Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Tuesday Live Feeds Into the Evening - August 17

And the cheese sits alone. Or, is it the whine?

The face.

Here are the day's events from inside that Big Brother House of Boring Boors:
  • Hayden and Enzo talked with Lane, telling him that they're thinking about letting Matt know ahead of time that they'll be voting to keep Lane.
  • Hayden is still worried that Matt might have some kind of power.
  • We know he does.
  • They all talk big when they're trash-talking Brendon, but you should have seen them scatter when they (Lane, Hayden and Enzo) were in the bathroom and Brendon came down the hall. Enzo practically ran into the stall door as he went to hide and Hayden grabbed a toothbrush (maybe his, maybe not) and no toothpaste to act like he wasn't talking to Lane (who was brushing his teeth).
  • After this week goes down, Enzo really wants Britney out. He wouldn't mind if Brendon stuck around for a while because he doesn't think Brendon would put him on the block.
  • Enzo wanted to go over the saboteur messages again and again.
  • And again.
  • Remember, he thinks the saboteur is BB itself.
  • Lots of small talk including hunting on golf courses.
  • I'm still mad at golf as it delayed Sunday's BB episode. Do NOT talk about golf.
  • Of course, it's Lane who hunts on golf courses.
  • You'd be shocked if I had said it was Ragan, huh?
  • When Ragan told Matt that Britney doesn't trust Enzo, Matt wasn't surprised.
  • He says no one trusts Enzo.
  • But they all seem to like him.
  • Lane told Matt that Brendon told Hayden and Enzo that the house is full of cowards.
  • I don't know why anyone tells anyone anything in this house!
  • Apparently Rachel left a message for Brendon in pretzels.
  • I don't know the content and every time it's brought up, the feeds get blocked.
  • Matt seems to think it directed Brendon to put him (Matt) on the block.
  • Matt has been trying to get the Diary Room to do something about it as they aren't supposed to write in the house.
  • If she did do it (which is likely), Matt would definitely have a case for something. After all, an evicted hamster who had already given interviews and has more insight to how the public reacts a bit ... writing a message.
  • Tsk, tsk.
  • Lots of counting of stuff and memorizing events and dates.
  • Enzo decided he was going to crack into the "libations" early.
  • I will be very happy when I stop hearing the word "libations."
  • Hayden and Matt decided that if America voted one hamster a power, it would be Enzo.
  • Yeah right, Matt. You sneaky snake.
  • He's actually playing the game, though. He definitely doesn't annoy me as much to watch as did Ronnie. If Matt didn't show his huge chip on the shoulder in the diary room, I'd fall in his camp a lot more. I just don't like know-it-alls.
  • Especially when I know WE know it all.
  • Matt told Hayden he will remain loyal to the Brigade to the end.
  • Hayden's eyes glazed over.
  • Gee, he was at a loss for a reply.
  • Ragan has been sitting around contemplating his navel or something most of the day. He's very worried that if Matt goes, he'll have no one.
  • They're having another pool tournament.
  • Blech.

Matt has almost full "sleeve" tattoos, yet none on his back or chest. I just find that a bit odd. But, then again, he's Matt and he isn't really normal.

Pick your nose Hayden and someone will snag a screen capture of it!

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn - August 17

Ragan lecturing Matt on how he needs to stay in the game.

Just as Brendon tends to show he's a (swim) coach when he gives Enzo pep talks, Ragan shows he's used to being the One With All Knowledge when he lectures others. I personally find it kind of annoying. But Matt is patient with his bromance bud. Here's what happened last night in that Big Brother House of Eager Egomaniacs:
  • Kathy has kind of wormed her way in with the Brigade Boys -- Enzo, Lane and Hayden.
  • As a group of four, they're in Brendon's alliance.
  • Or, are they?
  • Nope. Brendon thinks they are, but they want him out!
  • The boys are ready for a Matt exit this week despite whispers of a possible secret power somewhere out there.
  • Ragan has bought Matt's wife lie in its entirety and is using it as a campaign platform.
  • Matt has told Ragan he doesn't need him to campaign for him.
  • But that's what a best bud bromance dude has to do!
  • Hayden continues to believe someone has a power. Ragan told him he's sure Matt doesn't have it.
  • Matt technically hasn't told anyone of the diamond veto although he tippytoed the borders of telling Hayden that one exists.
  • Enzo is still on his "Britney can't win" kick.
  • Well, maybe he should step up his own performance in competitions then!
  • Brendon is still complaining about Matt, Ragan and Britney.
  • Well, at least he made the move ... and put Lane (whom he doesn't complain about) on the block!
  • Silly hamsters.
  • Lines I'm sick of this season -- "It is what it is." and "That's what SHE said."
  • The latter usually comes from Ragan. Go figure.
  • They talked about the saboteur. Most know it's being done just to mess with them and there isn't much truth (if any) in the messages.
  • No one is suspecting Ragan. As he pulled himself off the block and completed their measly tasks asked, he'll get his money.
  • They had their nightly pool tournament more out of boredom than any other reason.
  • It was a fairly early night in the house as they were all beat from staying up the night before.
  • It's still looking like they'll vote to evict Matt (Lane also has Kathy's vote to stay) ... until he pulls the power.
  • Thursday should be very interesting!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Monday Live Feeds - August 16

