Sunday, August 22, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning - August 22

Britney and Brendon are chums ... in more than one way.

Another round of the chum bell.


So, what's that all about? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Handcuffed Chum Bell Hijinks:
  • After Britney's release from her nightmarish Jesse workout in Pandora's Box, the house got a bit boring once again.
  • Hayden and Lane went on and on (and on again) about snowboards and snowboarding.
  • Nothing against snowboarding, but sheesh!
  • Then it was time for Britney and Brendon's 24 hours of being handcuffed together.
  • They actually have a lot of leeway between the cuffs and little furry cuffs which won't hurt as much as being really handcuffed.
  • Brendon is certainly paying for his POV win -- not only is he bald, not only is he handcuffed to Britney for 24 hours, but he also has to make a "chum bath" every hour when the bell rings.
  • There are chums as in friends and then chum as in fish bait.
  • Guess which one is in the chum bath?
  • I guess instead of fish guts and stuff, it's instead an "old beer and yeasty" tub o' stuff.
  • Meanwhile, Ragan is so upset about the Brendon win that he even asked his bromance Matt to leave him alone.
  • Matt, of course, thinks everything was rigged for a Brendon win.
  • Had Matt won, Brendon would have thought everything was rigged for a little people Matt win.
  • You just can't win for losing!
  • Enzo is still lamenting on his penguin persona.
  • I think he's a hoot in a penguin suit!
  • Ragan pouted all alone, Enzo humorously fussed about his own penguin predicament, and the rest talked small talk.
  • Actually, this 24 hour handcuff bit with Brendon and Britney might end up being a good thing.
  • They're getting along and talking.
  • Britney's in a bad spot, on the fringes of the Brigade alliance, yet not a part of it.
  • While she alienated Brendon even more by going back on her word, they're kind of bonding more now.
  • Every time the bell rings, Brendon has to dunk underwater in the chum tub, then he showers off the ick.
  • Britney told Brendon that she's mad that she made the nominations according to the house and no one (except him) tried to win POV. She was trying for the POV while the others went for prizes.
  • No one is owning up to winning the money or trip yet.
  • I don't blame them. I'd keep that a secret, too.
  • Matt suspects that Britney is going to put him up as the replacement nominee. She's been avoiding him since the comp.
  • Of course, now she has a constant companion.
  • I'm talking avoiding him before the handcuffs went down.
  • Ragan lightened up for a moment dancing in Enzo's penguin suit while Enzo was in the hot tub with a borrowed bathing suit.
  • All of Enzo's clothes are gone. Can we expect commando?
  • Enzo thinks Brendon looks like Bull the bailiff from the old show Night Court.
  • I'm surprised any of them are old enough to remember that show!
  • Britney went on again about how mean Jesse was to her in Pandora's Box. He told her it was obvious she didn't work out and she needs to lose weight.
  • She weighs 100 pounds.
  • Probably a strong wind could take her away.
  • Britney and Brendon talked game and how neither trusts Matt.
  • Everyone thinks that Matt won the big prize(s) as he acted all happy after the POV comp and has no punishments.
  • Heck, it could be Hayden. He claims he tried and didn't get prizes. Yet he has no punishments.
  • Lane admits to the phone call from home prize. But he has no punishments either.
  • The two on the block and Have Nots also got the worst punishments.
  • Although Brendon's punishments are nothing when he considers he has the POV and will remain in the game.
  • The sentiment in the house remains Bat That Matt and is growing stronger.
  • If he doesn't go up and out this week, I'll be shocked.
  • Let's see how the diabolical super genius handles this twist of fate.

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - August 22, 2010

Ah, yes. It's Sunday morning, time to relax and reflect on the week gone by. If you're looking for the latest Big Brother live feeds report, check out the post previous to this one. I'll be posting more on that a bit later. Right now it's time for me to sip my coffee and take a look back on the past week in words and photos I've taken.

It's still a very hot summer here in New Jersey. We saw some of the humidity levels drop which was nice. But hot is hot. I don't care if it's a "dry" heat. It's overcast with light rain showers as a write this, with heavier rains expected throughout the day. We really need the rain and I find it refreshing. Plus, I have no real outdoor plans today.

Let's see ... what happened this week? Well, to show what a small world it is or what a long reach this blog has, I received an email from blog reader Gayle last week. She's been a regular reader and commenter since BB6. It turns out that she and her husband are visiting from Trinidad and Tobago and staying with her aunt in Plainfield. Oh my -- she was staying right down the street from me!

