Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Through Tuesday, August 25

Britney, ace HOH camera photographer.

I feel like I'm watching study groups lately. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Knowing Every Minute of the Season:
  • Yawn. BB let them sleep in until around noon their time.
  • Precisely why I didn't bother putting up a report before tonight's episode on the east coast.
  • I mean, we're talking studying for the comps and small talk.
  • Along with a bit of fussing about being a penguin.
  • Britney got the HOH camera and wanted to rush through it so she could write her blog.
  • She apologized to America for sleeping so much and crying.
  • She knows how we hate that.
  • Matt told Brendon he has his vote in the jury.
  • He probably lies.
  • After an indoor lockdown, they returned to the yard to find the catapult ball into a segmented huge box doohickey.
  • I believe my description is apt.
  • However, I've included screen caps for clarification.
  • Obviously, it's for one of the comps.
  • While they've been talking a double eviction for weeks, it has dawned on them that this (or similar) comp was in the Chima double eviction.
  • So they're practicing.
  • They also have a theory that the ratings are so good that it will be a two-hour double eviction.
  • Not so!
  • Britney thinks she's going to go home with nothing as she's won no prizes.
  • She had hoped to "start a new life" with at least the $50,000 winnings.
  • Lane says he's in debt.
  • I hope they enjoy their $750 a week stipend.
  • The one they're going to have to watch out for in a house/event knowledge comp is Ragan.
  • He's just about as determined as Brendon became after Rachel went.
  • Matt has already given up. He's even asked Kristy (?) if he can have an acoustical guitar in the jury house. She seemed to think it would be fine.

The catapult ball into segmented box doohickey game.

Big Brother 12 - POV Show Blog Party Post - August 25

big brother,jackiestvblog

The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll post important updates in this entry. But the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is invited to join in with your thoughts! Later tonight (or, worst case scenario, early in the morning), my full show review will be posted over on TV Squad.

Brendon won POV. Matt is on the block.

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn - August 25

If all goes to schedule and Matt leaves on Thursday, I will NOT miss "hand down your pants."

Here are the late night and overnight happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Alleged Alliances:
  • Britney doesn't think Lane is there to win. She believes he's rich because of all he owns.
  • In almost a psychic moment, Britney wondered what Lindsay Lohan is doing now on the day she was released early from jail.
  • Ragan again told Matt "those four are working together."
  • He means Lane, Enzo, Hayden and ... Britney.
  • Ragan thinks Hayden is "shiesty."
  • Lots of small talk.
  • Lots more of going over events and memorizing them.
  • Brendon, Lane, Enzo and Hayden aren't the scholars of memorizing the house -- Ragan is with Britney a close second.
  • They all want Enzo to wear his head in photos and on Thursday.
  • Oh, not his own head ... his penguin head!
  • He hasn't been wearing it because he can't see in it.
  • Enzo is the only one who doesn't think it will be a double eviction on Thursday.
  • As I post this, Hayden and Enzo are quizzing each other on house events as Brendon sleeps in the Have Not room.

BB gave them badminton minus the net.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Tuesday Evening - August 24

He DOES have eyes? Who knew?

Meow Meow Penguin

His feet still aren't quite right.
Mine aren't either.
Thankfully they don't look like that.

I realize I'm a bit late in posting this, but for all the excitement we'll see on Thursday, today was a bit uneventful. The most interesting thing is watching Ragan change to forge on after Matt goes. Here's the news from inside that Big Brother House of Lackadaisical Louts:
  • Brendon got an official BB voice "thank you" for cleaning the mirrors in the kitchen.
  • If I wanted to study every event of the season so far, this would have been the day to take my notes. Just about everyone was going over everything over and over ... and over again.
  • Ragan was reciting comps backwards and forwards in addition to memorizing the counts of everything in the house.
  • Since he knows Matt will be this week's target and that Matt threw him under the bus, he's changed.
  • He's not going all drama and emotional.
  • Apparently he thinks the best revenge (and the only way for him to stay in the house) is to win comps.
  • He's become a studying machine.
  • Matt has tried to come up with ways to campaign to stay and got the old Lecturing Ragan.
  • "No, no, no. You're not listening to me. THEY want you to go. The boys, THEY want you out. It's not Britney or Brendon. THE BOYS want you out."
  • Matt is resigned, only occasionally trying to work the crowd.
  • Meanwhile, Ragan has memorized everything which has happened in the house by the day.
  • An indoor lockdown today was weird -- all the doors within the house were locked.
  • Most had been outside when the lockdown was announced, but Enzo got trapped napping in the HOH room.
  • Enzo, Lane and Hayden think that Matt told Ragan about the Brigade.
  • Matt, trying to deflect, told them he thinks Britney told them because she must have figured it out.
  • Ragan only has an inkling that there's the big alliance.
  • Most of the whole ordeal is paranoia that "Ragan knows too much."
  • Matt told Lane and Hayden he's still loyal to the Brigade.
  • Well, as loyal as he's ever been. He's mainly loyal to himself, I'd say. But he hasn't outed the Brigade ... yet.
  • Enzo thinks the Have Not food is killing him. He can't even sleep well on the cot.
  • He put in a request for more broccoli -- he doesn't like the slop and isn't happy with bean dip.
  • He wishes he could put cheese on the broccoli.
  • Hayden and Ragan did funny Brendon impersonations -- not mean, really. Brendon can talk on about his schooling and they both nailed it.
  • Ragan told Matt that he thinks the "three boys" (Hayden, Lane and Enzo) have an alliance with Britney and that's why he's on the block.
  • They're bored.
  • So am I.
  • And I'm tired of studying.
  • What happened on day 21?

