Friday, July 22, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Friday Dawn 7/22


Of all people to be HoH, it's Rachel again. Oh well, she's just making that target on her back bigger and bigger. The first chance the newbies get, whoever gets it, it's going to be obligatory to get either her or Brendon out. If they don't make the move, they're chicken^%$! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Hyena HoH:
  • So, what happens to Rachel's two weeks on slop?
  • She's still on slop with the exception of any foods in her HoH basket!
  • Yay.
  • I take pleasure in the finer details.
  • Brendon, on the other hand, wants to eat while he knows he can because the food comp will be coming up.
  • Huh. We weren't asked to vote on a food, were we? Did I miss that?
  • Adam told Shelly he hopes Rachel puts up Kalia and Lawon instead of him and Dominic.
  • Well, duh. It's not like Brenchel has much of a choice this week.
  • Rachel told Jeff and Jordan she's thinking of putting up Dominic and Adam.
  • She thinks that if Dominic goes up and gets off again, he's going to be hard to beat in competitions.
  • I think she's right.
  • Daniele is slowly working her save Dominic card, hinting that Jeff is going to be a danger down the road. She told her Jeff and Jordan are already working newbies to their side.
  • Rachel thinks it's too early to split up the veterans.
  • Daniele also offered advice to Rachel like not rubbing HoH in peoples' faces.
  • Rachel thinks she needs to put up Dominic and Adam because: (a) Dominic got all cocky when he won PoV (like she never does that!) and (b) Adam hasn't talked game with her for three weeks.
  • Adam rarely talks game with anyone other than Dominic.
  • Shelly told Adam and Jordan that she didn't realize Lawon was gay. After all, he's always talking about women!
  • She only knows because he told her. She doesn't think he "acts feminine" at all.
  • Heh. Sheltered folks make me smirk.
  • Shelly told Rachel she could keep her fights with Brendon quiet.
  • She also reminded her not to gloat about winning, just be gracious.
  • Rachel admitted she has a problem in that area.
  • You don't say!
  • Shelly, playing her cards wisely, warned Rachel that Daniele and Dominic will probably be working together.
  • Yes, Shelly has worked her way into BOTH power couples. Don't call her a floater!
  • After Shelly left, Brendon lit into Rachel telling her she is never to talk game without him there.
  • Oh, geez.
  • Another lecture from him about being adults and not children.
  • I think my eyes AND ears are bleeding!
  • When Rachel came out of the Diary Room with "Who wants to see my HoH room?" they all pelted her with pillows.
  • No one, I say!
  • Brendon fussed to Rachel that he gave up so much to be there and her family didn't even mention him in her letter.
  • Heh.
  • Daniele continues to work to keep Dominic.
  • Kalia told Rachel that Lawon should go.
  • Hmm.
  • Right now it looks like Dominic, Adam or Lawon will be walking out the door on Thursday.
  • But we'll see.

Hammock talk

Dig them crazy sox!

Rachel's HoH room with all the fake people

Please look into your crystal ball and tell us
Rachel is out soon!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party 7/21

Let's get ready!


The live eviction/HoH show is about to begin here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this post with the major happenings. But, as always, the real fun is in the comments area. Come join in as you watch the show!

Yes! Cassi told Rachel she's catty and ugly inside! Rachel cries.

Blogger went wonky and lost my update. So I forgot the voting order ... but it's unanimous, Cassi is voted out.

HoH comp -- Big Brother Online -- based on the questions online, they have to guess how America answered. This one anyone can win.

Kalia out. Jeff out. Ack, three knocked out -- between Rachel and Brendon. Sigh.

Oh geez, Rachel is HoH. I might be ill.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn 7/21

No more exciting than chess

You know ... in order for me to report on the live feeds, I really prefer some sort of action! I'm not one who's going to relay all the small talk -- what celebrities they like, etc. Nor will I report on every breath they take or exactly what they're eating at any given moment. I watch for stuff that catches my eye, things I think are interesting. This crew didn't give me a heck of a lot of fodder yesterday.

