Saturday, August 21, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Saturday Morning - August 21

Britney seriously studying, going over every single comp and everything that happened within them, all by herself in the HOH tub.

Hand down the pants
Hand down the pants
Looking like a weirdo
With your hand down your pants

Call me a broken record, but I just can't see how Matt survives out in public. Most boys stop this habit by the time they're four years old. None of the other guys in the house do this on any sort of regular basis.

Enzo and Lane watching a daddy-longlegs.
Enzo said it walked with a swagger.

When I last left you, Britney had just nominated Enzo and Brendon. Enzo isn't a serious "need to go home" nomination at all -- a definite pawn. Brendon is the target. If he gets off the block, Matt will go up and be backdoored. Here's the latest:
  • The sentiment in the house is definitely turning on Matt.
  • With the exception of Ragan, of course.
  • While Brendon is THE target, all of the alternate plans have Matt being backdoored.
  • I think Matt might realize this. I'm getting the feeling that he trusts his Brigade boys less than he does his Ragan.
  • Britney had promised not to nominate Matt.
  • Britney had a big talk with Enzo, Hayden and Lane about how she would put up Brendon but needed a pawn ... and the PAWN WON'T GO HOME no matter if Brendon wins POV and saves himself.
  • That's because Matt would be backdoored.
  • Just before noms, she grabbed Matt to ask him if he'd be a pawn. The feeds cut out for the noms, but we found out later that he said, "No! No!"
  • So that's when she put Enzo on the block.
  • Matt is surprised Lane hasn't gained weight as he has never been a Have Not and hasn't been working out as much as he normally would.
  • I think Lane looks a bit trimmer than he did at the start of the season. It's not because he hasn't been eating. He's always snacking and munching.
  • Britney and Enzo had a talk. She again swore he won't go home.
  • He, although probably ticked to be on the block for the first time, understands and is putting his trust into Britney and his boys. He knows the target is Brendon and the back-up plan if Brendon wins POV.
  • If Enzo wins POV, he will save himself (he's no Marcellas) and Britney will put up Matt.
  • They'll then decide who's the biggest threat -- Matt who's playing the entire house or Brendon, disliked by all.
  • Britney would be the tiebreaker as it will be an even group voting this week.
  • It turns out Lane is a pro at the grill, growing up around them in his father's business. He's used to bigger fancier ones, though.
  • Enzo liked his broccoli.
  • They've decided the whole POV comp will be based on "how bad you want it."
  • Methinks Brendon is the one who wants it the most.
  • The only one not playing in the POV is Ragan. He's hosting.
  • Brendon cried alone in the Have Not room. He has never been in a situation like this in which he's been so disliked.
  • I think the early relationship with Rachel and shunning the rest of the house are the roots of his problems. Had he not teamed up with her and her over-the-top obnoxious at times personality, he could very well have been popular in the house. He's not a bad guy but definitely has bad taste in women.
  • But "love" is blind and it will eventually cost him in the game.
  • In talking to herself (and the Internet), Britney mentioned that Kathy and Andrew were the only ones who cleaned the house. Brendon, likely to be voted out this week, was the third. She guesses she'll have to get into cleaning herself.
  • Britney and Hayden talked alone. They think they'd stand a better chance against Brendon than they would Matt in a memory test. They think Matt knows it all. Hayden is also worried about who Matt would put on the block if he got HOH.
  • Hayden should be the least worried in the house. He's universally liked by all. No one should want to be next to him in the final two, but I don't think they're really seeing that.
  • Hayden won't cuss during the Showtime hours as his grandmother watches.
  • Britney told Lane that this is the only chance he'll ever have to live with her.
  • While I do think they'd be a good couple per se, Britney has been nothing but loyal to her fiance Nick.
  • Nick should be very happy about that.
  • Lane and Hayden talked about possibly keeping Brendon over Matt. Lane definitely wants Brendon out before the final three. However, it might be smarter to make a power move and get Matt out.
  • Hayden mentioned if he won POV, he might just pull Brendon off the block.
  • Oh my. I doubt he will, though. I doubt he'll win and, if he does, I don't think he'd make a bold move like that. He's sitting pretty and that would get blood on his hands. He's not the smartest player ever. He's no diabolical genius in the game. But he's not dumb enough to make enemies, either.
  • Brendon is showing that he's not in the game for the right reasons once again.
  • He should be there to win a half-million dollars.
  • He's gone from being willing to give up that win for Rachel to now telling Enzo his main goal in the game is to get Britney, Matt and Ragan out of the house so they don't win. Apparently he's okay with a Lane, Hayden or Enzo win.
  • Now Hayden has changed his mind again. Now he wants to pull Enzo off the block if he wins POV.
  • Hayden and Lane are definitely turning to want Matt out more than Brendon.
  • Now Enzo has gone from being sure that Kathy was the saboteur to thinking Matt was.
  • Oh my. I think they'll chicken out, but it looks like Matt better fight for his life in the POV.
  • Enzo and Hayden talked to Brendon about the backdoor Matt plan.
  • Brendon is willing to go for it. Of course, why wouldn't he? He'd stay in the game and one of his targets would be out!
  • Brendon denied crying when Enzo asked him about all of the tissues in the trash.
  • Britney told Lane that a lot of people find her annoying and rude when they first meet her. But if they give her time, they find that there's a lot more to her personality and that's just the way she is.
  • She also claims to be loud and abrasive.
  • In my own life, loud and abrasive people grate on my nerves.
  • Them and people who violate my bubble. I need my space.
  • This will be the first POV with all of the Brigade members.
  • Yet the Brigade is definitely having structural flaws right now.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.

