Brendon, alone in his HoH room, reads his letter.
Well, well, well ... if you read my last post, you know Brendon won HoH. He made Britney, Matt and Ragan the Have Nots. And here we go from there:
- Ragan and Britney talked about Enzo throwing comps. Ragan thinks he (Enzo) has no loyalty to anyone.
- Enzo wants Matt to report back to him if anyone (Ragan or Britney) throw him under the bus.
- Enzo did do poorly in the comp -- he ran about even with Kathy.
- Britney and Ragan cried during the comp.
- Enzo didn't.
- Britney and Ragan cried after the comp.
- Enzo didn't.
- Now Britney and Ragan regret not voting out Rachel. But how could they have known?
- Ragan wallowed in self pity.
- Meanwhile, Enzo and Hayden are sitting pretty. Brendon thinks they're his alliance and were pressured to vote with the house.
- Just as Enzo wanted it to go.
- There was some kind of power outage/flickering. They all thought it was the saboteur.
- But no. The saboteur is sitting sniveling and saying he hates himself. He says he needed to be taken down a peg.
- But it's far more than a single peg!
- Kathy seems so relieved not to be on slop again.
- Britney asked the DR if America would vote on foods for them. They told her they couldn't tell her.
- Kathy told her that means yes as they flat out told her no last week when she asked.
- HoH room reveal time came and all attended. Brendon got, in addition to the usual bunch of goodies, a picture of Rachel.
- Be still my beating heart.
- After the HoH "party" broke up, Hayden and Enzo remained in the room with Brendon.
- Thus furthering their "alliance."
- Brendon said Lane wasn't a target of his right now.
- But he does think Lane is the saboteur.
- They think getting rid of Kathy would be a waste of a HoH.
- Throughout the after-comp hours, all complained how much they hurt from doing the comp.
- Enzo jokingly got mad at Hayden for mocking his performance in the comp in the diary room.
- When Brendon questioned Enzo about the vote change to evict Rachel, Enzo told him it was the whole house but that he should watch out for Britney and Ragan in particular.
- Uh-oh. Could the Brigade be crumbling? When talking alone, Hayden and Enzo said they think they can trust Brendon more than they can Matt.
- You know, I think they just might be right. Matt is such a snake!
- Right now they're still focusing on getting Brendon to nominated Britney and Ragan.
- We'll see.