Sunday, July 10, 2011

Big Brother 13 Bulletin: PoV Meeting

The Power of Veto meeting was held -- Brendon and Rachel did NOT use the veto. Keith and Porsche remain on the block.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Sunday Dawn 7/10/11

Jordan hasn't changed.

Brendon, on the other hand ...

My apologies for not getting up a report earlier. Blogger decided I should get error messages on image uploads.

But I'm here now and we need to talk. I'm still lukewarm on this season, probably because my own idea of good twists and Allison Grodner's radically differ. I don't really mind Brendon in the house, but Rachel creeps me out every time I see her. Jeff, Jordan and Daniele aren't really a problem. I suppose things could be worse -- it could have been Jessie and Natalie returning!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wacky Warthogs:
  • The Veterans are still trying to pull people to their side while the Newbies are still a fractured lot not working together.
  • Since only Jeff, Jordan and Brendon can play for HoH next week (Rachel outgoing HoH, Daniele Golden Key), they do have to get more on their side.
  • Both Shelly and Kalia approached the Veterans separately saying they want to work with them.
  • Keith offered them a two week safety deal if he comes off the block.
  • Dominic tried to slick talk them and blew it.
  • Can any of them be trusted?
  • Nope.
  • But since they're not a cohesive group and some of the quieter players (Shelly, Kalia) are looking to hide behind larger targets and power players, they definitely might vote this vote with the desire of the Veterans.
  • The bickering between Lawon, Porsche and Keith continues. All three of them are making themselves major targets and proving they can't be trusted.
  • And then Kalia cried because she thinks her duo partner Lawon is putting a target on them and ruining her own chances at the game.
  • While Cassi and Shelly were discussing who they'd vote out between Porsche and Keith, both said they'd probably go with whomever Brendon and Rachel say.
  • Cassi would personally rather Keith go because "He's like a big black cloud moping around. He could kill me in my sleep!"
  • Whoa, some change from smiley happy Keith and his planned angels, eh?
  • At least there was some comic relief between all the angsty BB stuff -- Brendon came up with a superhero story "film."
  • He, dressed in his unitard from PoV and a mask, was Captain Wedgie peacefully fishing with his BFF Franklin the stuffed turtle (not Rachel, you notice). Along would come the evil Dr. Dominus who'd steal Franklin. Action scenes would ensue and Franklin and Captain Wedgie would prevail and live happily ever after.
  • Well, it made for some good screen caps, at least!
  • Let's see ... in other news, Rachel tried to coach Adam in cheerleading. @@
  • Daniele messed with the Fortune Teller and got it working.
  • Daniele said her relationship with Nick from BB8 didn't work out because he was so different outside the house.
  • Des that mean that Brendon and Rachel are still together because they're the same outside and inside the house?
  • Yikes!
  • Much of the rest of their up time was small talk.
  • One tasty morsel is that Dominic and Cassi would like to work with Daniele but don't know if she can be trusted yet.
  • From the chit-chat, it looks like the majority of the house will vote with the house.
  • It looks like Keith out and PoV not used.
  • But you can't always predict hamster behaviors.

Captain Wedgie, Dr. Dominus and Franklin

The evil Dr. Dominus

Captain Wedgie

I hate the chess game! Defenestrate it!

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - July 10, 2011

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic post looking back on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. If you're looking for Big Brother live feeds news, try a search on "BB13 live feeds" in the blog and you'll be able to bring those posts up.

I don't really have a lot of photos this week. Although I'm getting outside practically every day, it's not like last week when a parade marched by!

So ... how's the knee? Compared with the recovery from the last one, it's a world of difference. But I would guess that if this were my first experience I might be saying how rough it is. Thankfully I have the hard recovery to compare it with and, just thinking of that, this one is a breeze so far!

I went to my first two sessions of physical therapy this week -- a shout out to Triston Glynos and his Joint Motion Physical Therapy in Scotch Plains! He knows how I went into PT the last time and even has the numbers and progress to compare. He's as surprised and happy as I am at how well the knee is coming along already.

