Britney and Brendon are chums ... in more than one way.

So, what's that all about? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Handcuffed Chum Bell Hijinks:
- After Britney's release from her nightmarish Jesse workout in Pandora's Box, the house got a bit boring once again.
- Hayden and Lane went on and on (and on again) about snowboards and snowboarding.
- Nothing against snowboarding, but sheesh!
- Then it was time for Britney and Brendon's 24 hours of being handcuffed together.
- They actually have a lot of leeway between the cuffs and little furry cuffs which won't hurt as much as being really handcuffed.
- Brendon is certainly paying for his POV win -- not only is he bald, not only is he handcuffed to Britney for 24 hours, but he also has to make a "chum bath" every hour when the bell rings.
- There are chums as in friends and then chum as in fish bait.
- Guess which one is in the chum bath?
- I guess instead of fish guts and stuff, it's instead an "old beer and yeasty" tub o' stuff.
- Meanwhile, Ragan is so upset about the Brendon win that he even asked his bromance Matt to leave him alone.
- Matt, of course, thinks everything was rigged for a Brendon win.
- Had Matt won, Brendon would have thought everything was rigged for a little people Matt win.
- You just can't win for losing!
- Enzo is still lamenting on his penguin persona.
- I think he's a hoot in a penguin suit!
- Ragan pouted all alone, Enzo humorously fussed about his own penguin predicament, and the rest talked small talk.
- Actually, this 24 hour handcuff bit with Brendon and Britney might end up being a good thing.
- They're getting along and talking.
- Britney's in a bad spot, on the fringes of the Brigade alliance, yet not a part of it.
- While she alienated Brendon even more by going back on her word, they're kind of bonding more now.
- Every time the bell rings, Brendon has to dunk underwater in the chum tub, then he showers off the ick.
- Britney told Brendon that she's mad that she made the nominations according to the house and no one (except him) tried to win POV. She was trying for the POV while the others went for prizes.
- No one is owning up to winning the money or trip yet.
- I don't blame them. I'd keep that a secret, too.
- Matt suspects that Britney is going to put him up as the replacement nominee. She's been avoiding him since the comp.
- Of course, now she has a constant companion.
- I'm talking avoiding him before the handcuffs went down.
- Ragan lightened up for a moment dancing in Enzo's penguin suit while Enzo was in the hot tub with a borrowed bathing suit.
- All of Enzo's clothes are gone. Can we expect commando?
- Enzo thinks Brendon looks like Bull the bailiff from the old show Night Court.
- I'm surprised any of them are old enough to remember that show!
- Britney went on again about how mean Jesse was to her in Pandora's Box. He told her it was obvious she didn't work out and she needs to lose weight.
- She weighs 100 pounds.
- Probably a strong wind could take her away.
- Britney and Brendon talked game and how neither trusts Matt.
- Everyone thinks that Matt won the big prize(s) as he acted all happy after the POV comp and has no punishments.
- Heck, it could be Hayden. He claims he tried and didn't get prizes. Yet he has no punishments.
- Lane admits to the phone call from home prize. But he has no punishments either.
- The two on the block and Have Nots also got the worst punishments.
- Although Brendon's punishments are nothing when he considers he has the POV and will remain in the game.
- The sentiment in the house remains Bat That Matt and is growing stronger.
- If he doesn't go up and out this week, I'll be shocked.
- Let's see how the diabolical super genius handles this twist of fate.