Saturday, July 16, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Saturday Dawn 7/16/11

To sleep, perchance to dream.
Okay, just sleeping will do!

The nominations are in. Two days of hectic stressful activity have taken their toll. This is the first night the hamsters all went to bed before dawn. Today they will tackle the PoV comp. Time to catch up on the latest happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Persnickety Pairs:
  • Lots and lots of small talk.
  • Kalia told Lawon (over and over again) that she doesn't trust Cassi, doesn't like Cassi.
  • Okay, I think he gets it!
  • She says Cassi is doing exactly what she criticized Porsche for doing -- sucking up to the Veterans.
  • Rachel pointed out to Jordan that now that she won HoH, Cassi is all of a sudden her friend.
  • Well, duh!
  • Jeff warned Jordan not to say much to Cassi, too.
  • It looks like they've figured her out, eh?
  • Brendon fussed to one of the cameras about his missing toy turtle Franklin. It's been five days.
  • No, I don't know where Franklin is. If he's smart, he got out of the house and hitchhiked a ride up the coast.
  • Lawon told Cassi he still trusts her despite what she thinks of his partner.
  • Hmmm ...
  • Jeff told Adam not to play seriously (throw!) the PoV.
  • Brendon told Jeff that the girls always play the game with their emotions, not their minds.
  • This comes from the emotional needy Brendon Bookie Boy.
  • Daniele wants the noms to change so that Cassi goes up.
  • Yeah, she's taken a liking to Dominic.
  • Cassi told Daniele that she heard that people are talking about how she (Cassi) can't be trusted. She wants Daniele to come to her if she has any questions.
  • Like that will happen.
  • The majority of the Veterans are still for a Dominic eviction.
  • They're all sleeping as I get this posted.

What? Just a boring Yale sweatshirt?

Who was it that said she wouldn't clean up after others?

Jeff and Jordan, reflected in a mirror, watch the spy cam.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Friday Evening (Nominations, too!) 7/15/11

Seriously, that hair is way too dark!

Well, here we are again -- Friday, a busy day in the Habitrail. Almost all of the action in the house (with the exception of brouhahas) is crammed between Thursday and Saturday. Thursday is live eviction and HoH. Friday is the food comp and nominations. Saturday is the PoV comp. While the PoV meeting is on Sunday, that doesn't really count as action in my book.

So, how have the hamsters handled their busy day in that Big Brother House of Busy Bees?
  • Shelly was up first. It's odd how the "older" hamsters usually tend to be the earliest risers.
  • Had Evel Dick stayed in the game, the two could have done some early morning scheming.
  • Alas.
  • Right now I'd say that Shelly definitely has the best social game and strategy of the Newbie Crew.
  • Adam made (and ate) a ton o' bacon. He must have had a premonition.
  • They talked 9/11 and Star Wars, not at the same time, of course.
  • Shelly said that Cassi swore on her father that she wouldn't put Jeff and Jordan on the block if she won HoH next week.
  • I think she would put Brendon and Rachel up, though.
  • That's fine by me!
  • They were told to wear athletic clothes for the food comp.
  • Rachel worried about it being a "messy" comp and not getting proper warning.
  • I just shrug at her lately. She's not worth an eyeroll.
  • The feeds were blocked for a couple of hours for the comp.
  • Our new Have Nots are: Adam, Dominic, Cassi and Shelly.
  • America voted for them to have jellybeans and jerky. I could handle that. I'd demand fresh gourmet jellybeans, though -- none of that dollar store stock!
  • The food comp apparently was pretty rough physically. Most of them are all banged up, plus Rachel was throwing up in the bushes.
  • A medical unit had to be called, but no broken bones!
  • I heard talk about bananas and hot dogs. So they were being physical and eating, too.
  • Blech.
  • Kalia told the HoH crew she thinks that Cassi would be better to be put up than Dominic because she can't trust her.
  • And she thinks she can trust Dominic?
  • Fool if she does!
  • In Dominic's talk with the HoH crew, he admitted to making an alliance with one of each Newbie Duo.
  • Jeff told Dominic he (and Adam, his duo buddy) would be going on the block.
  • Jordan, remembering the rule that you can't tell them beforehand, said it wasn't 100% sure.
  • But, with Jordan as HoH, we know it's more Jeff as HoH, right?
  • Dominic also told them he knew about Adam's early deal with Evel Dick.
  • Dominic still thinks Adam and Kalia were the "betrayal" votes and wouldn't mind if Adam got the boot.
  • He also said he has no problem in voting Cassi out.
  • Plus he told Jeff and Jordan that he thinks Daniele is spying on him.
  • The kid is scrambling, eh?
  • As he should.
  • Jeff and Jordan trust Kalia over Cassi.
  • As they should.
  • Jeff told Cassi that she and Shelly (her duo buddy) aren't on their radar.
  • Brendon once again started lecturing Rachel, this time about her hanging around Cassi too much.
  • Both of you! Brendon and Rachel! Get out of my life and off of my television! Unless we get a knockdown cat fight smackdown, I don't want to see you!
  • Huh. Jeff had laser eye surgery with Jordan handling the bill. Interesting!
  • And, the moment we've all been waiting for ...
  • ... the feeds have been blocked forever ...
  • Nominations are in and ...
  • Adam and Dominic are indeed on the block.
  • Dominic is the target.