To combat the "lights stay on in the bedrooms until BB decides to turn them off," Brendon always uses an eyemask.

They've decided the new grill is actually a used one -- probably the same one as last year. Well, it would make more sense to just clean it up and re-use it year to year. It's not like it gets a ton of use as they tend to bring it out so late in the seasons.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Big Brother 12 Live Feeds Bulletin - August 20 Nominations

Brendon is on the block, what a shock! She put Enzo up with him as a pawn. If Brendon wins POV and saves himself, Matt will be backdoored.

If Enzo wins POV ... it will be a miracle.

But, if he does win (hahahaha!) it's also the backdoor Matt plan as a standby. Brendon is the target.

Hayden, Enzo, Lane and Britney are all in on this.

Big Brother - Friday Live Feeds - August 20

Britney shoots herself in the head after talking to Brendon.

Welcome back to the world of Have Not, Brendon and Enzo!

Here are the day's events from inside that Big Brother House of Loquacious Losers:
  • The hamsters barely had time to awaken and eat when BB held the Have Not comp for the week.
  • I'm talking 11:30-ish their time.
  • Brendon and Enzo get to have quality time together in the Have Not room while eating their broccoli and bean dip.
  • I like broccoli, bean dip not so much.
  • Whatever went on during the comp, Britney the hostess wore an Alice in Wonderland type dress and the hamsters now have a grill.
  • They got steaks, too.
  • Except Brendon and Enzo.
  • Enzo isn't a happy camper. He shouldn't be. He should have won some comps by now.
  • Brendon will be a definite nomination.
  • The other will probably be Enzo.
  • Matt told Britney that Enzo is the only one who's never been on the block.
  • Maybe it will kick start his game.
  • Britney's been talking to everyone.
  • Her talk with Brendon was a mix of threats and friendship loyalty promises.
  • He reminded her that if she broke her word and put him on the block ... if he won POV and stays, she will be his target.
  • He reminded her that if she puts him on the block and he goes, he will unite with Kathy and Rachel to vote against her if she makes it to the final two.
  • He told her if he stays, they can work together and she can't trust anyone.
  • On a lighter note, on his way out the door he told her if she puts him up he'll be mad for 35 minutes and then get over it.
  • After he closed the door, she loaded her gun (hand) and shot herself in the head.
  • Hayden and Britney talked about not trusting Matt.
  • Most people don't trust Matt.
  • And, they shouldn't.
  • The TV screen has up Nominations Today.
  • I believe it will be Enzo and Brendon.
  • I'll let you know.

Hand down the pants, hand down the pants
Looking like a weirdo with your hand
Down your pants.