On Wednesday, Gayle and her husband met me for lunch downtown at Blackberry's. Such delightful people! I had such a nice time and we talked and talked. I didn't realize that their cable television carries networks like CBS to them in decent time -- just whatever the time difference is. I learned a lot about Trinidad and Tobago and had a fine afternoon. It's amazing the people this blog brings together.

Um ... that was my highlight of the week. In "waiting for the bus" news, I met a woman who was carrying a paper grocery bag and wearing no shoe laces. She showed me a release paper from the Plainfield Police Department (right across the street). "They told me the bus driver won't need money if I show her this. Are they right?" Well, gee. I really don't know. After telling me that she had been locked up for two days, I asked her what she did. "I punched a police officer by mistake when I was trying to punch my sister." That will do it! She didn't seem dangerous. I was a bit surprised that they give them two frozen meals upon release. What if they're homeless and have no oven or microwave?

I shouted back and forth to fellow blogger Dan Damon as he sat at the red light. Dan covers Plainfield news and also runs the CLIPS blog which lists links of local interest daily. I also got a chance to see the people who gather to be bused to the violence-ridden area of town. Once there, they pass out fliers. I don't know if that's the best approach to gang violence in the west end of town.

It reminds me of a big embezzlement at my workplace (in which I was a suspect due to access) and the first step the local police did was to questionnaire us. Eventually they worked their way up to lie detectors with the state police. But the questionnaires were laughable ... pretty much as I see this flier effort. By the way, at work they caught the person. It wasn't me. But I knew that.

Here are this week's photos -- clicking on an image will open it larger in a new window --

What I always wanted!

Pet crabs? I guess not as this is attached to the outside of Pete's Fish Market on East Second Street in Plainfield. Just thinking about a live bushel of crabs makes me think of all of the barrels of eels and live frogs on the streets of Chinatown. Shouldn't it be "Bushel of live crabs" instead of a live bushel?

Plainfield Train Station

It was overcast as I returned home from work last night. That made it seem darker. But the days are indeed getting shorter. Good. I want autumn!

It's like he's looking back at me!

This moth was kind enough to pose for me in Bridgewater near the train station. I have no clue what kind of moth it is, but I find it way cool. He wasn't really large -- perhaps 3 inches across with his wings extended. A friend told me the wings reminded him of the skull butterfly in The Silence of the Lambs. EEK! Wait, no skull. Phew!

Waning sunflowers

The sunflowers on East Front Street in Plainfield are looking mighty different these days. The ones with the huge centers and shorter petals have given way to these. Still very pretty, but not anywhere near as magnificent as the dinner plate sized ones.

Used Stuff

I always enjoy looking over used stuff. However, in this case, the used stuff was mostly industrial kitchen stuff. My teensy kitchen is big enough for a table of two to accompany the appliances, counters, etc. This shot was edited (naturally) to keep the sign in color. I took it as I peeked into an open overhead door at E&A Hotel and Restaurant Supplies on East Fifth Street in Plainfield.


Once again, the graffiti wall in back of the Plainfield YMCA building has changed. Although not quite as artsy as the original comic characters, this is better than simple tagging and a world away from gang graffiti. Perhaps it's my inner wild child, but I actually like street art done well and not offensive or vulgar. I guess this person hearts PattyBoo.

Don't eat the berries!

I have no clue what they are, but they're growing mixed in with the poison ivy on the fence in Bridgewater, NJ. If they're not poisonous, they've mingled amongst the poison. But they sat still for my camera. That's all I wanted.

A grasshopper poses

This little guy was on a wall. Prime victim of my camera! I told him that his name alone implies he should be in grass, not on concrete. Did he listen? No.

"We're here for you!"

Don't do this, don't do that ... can't you read the sign? *Thank you to the Five Man Electrical Band for the song "Signs." I understand that they might not want these things going on at this Babies R Us location in Bridgewater. But this glaring sign is a bit off-putting, isn't it? No photos? Hey, I had to practice civil disobedience and take a shot of the sign.

The YMCA owl

I spotted an owl I never noticed before in the window of the Plainfield YMCA. It's there to keep pigeons away. This owl is accompanied by spikes. Oh yes, it's a fake owl. I forgot to mention that. Watchung Avenue, Plainfield.

So, how's that working out?

Well, the pigeon just goes to the next window!

The stuff of nightmares

This is detail from City Hall on Watchung Avenue. While it's definitely cool, who comes up with these things? Body of a monkey ... large cat ... I don't know what, head of an eagle. They're a bit like the flying monkeys gone avian.

