Brendon shows his love by painting Rachel's toenails.
Today was SO uneventful ... well, except for a few things. Here's da skinny:
- Britney and Ragan complained about Brendon and Rachel's behavior.
- Brendon and Rachel complained that Britney hasn't washed dishes since she entered the house.
- I do seem to recall that she has, but not all that often.
- Britney and Ragan trashed Brendon and Rachel, mostly to each other but to whomever would listen.
- Matt got his HOH camera and he included Rachel and Brendon in his shots.
- Britney later talked tried talking him into deleting the photos of them.
- Ragan and Britney hatched a plan to move around things in the house to get Brendon and Rachel studying the wrong things thinking it's for the HOH comp.
- Ragan found out that if things are movable, they can do it. Things like the flamingos attached to the floor, no.
- Britney cried some. Rachel cried some.
- The Meow Meow didn't cry.
- There was another saboteur video message (blocked to the feeds).
- It said (along the lines of): True love conquers all. Don't sweat who goes home tomorrow, neither may leave.
- Of course, it's like the lifelong friends saboteur lie.
- But now they're thinking that Rachel is not only the saboteur but she might have a power like the coup d'etat.
- The feeds were blocked for their big halfway mark party and even Kathy could eat.
- The season's half over? Heck, it just started getting decent!
- Enzo, Hayden and Matt tried to make up a code for speaking but the BB voice said, "Stop that!"
- Brendon keeps encouraging Rachel.
- And we're back to Rachel crying yet again.

Matt's tats