On my first day my bend was 105 degrees on my own, 112 if he forced it as much as I could take it. That compares with 77/82 last time. I could also do revolutions on the bike first time and did five minutes. Last time, it was almost a month into therapy before I could complete a revolution of the bike pedals! We did overdo things the first day of therapy, though. I was exhausted and my knee was painful and swollen causing me to take it easy, ice and elevate most of Thursday.

The BB fans know the snafu on Thursday night with Blogger not working during the season premiere. I really didn't need that. My concentration and attention span is off and it was definitely an unneeded aggravation. But it was better than my Friday!

Friday started out fine. The bus got me to PT about 50 minutes early. My plan was to go to the nearby CVS, transfer my pain prescription there and refill it. Then I would lounge for a bit in the park with a frozen sweet unhealthy beverage from the nearby Quik Chek. I'd go across the street to PT, then my friend Barb would drive me to Bound Brook to my surgeon's office to remove an errant staple whic was hiding under a steri-strip. Then I'd walk the block and a half to the bus back to Plainfield. Since life slows down to nothing with a knee replacement, this was a big day if all went as planned.


Instead of things going smoothly at CVS, they held me up a half hour then told me my prescription would be ready in two hours. Okay, that would be about the time I'm out of PT and Barb should be coming.

The PT itself was good. Triston told me he was worried that we overdid it some on the first day. Although for the most part I did the same things with a few new exercise machines mixed in, this time wasn't bad and my knee actually felt better when I was done after the final icing. I also made an older woman feel much better about her own knee replacement recovery. Apparently she's been very down and defeated with her recovery pace. I showed her what my first knee can do and explained my own bad recovery. Both Triston's PT and the woman were thrilled she met me. That was good.

Go to CVS ... not ready yet? Sheesh! It took them THREE HOURS to fill my prescription even though I was already in their system as Barb and I stopped at another CVS for my pain meds on the way home from the hospital!

Then Barb was running late. Then, once I got to the surgeon's office, the skies let loose with excessive wind, lightning, thunder and torrential rain. Then I waited nearly an hour between the waiting room and examination room waiting for my doctor to fix his mistake! Now, I do like him and he's a fantastic surgeon, caring man and all, but my patience was really growing thin ... and the storm wasn't stopping.

I ended up getting soaked despite my umbrella while I walked to the bus stop. Parts of the street were under a foot of water, the sidewalks not that much better. I stopped for a while in the shelter of an overhang at a church across the street from the bus stop. While there's a bench at the bus stop, there is no shelter except trees. Since trees and branches were coming down with the wind and lightning strikes, that wasn't an option. I decided to wait until five minutes before the bus was due and then cross over. Chances are that it would run late.

So, five minutes before it was due, I went to the corner and there was the bus coming! Ack! I looked at the light. It had a green light, I had a red and traffic was steady. No way could I crutch it across the street on time. No one was standing at the bus stop to be picked up. Thankfully people did have to get off! And then the light changed, so I made it aboard. Once I hit Plainfield, things were easier until I got to my apartment. The power had flickered during the storm and that tends to break the elevator circuit. So I trudged up the stairs. I was tired, soaked, completely frustrated and not a happy camper.

Saturday I decided I wouldn't even venture out despite the beautiful day. I'd do my BB13 live feeds updates, listen to music, watch TV, read, relax, nap and snack ... between icing and elevating my knee. And that's just what I did!

I broke down and decided to use Peapod for a grocery delivery. I have enough canned goods around, but I'm getting low on my perishables and frozen foods. The nearby bodega is good for staples but I'm not keen on their selection of meats, vegetables and fruits. I've seen Peapod come here to the apartment building before so someone in the building uses them. I need to complete my order and and set delivery for Tuesday when I have no PT. I figure the elevator should be turned back on by then.