Here's what happened yesterday and last night in that Big Brother House of Droning Dullards:
  • Shelly, who could very well be the dark horse in this race, continues to work her social game. Every single person in the house likes her. No one considers her a threat.
  • She cleans and socializes.
  • I think they should watch out!
  • Rachel told Brendon she doesn't like girls who are manipulative and tell sob stories.
  • Oh my ... Rachel herself is a walking manipulative sob story!
  • Rachel thinks the HoH comp will be a Majority Rules question comp.
  • I agree judging on the questions on the CBS website.
  • Those are always a crap shoot. Anyone could win; it's all a guessing game.
  • Heck, I didn't even know how to answer some of them!
  • Jordan got the HoH camera and they actually had fun with the photos.
  • One thing different from previous years is the lack of vitriol between the two camps.
  • But no one other than Brendon really likes Rachel.
  • Cassi has been pretty much the only one to call her out on it.
  • Well, Jeff, too. But his doesn't count as much as he knows they need to work together.
  • Cassi told Dominic that Shelly is the most trustful person in the house. She said she won't do anything sneaky or shady because she enjoys her job and wants to go back to it.
  • Alas, she also told Dominic about Shelly's "friend to all" strategy. She advised Dominic to get together with Shelly after she (Cassi) goes.
  • Jordan told Cassi she's worried about next week. Cassi told her people really have to get Rachel or Brendon out.
  • We know that.
  • I do agree it wasn't time for Jeff and Jordan to sever the Brendon/Rachel ties this week. It would be far better for them if someone else did the deed.
  • Cassi packed. Shelly plans to pack in the morning.As I post this
  • Dominic threw grapes at passerby from the chess board area.
  • Rachel actually picked up the grapes for him when he jokingly asked her to do so.
  • Wanna bet she wouldn't have done that for a girl?
  • When Brendon gave Adam a choice between bacon and cigarettes, Adam chose bacon.
  • I didn't realize that bacon was so addictive!
  • Speaking of which, now I want bacon.
  • As I post this, Shelly is the only one up. Out in the yard smoking ... I wish she'd talk to us like Evel Dick did every morning.
  • Now I must go fix some bacon.


Jordan mingling

HoH digital camera fun

Shelly does windows

Brendon's knee does look painful

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big Brother 13 PoV Show Blog Party 7/20


It's the big Power of Veto show -- at least we'll get to see Rachel's bad behavior in the comp! (Like we haven't seen that before!) As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with major events. The real fun is down in the comments area. Please join us there!

PoV Players -- Jordan/Jeff, Adam/Dominic (Adam is supposed to throw the comp) and the chosen duo - Brendon and Rachel. Daniele is the host.

Candy all over the yard. They're playing as individuals but the winner will have the power to take the duo off the block. They have to chew gumballs across the balance beam then complete a veto portrait. If you fall, out of comp unless you accept two weeks of slop.

Jordan fell wanted slop but Jeff is telling her no. She's out. Rachel is mad and feels she and Brendon need to take back control. Rachel fell and took the slop to continue playing, fell again and is out.

Dominic wins!

Jeff confronted Rachel about her bad behavior and she's crying in the bushes. Heh.

The editing is trying to lead viewers to think that Jordan will backdoor Brendon and Rachel. Not so. Dominic uses the veto, she puts Cassi and Shelly on the block. Hopes to further herself and Jeff in the game.

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn 7/20

Fashion Plate Lawon

Another evening and overnight in that Big Brother House of Misfit Toys:
  • Porsche is almost invisible in the house -- her game is to hang out with Rachel, but not when Rachel and Brendon are fighting.
  • So we don't really see her all that often.
  • She told Rachel that Shelly told her she voted for her to stay and that she thinks the other person was Kalia.
  • Porsche said that Dominic and Adam said they would have voted for her to stay had they realized the numbers had changed.
  • Well, duh.
  • Jeff isn't feeling well. Later on he said he didn't work out because he has to keep going ... and going. You get it.
  • Rachel said that the season finale will be September 16. How she knows, I don't know. That's a Friday night and unlikely.
  • They lined up every condiment that they're allowed trying to think of a creative new way to cook slop.
  • Another night of "scary ghost stories" ahead.
  • Oh, yeah. I'm excited.
  • Brendon and Rachel claim they spend $2000 a month on food, more than they pay in rent.
  • That has to be fun when Rachel works at a slightly more than minimum wage job three days a week!
  • Dominic said Brendon eats eight to ten eggs for breakfast. That's ridiculous!
  • The boy needs to go on slop, I say!
  • Brendon put his superhero clothes on once again and made a plea to the feeds for the return of Franklin the toy turtle.
  • Tell ya what, Brendon ... we'll send a banner plane telling you where you can find Franklin if you and Rachel hit that panic bar and just leave.
  • You can even take Franklin with you.
  • The BEST part of the night was when Daniele, Jeff, Jordan, Lawon and Dominic spied on Rachel and Brendon fighting.
  • They mocked their fights much as we do!
  • At one point Lawon went down and danced for the spy cam.
  • Brendon claimed he was going over ghost stories he wants to tell.
  • Sure.
  • The body language and silences told their own story!
  • Cassi cried some more because she knows she's leaving.
  • Shelly worried some more just in case she's leaving.
  • Lawon, Dominic and Cassi stayed up just about all night.
  • They're still up as I get this posted.

Slop - it's what's for dinner!

Spying on the latest Brendon/Rachel tiff.

Laughing while they spy

Lawon goes down to tiff and dances without explanation