Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big Brother 12 - August 12 HOH Comp Coverage

9:44 PM ET - Feeds back, sounds like Matt, Britney and Ragan are the Have Nots chosen by Brendon. Confirmed.

9:29 PM ET - Brendon and his rope through, no one else really close. The bell wouldn't ring. He started to shout something about "this is what you get when you evict ..." -- then the feeds were blocked.

9:10 PM ET. still blocked. wait, some audio.

I'm getting this post up at 9:01 PM ET. The feeds are still blocked. But when they come up, the newest news will be on the top.

Big Brother 12 - Live Eviction, HOH Episode Blog Party Post - Aug. 12

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

The vote:
Enzo --> Rachel
Britney --> Rachel
Kathy --> Rachel
Ragan -- Rachel
Lane --> Rachel
Hayden --> Rachel

Unanimous, Rachel is gone.

No HOH by end of show, but not really an endurance. I'll open up a separate post for it and hope the feeds come up before they finish.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn - August 12

Late night whisperings.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Day Camp Rejects:
  • Ragan and Britney trash Brendon and Rachel at practically every moment.
  • Then they go hide from them because they're scared of them.
  • Apparently the cake they had during their feeds blocked halfway party had their pictures on it.
  • Rachel saved the pieces with Brendon and herself.
  • Britney mocked that move.
  • Rachel told Brendon they have a once in a lifetime love.
  • Yeah, right. Come back and tell us in a year what's going on.
  • Hayden made programming decisions for his "Just the Tip" show he plans. Enzo is allowed a 30 second appearance, but is not allowed to take over the show.
  • The Meow Meow thinks just by appearing on it, he will take it over.
  • Rachel cried.
  • They're in lockdown and wonder why it's so long -- usually the extended lockdowns are for endurance comp set-ups.
  • I really hope it's not yet another endurance.
  • Rachel gave Brendon all of her sentimental goodies from their relationship.
  • She's sure she's leaving although the house is still trying to convince them that Brendon's going.
  • Rachel and Brendon aren't even trying to fit in with the house, exiling themselves away most of the time.
  • Matt cut Enzo's hair.
  • Enzo should keep his hat on.
  • Rachel went to the DR with her glasses on for the first time. We'll see if that makes it through editing.
  • They did the 10 PM PT "Just the Tip" show. I'm not overly impressed. But at least they're talking to us.
  • Rachel and Brendon practiced skills like dropping things straight, etc.
  • The other quizzed themselves on past comps, dates, etc.
  • If the backyard set-up is elaborate, it's not going to be a quiz.
  • Enzo said that if Kathy wins HOH, he'll circumcise himself.
  • Well, that might be interesting.
  • Taking a break from trashing Brendon and Rachel, they mocked Kathy.
  • The Brigade met up and decided if Brendon wins HOH this week, it isn't a big deal.
  • They'll just send Britney or Ragan home and go after Brendon the next week.
  • Lane, Enzo and Hayden discussed whether they'll reveal the Brigade at final six or seven.
  • The three stooges were up most of the night, just heading to bed as I post this.
  • Rachel should be leaving with a 6-0 vote tonight.
  • Enzo and Hayden are going to tell Brendon the house pressured them.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Wednesday Live Feeds - August 11

Brendon shows his love by painting Rachel's toenails.

Today was SO uneventful ... well, except for a few things. Here's da skinny:
  • Britney and Ragan complained about Brendon and Rachel's behavior.
  • Brendon and Rachel complained that Britney hasn't washed dishes since she entered the house.
  • I do seem to recall that she has, but not all that often.
  • Britney and Ragan trashed Brendon and Rachel, mostly to each other but to whomever would listen.
  • Matt got his HOH camera and he included Rachel and Brendon in his shots.
  • Britney later talked tried talking him into deleting the photos of them.
  • Ragan and Britney hatched a plan to move around things in the house to get Brendon and Rachel studying the wrong things thinking it's for the HOH comp.
  • Ragan found out that if things are movable, they can do it. Things like the flamingos attached to the floor, no.
  • Britney cried some. Rachel cried some.
  • The Meow Meow didn't cry.
  • There was another saboteur video message (blocked to the feeds).
  • It said (along the lines of): True love conquers all. Don't sweat who goes home tomorrow, neither may leave.
  • Of course, it's like the lifelong friends saboteur lie.
  • But now they're thinking that Rachel is not only the saboteur but she might have a power like the coup d'etat.
  • The feeds were blocked for their big halfway mark party and even Kathy could eat.
  • The season's half over? Heck, it just started getting decent!
  • Enzo, Hayden and Matt tried to make up a code for speaking but the BB voice said, "Stop that!"
  • Brendon keeps encouraging Rachel.
  • And we're back to Rachel crying yet again.

Matt's tats

Big Brother 12 - POV/Jeff and Jordan Return Show Blog Party - Aug. 11

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

Just a quick live feeds note -- the feeds were boring and quiet today until another saboteur video occurred (blocked to the feeds). This one hinted that neither Brendon nor Rachel would walk out the door. I'm feeling it's a lie like the one about lifelong friends. It happened too close to the show for an actual post. I'll recap the feeds late tonight.

Kathy knocked Rachel out in the first round of POV. (Jeff and Jordan hosting.) Britney knocked Brendon out. After they were out, all had fun with Britney winning in the end. Drama, drama and Britney did not use the power of veto to save either of them.