Dental Care

Oh, probably not. It looks abandoned to me. The back of a building on Watchung Avenue in Plainfield.

A man and his guitar

This doesn't really look too comfortable, does it? I guess a wailing song and a good guitar exhausted him. Cleveland Avenue, Plainfield.

Upside-down Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

See! I know what this one is! One of his "tails" has gone missing, though. Bridgewater, NJ.

Right side up

A new career idea!

I could drive a "courtesy car" golf cart around selling hot dogs! Y'think? E&E Restaurant Supplies, East 5th Street, Plainfield.

You're going to work again?

No, Vincent. I have the day off just to spend it with you.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Saturday Live Feeds Including POV - August 21

Brendon lost his hair, but won the Power of Veto.

Enzo kept what hair he has, but lost all of his clothes
and is now dressed like a penguin.

Here's today's news from inside the Big Brother House of Flip This House:
  • It seems like our hapless hamster just got up (late) when they were thrust into the POV comp.
  • We're talking over four and a half hours of blocked feeds.
  • When they returned, Brendon's head is shaved but he's the winner of the POV.
  • The hair will grow back.
  • Lane won a phone call from home.
  • Enzo is a penguin.
  • But some of us suspected that all along.
  • Enzo, still male bonding with his friend Brendon (or is it bird/man bonding?) wants to go up against Matt on the block.
  • He's not a happy penguin.
  • Apparently they took all of his clothes, too.
  • Lane, Brendon and Hayden were offering him clothes to wear under his penguin suit.
  • Brendon and Britney have to be handcuffed together for 24 hours. That hasn't started yet.
  • Other than the POV and "bad" prizes like the shaved head and penguin suit, they have no clue what each other won.
  • Supposedly there was an Hawaiian trip and a $5,000 cash prize.
  • No one is owning up to them.
  • Britney's upset because she did what everyone wants and now she's screwed herself in the game.
  • She thinks she now has no chance of winning or getting jury votes.
  • Lane tried to convince her that they still have her back.
  • The plan remains to put Matt up.
  • Matt and Ragan know they're both at risk of going on the block.
  • Enzo thinks the game is fixed.
  • Then we had another long period (over an hour) of blocked feeds.
  • Ohhh ... Britney had opened Pandora's Box.
  • She got stuck with Jessie and working out.
  • She says he's full of himself and a "douche."
  • At least she's a bit happier now.
  • And she has confirmed that Jessie is a jerk.
  • He kept talking about how great he is.
  • @@
  • While she was in Pandora's Box with Jessie, the others had a Hawaiian luau.

Poor Britney

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Saturday Morning - August 21

Britney seriously studying, going over every single comp and everything that happened within them, all by herself in the HOH tub.

Hand down the pants
Hand down the pants
Looking like a weirdo
With your hand down your pants

Call me a broken record, but I just can't see how Matt survives out in public. Most boys stop this habit by the time they're four years old. None of the other guys in the house do this on any sort of regular basis.

Enzo and Lane watching a daddy-longlegs.
Enzo said it walked with a swagger.

