Lane's pool duckie just needs a slight beard.
I think Britney's regretting winning HOH.
Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Suspicious Minds:
- Britney and Brendon weren't handcuffed for 24 hours.
- They were set free at about 1 PM their time and Brendon's chum baths ended.
- Enzo wants to trademark "Meow Meow."
- My cat Vincent might fight that in court.
- Recall Ragan holding up his hand when Kathy asked someone to watch the fish?
- Well, one's already dead.
- Hayden told Enzo and Lane that he's the one who took both the money and the Hawaiian vacation in the POV comp.
- So Matt is innocent (at least this time).
- And Hayden's a bit of a sneaky pants.
- Brendon thinks he, Enzo and Hayden all need to be on the same page and tell her Matt has to go up on the block.
- Enzo would be on board with that -- chances are that if he and Matt are on the block, Matt will go home.
- Enzo wanted to paint "Meow Meow" on his penguin suit, but BB told him "Stop that!"
- Ragan made an abacus out of candy to work on dates.
- Lane came in and thought an abacus was an advocate.
- I like the boy but sometimes question his mind.
- Matt finally cornered Britney. He told her that if he stays this week, he will target Brendon, not her. If he (Matt) goes up against Enzo, he (Matt) will be going home and she will lose someone who could further her own game as Brendon will target him (Matt) before he goes after her.
- He made some good points.
- I've been kind of taken with Enzo on an entertainment level, but the dude hasn't won any comps. He's all talk and swagger. At least everyone else is trying to play the game.
- Oh, wait. Hayden and Lane are doing just about the same thing. Hayden won the first comp by a team effort and has done nothing since.
- Ragan is sure that this week will be a double eviction week.
- He was sure last week and the week before, too.
- This time he's right.
- Ragan, all full of conspiracy theories, thinks the PoV comp was just a bit too convenient -- from who won to who she was cuffed to to who received punishments.
- Britney told Ragan that "everyone" is telling her that Matt won all the prizes.
- Apparently when all of Enzo's clothing went off to charity in the POV, their pool tournament bowl went with it.
- What a shame. I'm sure we'll be seeing it on eBay.
- The more Britney talks to people, the more it seems like she's getting sold on keeping Matt.
- If she puts Enzo and Hayden up, that's probably not a good thing -- although that's her thought at the moment.
- True, Enzo's useless and to some extent expendable.
- But if she's in a final three with say ... Ragan and Matt -- no good. Both could outlast her in the endurance. Plus Matt does have his sick wife lie and gameplay which might garner votes even if they all think he's a sneaky snake.
- And, if Enzo and Hayden are on the block and Hayden goes home ... oy! He's also dangerous at the end game as he's universally liked, but everyone would be mad at her.
- Enzo's ticked. He wants to go against Matt and Matt goes home. He says the costume is cursed. Everyone who wears it goes home.
- They kept blocking the feeds throughout the evening, sometimes for pretty extended times. I don't know what's up with that.
PlayDoh Hayden and Lane