I finally got my first short term disability check this week. I've been spoiled with direct deposit at work, but luckily there's a branch of my bank right by my PT. I also got a catalog of gifts for my upcoming work big anniversary. Not bad stuff ... the prices seem to range from $150 to $300. I'd love the big gas grill, but I have no place to get it. I think I'll take the LCD TV ... yes, I have working TVs, but not an LCD one!

I also received correspondence from the HR people at corporate regarding my leave. It's approved for a work return of November 2? Really? I thought the doctor would tell them three months which would put me back mid-September. I won't complain. He must have taken the rough recovery last time into things and estimated the longer leave. Of course, I can always go back earlier if he signs a release. I'll see how things go. I have to be 100% going back as I have to go back full time and be able to get back and forth walking and riding trains.

I've blathered enough. Onto the photos for the week ...

Died waiting to get a staple removed.

He was just hanging around the examination room on Friday.

I love John's Meat Market!

They can be a bit pricey, but this is one fine meat market. In addition to my Peapod, I'm definitely stopping in here next week after PT. They're just a few doors away. I hurt too much my first PT day and the second was my ill-fated Friday.

I talked to a bird.

Nifty little blue flowers

These are growing along the bottom of an unkempt hedge on Berckman Street. I never noticed them before.

In the park across from PT

Fountain in said park

Weird flowers!

Oh. Scotch Plains doesn't remove the Christmas lights from their trees in the park adjacent to the Municipal Building.

Flowering trees on Berckman Street

Comfy Vincent

If I'm at my computer, he's either on me or in his chair I set up next to me. If I'm in bed, so is he. Wherever I am, there he is. I think he thinks he's a dog. I'm healed well enough to carry him around on my shoulder at times. He's in heaven!

How was your week?

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Saturday Daytime 7/09/11

Look! Survivor Ralph's lost brother!

Except for a stray reference now and then, the hamsters have blocked Dick from their minds. They're too busy scheming and fussing about the latest Keith and Lawon debacle. Yep, it's moved from Keith and Porsche to Keith and Lawon. Now, I'm not saying that Keith and Porsche are tight, not saying that at all.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
  • Dominic snores. Loudly.
  • Keith thinks that Lawon is going around bad-talking him and stirring the pot.
  • Lawon is definitely dropping dimes on folks, especially Keith.
  • Keith approached Brendon calling out Lawon and making the plea for them to use the Veto.
  • Brendon told Keith he wouldn't be walking out the door this week.
  • Well, maybe.
  • Porsche said that Jordan told her that she (Jordan) threw the veto comp.
  • Daniele said, "Maybe she threw it, but she sucked at it more!"
  • Despite the lack of numbers, it seems like the "veterans" are much more organized at getting the others on their side.
  • The Newbies are not working as a team which Brendon, Rachel, Jordan, Jeff and Daniele are.
  • Jeff is going around talking to everyone about strategy to feel them out.
  • Practically none of the duos trust each other.
  • The Newbies haven't meshed at all even though the Veterans have come together.
  • Jeff figured Dominic is gunning for him, Brendon and Rachel.
  • Dominic went around asking people who they'll vote for if the noms remain the same.
  • Lawon told him he would keep his word and vote Porsche off (even though he's been throwing Keith under the bus).
  • Dominic told Daniele he'd probably keep Keith as Keith has already made a target of himself. Less of a target on Dominic.
  • Kalia is worried that Lawon's mouth will bring a target to her because she's his partner.
  • Jeff told her several times she shouldn't worry.
  • But we know that their eyes are opening about Lawon.
  • Rachel and Brendon want a house meeting to air the dirty laundry between Lawon and Keith.
  • Others, including Daniele, don't think they should because it's between those two and has no impact on them.
  • Keith told Rachel that if she uses the PoV to save him, he would work to keep both Jeff and Jordan and Rachel and Brendon safe for two weeks.
  • Dominic, Cassi and Lawon think that if Rachel saves Keith/Porsche with the veto, Lawon and Kalia will go on the block.
  • They assured Lawon that Kalia would then be the target.
  • I don't think so!
  • I'm still getting confused if they only save one with the veto or the duo. They seem to be flipping back and forth when talking, too.
  • Keith and Porsche had another long talk. I don't know -- he's got that street licking the lips and "know what I mean" thing going on -- so much different from his deacon image!
  • Keith is sure that if the noms remain the same, he's toast.
  • The Veterans think that while Lawon is a problem child, he's no threat in comps.
  • Right now they all have me so confused that I'm not sure where things are heading.
  • No one really likes Porsche -- point against her.
  • Keith has acted outrageously -- point against him.
  • I think the noms might indeed remain the same and Keith will leave.
  • But don't make me wager on it.