Enzo makes faces after Ranting Ragan walks out of the room.

Matt should be evicted solely on the basis of
wearing those pajama pants with that hoodie.

Here's the latest scoop from inside that Big Brother House of Ditzy Dolts:
  • The group who stayed up late to catch the saboteur caught nothing.
  • Well, maybe a cold. They're all talking about how cold it is at night there this summer.
  • Ragan talked to the cameras (or to himself) as the dawn arrived.
  • He wasn't looking for the saboteur.
  • He knows that when he uses the PoV, it's likely his bromance best bud Matt will go on the block.
  • He thinks it's more important to keep Matt in the house and splitting up the three "boys" (Lane, Enzo and Hayden) is of lesser significance.
  • When Ragan came to him to ask what he should say to Brendon, Matt told him not to plead on his behalf.
  • Ragan told Brendon how much he wants to keep Matt in the game.
  • The feeds were blocked for the PoV meeting.
  • The replacement for Ragan was indeed Matt.
  • Matt told Hayden that he has hope that there's a power out there someone has which might save him.
  • He's treading dangerous ground there. Knowing Matt, he checked how much he can say.
  • But why is he saying anything?
  • Just whip out the diamond PoV Thursday night!
  • Britney told Enzo that Brendon told her people were throwing her under the bus.
  • Well, yeah. It's Big Brother, silly!
  • Ragan keeps fussing that a person who claimed to be taking out floaters is taking out one of the best competitors and that's poor sportsmanship!
  • Matt has mentioned that Brendon actually brought up the subject that he wouldn't nominate him or backdoor him.
  • He did.
  • And, he did.
  • Lane told Matt he thinks he (Lane) is going home.
  • He lies.
  • Enzo and Hayden would vote to keep Lane over Matt.
  • So would Britney.
  • But we know none of the boys are going anywhere.

Ragan counts the ways he hates Brendon.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn - August 16

Britney lines up a shot

Although there was a smidgen of excitement and this Sunday was a lot more interesting than the ones in which they nap all day ... it was still on the quiet side.
  • The excitement, other than Rachel leaving and Brendon returning, came in the form of a new Saboteur video.
  • Blocked to the feeds, this one will probably expose a definite lie.
  • It warned of the comp on Monday.
  • They know that without a lockdown and huge set-up, if there is a comp indeed, it will be a mental one.
  • Apparently the saboteur said that the comp will change the course of the game.
  • Although they're nay-saying it a bit, they're worried that it's a HOH comp.
  • Ragan whined about slop and being a Have Not.
  • Brendon referred to Ragan as Mopy McMoperson.
  • They napped.
  • They played pool.
  • Matt suggested that the saboteur might have wanted everyone to go to bed early so he/she could do something.
  • Lane, Enzo and Hayden continue to have doubts about Matt.
  • Enzo and Hayden are still in with the Brendon "alliance" with Kathy as a peripheral member.
  • Brendon says he trusts Kathy.
  • Britney thinks that BB want Brendon and Rachel both in the show.
  • I think she's probably right. Allison Grodner thrives on that stuff.
  • Enzo will tell anyone who will listen (except Britney) that Britney should go up to replace Ragan.
  • They all studied for questions about this season, the house, etc.
  • Lane, Hayden and Enzo stayed up until the wee hours.

Brendon thinks he's in charge.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Big Brother 12 - HOH/Nominations Show Blog Party - August 15

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is delayed here on the East Coast due to golf. Once it starts, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

Golf is still on at 8 PM ET. We still have to go through 60 Minutes.

9:24 PM ET and it's finally starting.

Brendon won HOH, named Britney, Matt and Ragan Have Nots. The bell rang when he rang it, but it must have been reenacted because he slammed it about five times with no result on the feeds.

He nominated Lane and Ragan for eviction.