I know, I know. I've said it before. But he keeps on doing that! Sheesh!

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Friday Morning, August 20

Britney with her HOH goody basket,
checking out the Hamburger Helper.

They've confined Brendon to a small space,
where he will spend the week until eviction.

Matt tries to scare Britney by holding up
her pageant photo to the camera.

Well, now the house is just silly. Here's what happened during the overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Turning Tables Once Again:
  • My TV Squad review of the show is up.
  • Lane told Matt that Enzo will freak out if he goes on the block.
  • Matt said he himself might as well go up.
  • Everyone knows (except maybe Brendon who might be holding out hope on Britney's promise not to put him on the block or backdoor him) that Brendon is THE target this week.
  • Brendon probably suspects it. He gave Matt his word and then backdoored him directed by Pretzel Logic.
  • I liked the album Pretzel Logic by Steely Dan.
  • I didn't like the Rachel Pretzel Logic message so much.
  • "Who wants to see my HOH room?" Actually, most really seemed to be happy with little faking it this time.
  • Britney got what she considers bad photos of herself and Nick (her fiance), CheezIts, PlayDoh (sp), Lady Gaga music, Hamburger Helper (as her family or, at least her and Nick, have a Hamburger Helper night every week) and other goodies.
  • Matt and the boys wondered if, since Kathy was the saboteur, was it possible that she's the one who left the pretzel message and not Rachel?
  • Enzo doesn't think Kathy was coordinated enough to do it.
  • He might be right.
  • Although his own performances aren't all that much more impressive than Kathy's.
  • Britney already managed to lock herself out of the HOH room and had to get BB to open it for her.
  • They talked about the live feeds fans. Britney watched a lot of the feeds.
  • They aren't being mean to Brendon's face.
  • But Enzo does his The Face behind his back.
  • Lane mimicked his walk leaving rooms.
  • Brendon does have a weird walk, but sheesh!
  • Britney and Ragan wonder why Brendon keeps hanging out with everyone.
  • Um ... what else is he to do? Stay alone in a corner?
  • Hayden, Lane and Enzo are actually having decent conversations with Brendon ... until he turns his back.
  • Brendon told Enzo that BB indeed told him to "undo it" after he told Britney that he was putting her on the block.
  • Interesting, eh? He said that's why he put Matt on the block.
  • The Diary Room was calling them in throughout the night. Someone must be getting paid shift differential pay.
  • Lane thinks he's being portrayed as an idiot. Hayden told him probably all three of them -- Lane, Enzo and Hayden -- are being portrayed as idiots.
  • They started playing pranks on each other to scare each other.
  • I lied in the Brendon screen cap above.
  • They didn't confine him in a small space.
  • He's hiding to leap out and scare Hayden but BB hasn't turned the lights out yet.
  • He ended up giving it up.
  • They're finally in bed.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds After the Eviction - August 19

Britney's Head of Household win coincides with her 23rd birthday.

Lane started building a castle out of Sweet Tarts, then abandoned Hayden with Brendon on it.

Tonight is the happiest house I've ever seen on the show. Here's what's happened in the Land of Happy Hamsters:
  • Matt told them about how he thought Rachel went through his things and found the POV.
  • They all talked about how bad Matt's $1 lie was and no one believed him.
  • They, or at least Matt, know that the saboteur got $20,000. Interesting how they know that, eh?
  • They still think Kathy was the saboteur.
  • Britney keeps breaking into spontaneous happy dances and saying it's her birthday, too.
  • Enzo is worried that he'll go on the block.
  • Worrying won't do him any good.
  • I think, despite her promise to Brendon, she'll be putting Brendon and Enzo on the block.
  • The vote will wham bam Brendon.
  • Matt told Britney that Enzo needs to experience the block -- everyone else has been up now except him.
  • Britney told him she was hoping to have a pawn volunteer.
  • She also told Matt she has no intention of keeping her deal with Brendon.
  • She's thinking of mentioning that it's for Nick in her speech.
  • That's the fiance Nick.
  • Other than that, not much action yet.
  • No one is being mean to Brendon, although Britney and Ragan keep doing happy dances and winning poses behind his back.