Have Not Hamsters

Not as slick as he thinks.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Friday Night (7/08/11) Into Saturday Dawn

Better as a blond or brunette?

I can only hope that she will eventually implode.

Strange, strange season we have at hand here this year. Despite the departure of Evel Dick, the nominees stand (unless taken down by the PoV winning duo) and one of them will be evicted this coming Thursday. Dick's withdrawal (hee hee) will probably affect something down the road such as a double eviction which won't come to be for scheduling reasons. This duo bit isn't starting out that well, is it?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dickless Duos:
  • Yeah, I'm going to play on that as much as I can. It's my inner child going tee-hee.
  • Evel Dick has tweeted that he'll be making an announcement Wednesday -- check out @EvelDick.
  • With the extended indoor lockdown, sheer boredom had them inventing games to play.
  • As I posted earlier, Brendon and Rachel won PoV.
  • Sigh.
  • Brendon is worried because he thinks they're winning too many comps too early.
  • Plus, next week only he, Jeff and Jordan will be able to compete for HoH.
  • The PoV comp had something to do with spelling. Jordan didn't understand it. Maybe Jeff spelled technotronics! I just don't know.
  • Jeff noticed that Shelly is already starting to count things in the house in prep for those kind of comps.
  • That's good because I don't think Shelly is strong in physical comps.
  • Jeff and Brendon said that Adam and Shelly will vote their way. If they keep the noms the same, it's now Keith as the target because his behavior has done him in.
  • Surprise, surprise ... Dominic is the cleaning maven of the house so far.
  • Cassi and Dominic told Keith he needs to go to Rachel, apologize for his behavior and plead his case to stay.
  • For a while, Brendon and Rachel wore red unitards with purple belts from the Veto comp. After they took them off, they had to put them back on for a DR segment.
  • BB gave them alcohol.
  • This time Brendon himself showed him his funky toe which was the target of so much derision on his season.
  • Dominic is still trying to convince everyone that he's 25. Hmm ... what is he really? 22? They tell him he's 17.
  • Jordan conked out. I'm surprised that more didn't just collapse. They have hardly slept in two days.
  • They played a Spin the Bottle kind of game asking questions. According to the game, Adam will win BB.
  • That's better than Rachel!
  • Kalia, Dominic and Lawon talked about how they'd like to nominate Jeff and Jordan, then turn around and backdoor Brenchel.
  • They want to get Jeff and Rachel out as soon as they can.
  • History repeats itself -- Brendon got all pouty mad because Rachel was discussing strategy with people and he wasn't a part of it.
  • Finally the indoor lockdown ended.
  • Dick would have been happy this summer, more smokers! Jeff, Adam, Cassi and Shelly all smoke.
  • Shelly sucked up to the "vets."
  • As I get this posted, most seem to be still awake. I think we can expect them to sleep away as much of Saturday as they can.
  • Although there's been talk of using the PoV, I don't think it will be done. I think Keith (despite the fact he thinks the whole Dick disappearance is a set-up and claims he'll drop a bombshell at the PoV meeting) will remain the target until Thursday unless Porsche goes wild.

Instead of bored in the house, bored in the yard.

Keith seems to have lost that huge smile.