Lane is full of hot air?

Big Brother 12 - Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn - August 24

Missing some of their old toys, they have new toys.
Now if the pool table would go missing.

Matt and Ragan share tender moments.

Here are the happenings from the evening and overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Diabolical Demolition:
  • It's odd how Matt is on the block, but so much is all about Ragan.
  • Hmmm.
  • When BB called an outdoor lockdown, Ragan was in the diary room and didn't come out.
  • Of course, everyone theorized that he "pushed the panic button" to exit as he was so upset that Matt would be gone.
  • Now, that's just ridiculous even if it is Ragan!
  • Ragan had been shunning (a favorite word of Enzo's) Matt after his talk with Britney in which he found out that Matt was trying to get him (Ragan) nominated instead of Matt.
  • Britney said that season 9 wasn't a good season. Y'think? Nine was the cupid one in the winter while the writers strike was on.
  • She also thinks this season is full of "big characters" and should be popular.
  • For me, it only turned interesting a few weeks back. I think the showmance with Brendon and Rachel turned me off for a long time. They focused too much on the couple and not on the rest of the house.
  • Brendon is doing so much better without her in there.
  • Heck, if she had been in there not in a couple and crashed and burned on her own, it would have been better than the never-ending focus on the showmance.
  • While in the lockdown, they thought BB might be cleaning out (Kathy's) dead fish.
  • But, nope. Not even touched although we got a "Back Soon" screen with the mechanical hand moving around coral (below).
  • It turns out that Ragan was really just in the Diary Room after all.
  • I pity the DR workers having to listen to him drone, fuss and whine for so long.
  • Britney told Enzo that Matt said he (Enzo) hasn't been really trying in the game, thus throwing him under the bus.
  • With Enzo, all you have to do is put the idea in his head that someone is talking against him and it sets him off.
  • I think Britney knows that.
  • Once they started talking, Ragan and Matt talked forever ... saying pretty much the same stuff over and over again.
  • Ragan told Matt that he thinks from the feeling of the house that it's a done deal -- Matt will be going home.
  • I believe that's definitely the case.
  • Matt, now faced with the inevitable, has finally quieted down his cockiness.
  • It's almost sad to see it all crashing down for him, but then I think of all his bragging about how great he is and the lie about his wife.
  • I'm not saddened. Anyone who thinks they're so great at this deserves to crash.
  • I know. I'm mean.
  • Ragan has almost moved on. He's already trying to get his game together to forge ahead without his cuddle buddy.
  • Although both Brendon and Britney seem to be fitting in with the Brigade Boys, they're not really.
  • Right now, despite side alliances, it's Lane, Enzo and Hayden remaining loyal to each other and no one else.
  • They want Britney, Ragan and Brendon out.
  • As an observer, I'd say if Britney, Brendon and Ragan were to work together, they could easily win the comps over the Brigade Buffoons and take over the game to final three.
  • But I don't see that happening.
  • Instead, we might see three guys who have had nothing but an alliance and a social game in the finals instead of the three who actually try to win comps.
  • Very odd.
  • Lane also told Matt that he needn't bother trying to campaign to stay when Matt asked.
  • Matt knows what's ahead for the diabolical super-genius of BB12 -- eviction.
  • Hayden and Lane really want to be in the final two together.
  • If that were the case, Hayden would get the votes due to his social game.
  • But they don't know that. I do.
  • Matt and Ragan talked more. Sigh.
  • Matt told Ragan he had a big secret he wanted to tell him, that it wasn't a game-changer (at this point), but big.
  • Ohhh ... the wife lie?
  • Ragan says he'll vote for Brendon to win before he'd vote for one of the "three boys."
  • I question calling each other "kids" and "boys." What's up with that? Aren't they men? Aren't these people supposed to be adults?
  • Never mind. Those were rhetorical questions.
  • Britney and Ragan talked about working together. They think if Brendon wins HOH, Ragan is his first target, she's the second.
  • Little do they know, they don't have much chance with "the boys" either.
  • Hayden, the one who broke a pool cue a few days back, broke a vase in the yard clowning around.
  • "Who would have thought Hayden would be the one with anger issues?"
  • Nah, not anger -- just tomfoolery.
  • Enzo says he's becoming one with the penguin suit.
  • Ragan told Matt he thinks Enzo and Hayden are the ultimate floaters in the game.
  • He left out Lane. Hmmm.
  • Matt told Ragan that Britney is the sneakiest player who will be left in the game.
  • Of course, Matt himself was THE sneakiest.
  • Matt didn't tell Ragan the wife lie ... yet.