I know the feeling, Kalia!

First Dominic's butt on the kitchen table,
now Adam's nasty sneakered feet.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Update - Food Comp 7/15/11


The food comp (blocked to the feeds) is finally over.

Dominic and Adam are Have Nots for sure. And, I think both Lawon and Kalia might be, too. America voted for jellybeans and jerky.

Nominations will be later tonight along with a full report on the day. So, please ... stop on back!

Update: Shelly and Cassi seem to be the other two Have Nots. Kalia apparently got hurt during the comp, but I guess she and Lawon made it through it.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Friday Dawn 7/15/11

Jeff and Jordan play in bed.*

Lawon has a glittery kerchief!

* -- Get your mind out of the gutter! She's drawing an elephant on his back and he's trying to guess what animal it is! Y'know, if a "romantic" couple has to share that HoH bed, I'd prefer Jeff and Jordan. I hated watching the Brendon and Rachel Fight and Hump Show.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Blatant Betrayals:
  • Adam is going the damage control route. He told Porsche he likes her, but voted for her to go because Keith would be better for his own game.
  • BB gave them their live show feast.
  • Rachel created a ruckus after the HoH with the Newbies telling them "some of us like Porsche" as they were upset that two flipped.
  • Yep, Rachel make that divide in the house even wider.
  • Maybe you'll fall in, Rachel!
  • Shelly isn't even suspected of being a flip vote.
  • Dominic thinks it was Kalia and/or Adam.
  • Brendon told Rachel to try not to make enemies and to watch the PDA (public display of affection) as it will make them bigger targets.
  • Rachel thinks it's her place to defend Porsche because Cassi has been trashtalking her (Porsche) all week.
  • It isn't. But spare me the Brendon lectures PLEASE.
  • Dominic is mad that his great plan didn't work and two defected to the Veterans.
  • Shelly, who's coming across more and more as a sneaky gameplayer, told Jordan that she thinks Jordan and Jeff will make it further than Brendon and Rachel because Rachel plays the game too emotionally.
  • Jeff thinks there's no sense in putting up Cassi (an enemy!) and Shelly because Shelly is already on their side.
  • He thinks Dominic and Adam, since neither voted their way, should go up.
  • Yet Daniele thinks she can work Dominic.
  • Rachel and Brendon argued more. This time it was the botox argument once again. She wants it, he doesn't want her to have any plastic surgery or botox.
  • Well, he does like the boobs, mind you.
  • Dominic told Daniele he had told the Newbies not to get with the Veterans as they had the numbers and they didn't listen to him.
  • Daniele told him that he's going to be the number one target this week.
  • He's not surprised. He's SO upset with the flipping two!
  • One of which he still thinks is Adam, his duo-mate.
  • Daniele started campaigning with Jeff and Jordan to keep Dominic.
  • After the reveal and big butt-kissing HoH room visitors left, Jordan told Jeff, "I'm glad they washed these sheets!"
  • I think I'd want a whole new bed.
  • Dominic, Lawon and Cassi are all worried about being targets this week.
  • They probably should be.

Hangin' out in the HoH.

Golden Key and a Reese's peanut butter cup?

Indoors is outdoors, whatever.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Eviction Show Blog Party 7/14/11


It's time for the first eviction show! The pool is in place and everyone is welcome to join in down in the comments section. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with major events. Evel Dick, now on Facebook, said he'll be making an appearance. Either Porsche or Keith will be sent packing and a new HoH will be crowned ... er, whatever!

For those with strong stomachs, Rachel's HoH Blog is up on the CBS site.

Margo posted a new pool correction:

It was brought to my attention that I had Becky on the list twice. I had to wait til I got home to my master list and Becky has Keith and Beadlebug has Cassi. The corrected list follows.

Adam - Auntie Leigh, Ayana, ML
Brendon - SueGee, Sally, Chris
Cassi dla, Beadlebug, Buzzmaam
Daniele - Terry in PA, EileenM, Jennasmom
Dominic - Witt, Rbennie, JOEY
Jeff - Petals, Donna in AL, Delee
Jordan - Sydney, Meb, Brent McKee
Kalia - Nana in NW, Monty924, Laurie
Keith - Zoetawny, PDX Granny, Becky
Lawon - Dr_Celine, Jackie, Caela
Porsche - Ninboh, Donna in FL, Sharon S
Rachel - Jamie, Margo, ChaCha
Shelly - Sasha, Paris Hilton, Janice

Let's get this show started ...!

Dick sent a message: Personal issue had to be dealt with immediately. He gives them a pep talk.

Keith's speech was short and sweet, as was Porsche's.

The votes:
Dominic -- Porsche
Brendon -- Keith
Jordan -- Keith
Cassi -- Porsche
Lawon -- Porsche
Jeff -- Keith
Daniele -- Keith
Adam -- Porsche
Kalia -- Keith
Shelly -- Keith

The votes are in. Two newbies flipped -- Kalia and Shelly. Keith is gone.

HoH comp is up! Golf game -- "Big Brother Open" -- like miniature golf. Dominic does well. Adam eliminated, Cassi out, Shelly out, Lawon out, Kalia ties with Dominic, Jordan takes the lead! Kalia and Dominic eliminated. Jeff out. Brendon out.

Jordan is the new HoH!