Sunday, July 17, 2011

Big Brother 13 - July 17 Nominations Show Blog Party


The show will be starting in a few minutes here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major happenings. However, the real fun is in the comments area. Come one, come all!

Upset newbies, no one admitting to voting for Porsche to stay.

Food comp is on! Two people in each ant outfit. Huge picnic spread. First duo who collects four food particles wins and chooses the Have Nots for the week. Brendon and Rachel won. Kalia was hurt and a medic came out. Brendon and Rachel chose Dominic/Adam and Cassi/Shelly for slop. America chose jellybeans and jerky.

On the CBS website there's going to be an America's vote which will "impact the next HoH." No, I don't have a clue at the moment.

Nominations -- Jordan wants to go with what's best for her and Jeff. The key order -- Rachel and Brendon, Shelly and Cassi, Kalia and Lawon. So it's Adam and Dominic on the block because she "doesn't know where their heads are at." She likes them, though.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Sunday Afternoon 7/17

Go away Rachel. Take your devil horn shirt with you.

It's Sunday afternoon in the BB13 house. The hamsters are sunning. Do you know what it's like to watch people sunning? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Tanning Tots:
  • Yes, I said "tots." I didn't say a similar word, but it just may fit.
  • I'm thinking more along the lines of maturity level.
  • Jordan said she and Jeff fight over stupid things.
  • I say nowhere near as bad as the neverending codependent Rachel/Brendon fights.
  • The Diary Room told them they have to stop calling Dominic "PT." It stands for "pre-teen."
  • Rachel told Dominic that if she and Brendon had won PoV they would have saved him.
  • Yeah, right. I don't think Dominic is that stupid as to believe her.
  • Jordan told Jeff that she thinks Rachel has been treating both her and Daniele differently since the food comp debacle.
  • Cassi got on a crying binge again -- this time because she thinks she's going home.
  • She's probably right.
  • Although the veto hasn't been used yet, it will be non-news when Shelly and Cassi go on the block.
  • Shelly should be quite safe.
  • Cassi said that Rachel is catty and a dumbass.
  • Well, yeah. Alas, it's not Rachel on the block, though!
  • Jordan is still surprised that Rachel told her that she and Brendon had sex in the HoH room. That's not how Jordan was raised and the fact that Brendon and Rachel are engaged don't make it right (according to Jordan).
  • Jordan and Kalia had a bubblebath (in bathing suits) in the HoH bathroom.
  • Because Jordan had shaved her legs in there, Kalia sat up on the ledge.
  • Oh geez, just pull up a chair and watch Jordan in the tub, I say!
  • Today so far has been super boring.
  • Brendon said he worked at Target for a few months. He hated it.
  • Cassi is upset because she came into the game to go far and isn't in it for the fame.
  • Like people who don't watch BB would have a clue about past hamsters.
  • I even had someone question why I like something which sounds xxx-rated on my Facebook page. That was when I "liked" Evel Dick.
  • Outsiders to the show just don't understand these things!
  • Cassi doesn't understand why Jordan doesn't put Brendon and Rachel on the block.
  • I'd love to see them on the block myself, but I understand not putting them up right now.
  • Jeff and Jordan need Brendon and Rachel for numbers.
  • That's it for now!

Kalia's knees from the food comp.

Bubble bath time, so to speak.

Jeff checks out the duck.

Sunday afternoon sunning session.

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - July 17, 2011

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic photo post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. If you're looking for Big Brother 13 live feeds updates, check the post before this one and, most likely, the next post coming.

I'm still not really mobile enough to be wandering senselessly about, so my photo taking has been limited to trips I need to take -- basically back and forth to physical therapy. However, this week was the big invitational photo exhibition at the Plainfield Public Library, so I did have my first social outing since the surgery.

My knee held up pretty well for the opening and I was able to rotate between sitting and standing. After I got home, it was a bit angry with me so it was back to icing and elevating.

The opening itself was exciting. I've never been in a position like that with folks in person complimenting me on my work like I really know what I'm doing! My shots looked great professionally mounted and displayed. The other two photographers -- Paul LeGrand and William Monroe -- had some fantastic photos, some I definitely wished I had taken! They had a nice spread of snacks and beverages. I even broke down and drank about an ounce of Chablis, but stuck pretty much to lemonade and water.

Other than that, my week was very routine. Doing the BB13 posts, taking care of the knee. It's still doing well, but definitely has its good and bad days. I actually slept a full night a few nights ago, but I'm back to scattered sleep once again now. I'm pretty much down to only taking pain medication for my physical therapy, an occasional one at night hoping for sleep.

I had my first Peapod grocery delivery on Monday and was very pleased with the service. So I'll be going that route again. I'm really not up to walking around supermarkets. The ice cream I ordered via Peapod was still frozen, so that was a good test of freshness for me! The produce I ordered was also in nice shape, as if I had picked the items out myself.

This coming week I head back for a follow-up visit at the surgeon's office tomorrow and my PT is down to twice weekly (instead of thrice) because my health insurance only allows 20 visits per calendar year. Since I'm ahead of the game, so to speak, this will spread the visits out for a longer time. I also received an invitation for a joint replacement reunion dinner at the hospital in August. Um, okay. As long as I don't have to be a patient, I'll go.

