block and a saboteur loose in the house. Now, I'm kind of wondering when the saboteur is going to get down to business. But Rachel and Brendon are certainly letting their presence be known! Here's what's happened in that Big Brother House of Splitting Soulmates:
  • Lots of trash talk about Rachel and Brendon, often with Britney and Ragan leading the brigade.
  • No, not THAT Brigade. Just your basic everyday brigade.
  • Rachel told Kathy what a dear, sweet person she (Rachel) is in "real life."
  • Brendon didn't back down from his POV speech in which he called Matt a snake, Ragan two-faced and Britney a spoiled brat.
  • Rachel and Brendon are still hoping to turn the vote to Brendon getting evicted instead of Rachel as she has a better chance of winning.
  • Yet another pool tournament went down. I'm so tired of watching them play pool!
  • Kathy told the HOH group (all of the house except herself, Rachel and Brendon) that Rachel's feelings were hurt that she wasn't invited to join them.
  • Rachel cried.
  • Brendon, despite his meanie act, still cooks for others.
  • Kathy, Ragan, Lane and Hayden cleaned the kitchen. Enzo took credit for it.
  • He was joking, but Enzo is really a slacker!
  • Matt thinks Rachel went through his bags. Of course, no one knows that he has the Diamond Veto hidden away.
  • BB gave them more alcohol.
  • Rachel said that Enzo and Hayden are the only ones who have ever made an effort to be nice to them (Brendon and herself) in the house.
  • Enzo and Hayden are playing an excellent social game.
  • Rachel is not.
  • Rachel has apparently been prying in the Diary Room about Matt's mysterious $1 Pandora's Box ... we got bubbles.
  • Brendon noted that it's a "recycled prize."
  • Brendon thinks the big alliance in the house is Britney, Matt, Lane and Ragan.
  • Everyone is still leading Brendon and Rachel to believe it will be Brendon going out the door Thursday.
  • It won't be Brendon.
  • Rachel has some kind of idea in her head and is all excited about it, not telling Brendon, wanting to get information out of the Diary Room ... I haven't clue.
  • Neither does Brendon.
  • Brendon is ticked that she won't tell him what's going on.
  • She said she can't talk about her Diary Room sessions.
  • Brendon grabbed the rules book for the house and brought it to where they're sleeping.
  • Rachel and Brendon read some sections, like the one about not singing, and eventually went to sleep.
  • I have no idea what's going on with Rachel. I tend to think the excitement's in her own head, not anything which actually transpired in the DR.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Survivor: Nicaragua Cast Announced

The CBS website is live and the cast has been officially announced. The spoilers had it right. I'm not going to be able to watch Jimmy Johnson without thinking of those late night ads for male enhancement pills. Ack! I'm posting the "Meet the Cast" video here and, as I have time, I'll be taking a closer look. You KNOW I'm going to be cheering on the older tribe!

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Monday Daytime - August 9

Rachel did this ...

... just so she could do this and mess it up.

The big news of the day is that Britney didn't use the power of veto. But we already knew she wouldn't use it. But ... there is some related news to the PoV meeting.
  • After several of the hamsters were up most of the night, BB woke them up a bit after 9 AM their time.
  • The vote is still planned to be 6-0 for a Rachel eviction.
  • Lane promised that if Matt's in the finals with Enzo or Hayden and he (Lane) is on the jury, he'll vote Matt for the win for his sick wife.
  • Hopefully, if that's the case, Lane will snap Matt like a twig when he finds out the wife disease is a lie.
  • They had the veto meeting.
  • Apparently Brendon and Rachel kicked in their plan to alienate Brendon from the house so that they'll vote to keep Rachel.
  • He insulted Britney and Lane (and probably more) in his veto speech.
  • Rachel cried, horrified at Brendon's behavior.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Brendon and Rachel think their plan is working.
  • The others see through it, plan to let Brendon and Rachel think they're changing their minds for a Brendon eviction.
  • Then they'll unanimously vote out Rachel.
  • Everyone except Kathy, Rachel and Brendon are in HoH going over questions for the upcoming comp (which they think will be a quiz).
  • Rachel is sucking up to Kathy.
  • That's about it for now.
  • I haven't seen anything from the saboteur and no one is thinking Ragan.