Thursday, August 19, 2010

Big Brother - Live Eviction Show Blog Party - August 19

big brother,jackiestvblog

Welcome back my friends
To the show that never ends

I'm glad you could attend,

Step inside, step inside ...

-- Emerson, Lake and Palmer from the "Brain Salad Surgery" album

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

Tonight should be fun!

Julie announced that the saboteur is still in the house but the reign of terror is over. Ragan had done one last sabotage -- a note reading "I know your secret" placed under Enzo's pillow. They all think it's Kathy.

Matt put Kathy up. The vote:

Hayden --> Kathy
Enzo --> Kathy
Ragan --> Kathy
Matt --> Kathy
Britney --> Kathy

Kathy out 5-0

Britney is the new HOH. Going into commercial, Julie said she won't be the only one. I'm guessing double eviction.

Yep -- fast forward double eviction next week.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Thursday, August 19

He can smile and have fun!

My previous report covered most of the happenings. But here's what's gone down since Hayden broke the pool cue (what a shame):
  • Ragan, the loyal sidekick, encouraged Matt to keep trying for votes and said he could probably get them.
  • We all know Matt doesn't really care about the votes.
  • Lane packed. It's standard practice for both nominees to pack before the show.
  • There's still a lot of time before the show.
  • Matt said he'd leave his skull and crossbones pirate flag if he goes.
  • He's not going to leave that flag.
  • Britney fussed about the food and tea.
  • Matt, Britney and Ragan are looking forward to real food soon.
  • Hayden shaves everywhere.
  • We needed to know that, huh?
  • EVERYONE in the house likes and trusts Hayden.
  • Perhaps he's the one they should consider the real threat.
  • In various groups, they memorized and studied things over and over again.
  • The entire Brigade was allowed to do a Diary Room session.
  • Most (except Kathy and Brendon) think that Kathy is the saboteur.
  • Hayden and Enzo are still awake as I get this posted. They're in their beds with the lights out. They should be asleep!

My review of last night's show is up on TV Squad. Please go give it a gander. Merci!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds through Wednesday, August 18

They actually lucked out with the eggplant and escargot this week. After initially trying the escargot, they've all shunned it. But BB gave them frozen eggplant Parmesan meals.

Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Bumbling Brigade Boys, Blondes and a Brendon:
  • Kathy told Brendon about the saboteur note as he had slept through all the hoopla.
  • Brendon and Kathy decided that neither of them is the saboteur.
  • Of course, they don't know that the rest of the house has decided it's Kathy.
  • Britney had a long talk with her family via the cameras.
  • Yawn.
  • Brendon once again asked Britney if they were good for the next HOH, meaning she won't nominate him if she wins.
  • She told him he is.
  • She lies.
  • She ran to Lane and told him that Brendon asked again.
  • There was an extended feeds block and, when they came back, they were talking about what sounds a bit like a Simon Says game.
  • Because they're all trying to memorize the order of events, we now know.
  • They had to: do twelve jumping jacks in the kitchen, howl at the moon, take a hot shower, make out with an imaginary person, hand stand, a group hug, smile until it hurts, mimic another houseguest and toilet paper the HOH room.
  • Not necessarily in that order.
  • And, I might be missing one.
  • But I'm not going for a half-million dollars. I don't need to know.
  • Although they've all been very worried that this week will be a double eviction, as time goes by so does that idea.
  • They did worry because they were called to the DR so late.
  • Brendon got his HOH camera. Fun, fun, fun.
  • Matt told Enzo not to tell Brendon they think Kathy's the saboteur.
  • Matt does think in the game. I'll give him that.
  • No brouhahas.
  • No confrontations.
  • Another pool tournament.
  • Sigh. I want to break their pool cues.
  • WAIT - Hayden just broke one!
  • One more to go.
  • "Britney. Please treat your microphone nice."

The tattoo Matt had covered up all the time in the beginning of the season must have been a new one. It was only covered for that first week or so.

Big Brother 12 - POV Episode Blog Party Post

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

Ragan won the POV. Brendon opened Pandora's Box thinking he would see Rachel on a 24 hour vacation. Instead, he went on vacation alone and unleashed her on the house for 24 hours. Epic Ragan/Rachel smackdown.

Ragan saved himself, Matt on the block.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Dawn Wednesday, August 18

I know your secret!

The lynch mob -- note that Brendon and Kathy are missing.

Things were same old, same old in that Big Brother house of Misled Miscreants. Ragan was fussing, Matt was trying not to act smug as he knows he'll save himself on Thursday, there was the usual pool playing and then (cue dramatic music) ...
  • The saboteur struck and this time it was so much better than a video.
  • Enzo was heading to bed when something rustled under his pillow. A piece of paper? How could that be? They're not allowed paper or writing instruments.
  • It was a note which read, "I know your secret."
  • Ohhh ... kind of like "I know who you are and I saw what you did!"
  • Run! Run! The call's coming from INSIDE the house!
  • Ahem. I'm sorry. I got carried away with the thoughts of old scary movies for a moment.
  • It was only "I know your secret."
  • Enzo's first thought was that it had to be BB (his theory all along) as they're the only one with pens and paper.
  • Kathy said she made the bed after they came in from lockdown and there was no note then.
  • What? Why is she making beds now? They've gone unmade for a month a half already.
  • Kathy is sure it's someone in the house, not a BB person.
  • Lane said the only person inside alone back there was Ragan.
  • Hmmm ... Lane has something there and no one knows it.
  • Enzo keeps walking around asking, "What's my secret?"
  • I can imagine he's going to do this for days.
  • Dang, dude. If you don't know your own secret, perhaps you don't have one!
  • Maybe his secret is that he's in the witless protection program hiding out from Bayonne mob boys.
  • The group pretty much narrowed down the suspects to Kathy and Brendon.
  • Of course, neither Kathy nor Brendon are with them.
  • Brendon's asleep in the HOH room.
  • Kathy had given up on the note discussion and headed to her room.
  • After all, it's nearly 5 AM there.
  • They think it's Kathy.
  • Wait! They KNOW it HAS to be Kathy!
  • That's why she throws comps.
  • That's why she was with Rachel when Rachel wrote to Brendon in pretzels.
  • BTW -- Matt says that the diary room admitted that shouldn't have been done.
  • But they can't take it back, nor can they give Rachel a penalty nomination.
  • Since they've already determined her guilt, they decided they won't call her out on it.
  • They're going to watch Kathy and catch her in the act.
  • Meanwhile, our Sappy Sapoteur Ragan smiles and plays along convincingly.
  • They're still up (except Kathy and Brendon) as I get this posted.

Oh, the drama of it all!