When I last left you, Britney had just nominated Enzo and Brendon. Enzo isn't a serious "need to go home" nomination at all -- a definite pawn. Brendon is the target. If he gets off the block, Matt will go up and be backdoored. Here's the latest:
  • The sentiment in the house is definitely turning on Matt.
  • With the exception of Ragan, of course.
  • While Brendon is THE target, all of the alternate plans have Matt being backdoored.
  • I think Matt might realize this. I'm getting the feeling that he trusts his Brigade boys less than he does his Ragan.
  • Britney had promised not to nominate Matt.
  • Britney had a big talk with Enzo, Hayden and Lane about how she would put up Brendon but needed a pawn ... and the PAWN WON'T GO HOME no matter if Brendon wins POV and saves himself.
  • That's because Matt would be backdoored.
  • Just before noms, she grabbed Matt to ask him if he'd be a pawn. The feeds cut out for the noms, but we found out later that he said, "No! No!"
  • So that's when she put Enzo on the block.
  • Matt is surprised Lane hasn't gained weight as he has never been a Have Not and hasn't been working out as much as he normally would.
  • I think Lane looks a bit trimmer than he did at the start of the season. It's not because he hasn't been eating. He's always snacking and munching.
  • Britney and Enzo had a talk. She again swore he won't go home.
  • He, although probably ticked to be on the block for the first time, understands and is putting his trust into Britney and his boys. He knows the target is Brendon and the back-up plan if Brendon wins POV.
  • If Enzo wins POV, he will save himself (he's no Marcellas) and Britney will put up Matt.
  • They'll then decide who's the biggest threat -- Matt who's playing the entire house or Brendon, disliked by all.
  • Britney would be the tiebreaker as it will be an even group voting this week.
  • It turns out Lane is a pro at the grill, growing up around them in his father's business. He's used to bigger fancier ones, though.
  • Enzo liked his broccoli.
  • They've decided the whole POV comp will be based on "how bad you want it."
  • Methinks Brendon is the one who wants it the most.
  • The only one not playing in the POV is Ragan. He's hosting.
  • Brendon cried alone in the Have Not room. He has never been in a situation like this in which he's been so disliked.
  • I think the early relationship with Rachel and shunning the rest of the house are the roots of his problems. Had he not teamed up with her and her over-the-top obnoxious at times personality, he could very well have been popular in the house. He's not a bad guy but definitely has bad taste in women.
  • But "love" is blind and it will eventually cost him in the game.
  • In talking to herself (and the Internet), Britney mentioned that Kathy and Andrew were the only ones who cleaned the house. Brendon, likely to be voted out this week, was the third. She guesses she'll have to get into cleaning herself.
  • Britney and Hayden talked alone. They think they'd stand a better chance against Brendon than they would Matt in a memory test. They think Matt knows it all. Hayden is also worried about who Matt would put on the block if he got HOH.
  • Hayden should be the least worried in the house. He's universally liked by all. No one should want to be next to him in the final two, but I don't think they're really seeing that.
  • Hayden won't cuss during the Showtime hours as his grandmother watches.
  • Britney told Lane that this is the only chance he'll ever have to live with her.
  • While I do think they'd be a good couple per se, Britney has been nothing but loyal to her fiance Nick.
  • Nick should be very happy about that.
  • Lane and Hayden talked about possibly keeping Brendon over Matt. Lane definitely wants Brendon out before the final three. However, it might be smarter to make a power move and get Matt out.
  • Hayden mentioned if he won POV, he might just pull Brendon off the block.
  • Oh my. I doubt he will, though. I doubt he'll win and, if he does, I don't think he'd make a bold move like that. He's sitting pretty and that would get blood on his hands. He's not the smartest player ever. He's no diabolical genius in the game. But he's not dumb enough to make enemies, either.
  • Brendon is showing that he's not in the game for the right reasons once again.
  • He should be there to win a half-million dollars.
  • He's gone from being willing to give up that win for Rachel to now telling Enzo his main goal in the game is to get Britney, Matt and Ragan out of the house so they don't win. Apparently he's okay with a Lane, Hayden or Enzo win.
  • Now Hayden has changed his mind again. Now he wants to pull Enzo off the block if he wins POV.
  • Hayden and Lane are definitely turning to want Matt out more than Brendon.
  • Now Enzo has gone from being sure that Kathy was the saboteur to thinking Matt was.
  • Oh my. I think they'll chicken out, but it looks like Matt better fight for his life in the POV.
  • Enzo and Hayden talked to Brendon about the backdoor Matt plan.
  • Brendon is willing to go for it. Of course, why wouldn't he? He'd stay in the game and one of his targets would be out!
  • Brendon denied crying when Enzo asked him about all of the tissues in the trash.
  • Britney told Lane that a lot of people find her annoying and rude when they first meet her. But if they give her time, they find that there's a lot more to her personality and that's just the way she is.
  • She also claims to be loud and abrasive.
  • In my own life, loud and abrasive people grate on my nerves.
  • Them and people who violate my bubble. I need my space.
  • This will be the first POV with all of the Brigade members.
  • Yet the Brigade is definitely having structural flaws right now.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.

To combat the "lights stay on in the bedrooms until BB decides to turn them off," Brendon always uses an eyemask.

They've decided the new grill is actually a used one -- probably the same one as last year. Well, it would make more sense to just clean it up and re-use it year to year. It's not like it gets a ton of use as they tend to bring it out so late in the seasons.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Big Brother 12 Live Feeds Bulletin - August 20 Nominations

Brendon is on the block, what a shock! She put Enzo up with him as a pawn. If Brendon wins POV and saves himself, Matt will be backdoored.

If Enzo wins POV ... it will be a miracle.

But, if he does win (hahahaha!) it's also the backdoor Matt plan as a standby. Brendon is the target.

Hayden, Enzo, Lane and Britney are all in on this.