To sleep, perchance to dream.
Okay, just sleeping will do!
Okay, just sleeping will do!
The nominations are in. Two days of hectic stressful activity have taken their toll. This is the first night the hamsters all went to bed before dawn. Today they will tackle the PoV comp. Time to catch up on the latest happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Persnickety Pairs:
- Lots and lots of small talk.
- Kalia told Lawon (over and over again) that she doesn't trust Cassi, doesn't like Cassi.
- Okay, I think he gets it!
- She says Cassi is doing exactly what she criticized Porsche for doing -- sucking up to the Veterans.
- Rachel pointed out to Jordan that now that she won HoH, Cassi is all of a sudden her friend.
- Well, duh!
- Jeff warned Jordan not to say much to Cassi, too.
- It looks like they've figured her out, eh?
- Brendon fussed to one of the cameras about his missing toy turtle Franklin. It's been five days.
- No, I don't know where Franklin is. If he's smart, he got out of the house and hitchhiked a ride up the coast.
- Lawon told Cassi he still trusts her despite what she thinks of his partner.
- Hmmm ...
- Jeff told Adam not to play seriously (throw!) the PoV.
- Brendon told Jeff that the girls always play the game with their emotions, not their minds.
- This comes from the emotional needy Brendon Bookie Boy.
- Daniele wants the noms to change so that Cassi goes up.
- Yeah, she's taken a liking to Dominic.
- Cassi told Daniele that she heard that people are talking about how she (Cassi) can't be trusted. She wants Daniele to come to her if she has any questions.
- Like that will happen.
- The majority of the Veterans are still for a Dominic eviction.
- They're all sleeping as I get this posted.
What? Just a boring Yale sweatshirt?
Who was it that said she wouldn't clean up after others?
Jeff and Jordan, reflected in a mirror, watch the spy cam.