More paperwork is coming in from work, the short term disability folks and bills, too. When I pay off the surgeon charges and the anesthesia people, I'll hit my out of pocket maximum for the year. So, with the exception of co-pays at PT, any medical bills will be covered. Of course, I'm not expecting many billing things from this point forward (surgeon aftercare visits are included in the surgery charges), but if any arise, they're covered. The last time with the blood clot, a lot of charges were yet to come at this point. This time, not so much.

Once again, I've bored you enough. Onto the (few) photos from this week:

Pictures at an Exhibition

Gotta love that

Freedom is not free.

But it is another word for nothing left to lose. This is the clock outside of the Scotch Plains Municipal Building.

Cool blue car

He saw me taking photos and even smiled and waved. He was waiting at a red light on Second Street in Scotch Plains as I goofed off on the bench outside of CVS.

Little yellow flower

Slightly larger red, pink and white flower.

Scotch Plains time capsule

"Italo Americans"? Hmm. Scotch Plains is a lot more Italian-related than nearby Plainfield where I live. Or is that Italo American related?

Statue in honor of Christopher Columbus

This is in the little park I while time away across from my PT in Scotch Plains. That's the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria (did I get those right?) in the palm of the hand.

Vincent in the window

He's not thrilled because the air conditioning is on and the window is closed. But he still sees squirrels and birds to watch!

How was your week?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Saturday into the Evening 7/16

Is my water spiked?

It's the big Power of Veto comp day for our hamsters. Will the nominations change this week. You can bet your bippie on it that they will! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Codependent Couples:
  • BB woke them up rather early (for BB) -- around 8 AM their time.
  • It's good everyone had gone to bed early, by around 3 AM.
  • Daniele and Kalia talked about not trusting Jordan as much because Jordan seems to trust Cassi.
  • I believe part of that talk was Daniele's social game in play. Unlike the other veterans, she's making the time to simply hang out with the others, thus leaving her options more open and probably will be less of a target when her safety period ends.
  • Most seem to be still hurting from yesterday's food comp.
  • Adam had agreed to throw the PoV comp so he'd remain safe while Dominic got the boot.
  • Rachel thinks the worst case scenario would be an Adam/Dominic win.
  • Heh.
  • Jordan told Shelly that if Dominic and Adam win the veto, she'll put up her and Cassi. Cassi would be the target.
  • I just wish they'd think of putting up Rachel and Brendon with EITHER being the target. I'd like both of them gone.
  • Daniele told Kalia that once the duos play is up, Brendon and Rachel need to go.
  • At least someone is thinking properly!
  • Rachel wants Brendon to change the nominations if he wins PoV -- she wants Cassi out.
  • Rachel thinks Cassi would come after them if she won HoH, plus Jeff is too defensive about Cassi.
  • She also thinks that Cassi has Jordan's ear way too much.
  • Worry about how you play your own game, Rachel!
  • When the veto players were chosen, the third duo picked randomly was ... Rachel and Brendon.
  • That, of course, made Adam speculate that the others (Cassi/Shelly, Lawon/Kalia) weren't even in the bag and it's all rigged.
  • I go back to when I knew the producer in charge of the comps and defend the producers. While they could very well have their favorites, they would never not include all the names in the bag or rig a particular comp!
  • After a long feeds block, the results are in.
  • Adam and Dominic won the Power of Veto.
  • Rachel, in some kind of choosing aspect of the comp, is on slop for two weeks.
  • Sucks to be Rachel, huh?
  • Dominic is beside himself with joy, taking all the credit for the win. (Which is probably likely his doing anyway.)
  • He's walking around talking in his high-pitched Mario voice gloating about the first win for the Newbie camp.
  • Now all deals are off with the Veterans, as far as he's concerned.
  • Apparently Rachel's behavior in the comp -- loud and agreeing (whatever) to the slop irked Jeff. He's ticked. Daniele told him Rachel is sinking her own ship.
  • Rachel's comp behavior also caused another Brendon condescending lecture to her. Argh.
  • At one point Rachel said, in her whiny voice with lips quivering, "No wonder America hates me."
  • YES! You got it, girl! You're damn annoying!
  • The Veterans think they have enough votes for Cassi to go since they need to go to Plan B.
  • In a talk with Shelly, Jeff and Jordan told her that they don't plan on a final four with Rachel and Brendon.
  • Good.
  • Apparently Rachel took the two weeks of slop because she wanted to win and yelled something about if the HoH (Jordan) isn't willing to take it or win PoV, she didn't deserve to be HoH.
  • But she didn't win anyway and just alienated Jordan and Jeff.
  • Keep sinking that ship, Rachel!
  • Jordan told Jeff that Rachel doesn't like any of the girls because she's so insecure in her relationship with Brendon.
  • Y'know, Jordan can be ditzy, but she often reads people pretty well.
  • That said, she trusts Cassi more than Cassi deserves to be trusted.
  • The jellybeans they have are actually JellyBelly ones, not cheap outdated dollar store jellybeans. I'm shocked!
  • After the big excitement of the day, they're down to small talk.
  • The veto meeting won't be until Monday, so we'll be in a lull until then.
  • It looks just about certain that Shelly and Cassi will be on the block with Cassi being the target. We'll see.

I wonder what that chin really looks like.

I think the colors in that room would keep me awake.

Note Brendon's jacked-up knees due to the food comp.

Ahh, it's Jeff looking contemplative.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Bulletin: PoV 7/16/11

Ah, the game gets interesting -- Adam and Dominic (the nominated duo) won the Power of Veto.

Might I suggest that Brendon and Rachel go on the block?

I know. I'm just dreaming.

A full report of the day's events in the house will be posted late tonight.