Nominations Today ...
... but not until after the saboteur!
... but not until after the saboteur!
So, Brendon's reign of terror has begun. Unfortunately, there's not as much action as I had hoped. Here are today's happenings from inside the Big Brother House of Revenge Gone Soft:
- Ragan talked to Brendon. No one mispronounced "neanderthal." The word didn't even come up.
- Instead, Ragan told his life story of being picked on and being an outcast.
- @@
- Brendon's heartstrings were tugged. Oh geez. Everything's gone all namby-pamby betwixt the two. They apologized to each other.
- Ragan told Brendon only one person was suggesting they vote out Brendon (as per his wishes) instead of Rachel last week.
- He told him it was Enzo (which is true).
- Ragan told him he would work with him and help further him in the game.
- Brendon bought what he was selling.
- Britney thinks everyone should vote the way the house wants, not what Brendon wants.
- Of course, she's sure that she will be his main target.
- Brendon told Kathy she's safe and he won't put her on the block.
- He told her he appreciates she's always been there for people who need someone.
- Of course, he told Enzo or Hayden (can't remember which) last night that getting rid of Kathy would be a waste of an HOH.
- Britney and Brendon talked. He said Rachel always defended her and he's only starting to realize why.
- He apologized to her.
- Man, is he working the crowd. It's too bad that he hooked up with Rachel in the beginning. Although I think he's very controlling in these conversations, he puts on those puppy dog eyes and sounds oh-so-sincere.
- Britney told him that everyone talked last minute and all decided to keep him in the house then.
- That contradicts what Ragan said. Ragan told him the truth.
- Brendon told her that he hates floaters.
- Although Britney doesn't seem to have any alliance beside Lane, she's shown herself to be a competitor by winning vetos.
- Then he said he'd like to be in the final three with her and Matt.
- Um. Okay.
- Lane was next. Remember, Brendon is sure that Lane is the saboteur.
- Lane told Brendon that he didn't think Brendon's wild throwing of the ball in POV was unsportsman-like.
- Oh, geez. Lane has fallen under the spell!
- Lane hinted that he'd like Britney to be targeted, but didn't come out and say it.
- Ragan remembers that it's the anniversary of Chima's meltdown.
- Boy, he does know the BB history!
- After an outdoor lockdown, there were escargot and eggplant.
- Poor Britney, Matt and Ragan. Well, eggplant is doable, I guess.
- Enzo told Lane he doesn't want to go up and talk to Brendon.
- But he went.
- It's clear that Brendon really likes Enzo.
- But he thinks he's a slacker and needs to step up his game -- start winning something ... anything!
- It was like a coach pep talking a wayward athlete.
- However, it's clear that he has no intention of putting Enzo on the block.
- Enzo acted sincere throughout.
- As sincere as you can act with a Bayonne accent, anyway.
- Brendon told Hayden that he's worried because Enzo never fights to win comps.
- He also said that Lane's never been on the block and he'd like to shake things up a bit.
- Hayden, like all of the Brigade, tries to push for Britney and Ragan nominations, not Lane.
- Brendon said he's really leaning towards a Lane/Britney nom.
- Now, WE know in that scenario, Britney will go unless she wins POV.
- Hayden knows it, too.
- Heck, Brendon can probably guess it.
- Oh! Oh! Saboteur!
- The latest (blocked to the feeds) was that there is a male/female relationship in the house prior to the start of the game.
- Both Britney and Kathy vehemently deny any such relationship and they're the only two women presently in the house.
- But then again, Brendon knows the saboteur lied about him before.
- Okay, no one's buying it.
- They all think the saboteur is just making stuff up.
- They're right. And Ragan is making stupid decisions which task he undertakes and the messages he's sending.
- The hamsters can see it's been going from messing with one of them to another to another.
- Matt is sure it's BB.
- Britney doesn't think there are any Jewish people in Arkansas.
- Oh my.
- She lives in a way different world than I do.
- Brendon decided he would put Lane and Britney on the block.
- Then he decided to tell them.
- He told Matt first. Shh ... it's a secret.
- Matt ran and told Hayden.
- Then he told Britney who took it well, but then went crying to Ragan and Matt.
- Then Brendon got called to the Diary Room.
- OOPS! He's not allowed to warn them ahead of time point blank like that!
- So he talked to Britney again.
- She kept telling him how much she wanted to stay in the house and that she wouldn't target him.
- He seemed to believe her and told her that she might have changed his mind.
- Then again, he might be lying!
- He never got the chance to tell Lane that he's going up as they put up trivia and blocked the feeds.
- I've been trying to wait it out, but I think I'll get this posted.
- I'll update the bottom of this (under this line) when they finally come back and I find out who's on the block.