Thursday, July 28, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds pre-Live Show Update 7/28

Dominic practices his speech on Lawon

On the whole, a heck of a lot of nothing goes on before the live show on Thursday. They're in lockdown, they get lockdowned in the HoH room, they clean, they primp.

But there are a few things worth mentioning happening today in that Big Brother House of Fun:
  • Forget the newbie uprising plan. It ain't gonna happen.
  • Lawon told Porsche that Brendon and Rachel have been good to him.
  • He won't be voting to save Dominic.
  • Porsche said Dominic has so many more things going for him while Adam's one big dream has been to be on the show.
  • She won't be voting to save Dominic.
  • In my opinion, that's not a good reason to keep dead weight, but she's playing, not me.
  • Daniele told Kalia to vote with the rest of the house.
  • She wants to be Dominic's sole vote to stay.
  • PT (Pre-Teen) or not, Dominic is handling this much better than most.
  • Tonight's vote should be unanimous with the exception of Daniele.
  • Stop back later for the live show party post to be followed with a continuously updated endurance comp post.
  • That is, as long as it really is an endurance comp!

Rachel is the only one not planning athletic clothing

I'd say a bit too tight and skimpy for endurance

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Through Wednesday July 27

Kalia goes all kinds of bonkers!

Sure, it's been boring in the house and I've been laid up from knee surgery, stuck at home for the most part. So, I've been making BB13 like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window. It's my voyeur trip and distraction. Perhaps I'll witness a murder, you never know. And, the hamsters have been super boring. So, the one day I actually go out ... there's a brouhaha!

I had to catch up using Flashback on my live feeds, then the actual show started and I'm just now getting to catch up. Grrr! This is going to be long. You might want to grab a tasty beverage and settle in.

Here are today's events from inside that Big Brother House of Awkward Allies and a Brouhaha:
  • I just love the word "brouhaha" and don't get to use it enough. So I need to take advantage whenever I can.
  • In the beginning of the morning, Rachel was for keeping Dominic.
  • Brendon not so much.
  • She trusts Porsche, him not so much.
  • So there we have it, the first Brenchel drama of the day.
  • Brendon thinks that Rachel has PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) from being in the house last year and it's affecting her game this year.
  • @@
  • Rachel got her HoH camera and pleaded with people to act like they all like each other.
  • Actually, this season does have more friendships across battle lines than many previous seasons.
  • Or, at the very least, they act like they do.
  • Then Kalia made the move that made the um, excrement hit the fan.
  • She went to Brendon, basically lying, telling him she had no part in the backdoor Jeff plan.
  • Brendon got nasty. She got nasty. I smiled. Could a brouhaha be coming on?
  • Why, yes, yes one's on the way!
  • They both went in, telling others their issues.
  • Jordan kept pushing for everyone to air out their grievances at a house meeting.
  • Yay, house meeting always = a good smackdown brouhaha!
  • This one didn't disappoint for a couple of hours.
  • A shot rang out. The maid screamed! Er, no. But I felt I had to add that.
  • Kalia was screaming how there's no chance for a newbie, she might as well write them a check right now and go.
  • Hmm ... pay to leave? All one has to do is DOR!
  • Jeff was talkshouting how he can't trust either her or Dominic because neither came to him when there was talk of backdoor.
  • Dominic and Kalia both said they were sure it wasn't going to happen, that's why they didn't warn him.
  • Brendon and Rachel said they had seriously been considering it after the seeds were planted by ...
  • Daniele.
  • She comes in screaming.
  • No fisticuffs.
  • Dominic said everyone had deals with the veterans.
  • Lawon said he had no deals with anyone, was playing his own game and would take all of them down.
  • Hamsters all briefly smiled, then continued the brouhaha.
  • Adam was hidden and/or quiet through it all.
  • Shelly came out, giving a big talk about playing with integrity and how Dominic can leave proud of how he played the game.
  • Rachel twitched a lot.
  • In the end, they all awkwardly hugged and broke up into their little groups all over again.
  • The more things change, the more they remain the same.
  • But ...
  • Kalia went sobbing on Jordan's shoulder about she had no idea that there was any serious consideration to backdoor Jeff.
  • Thankfully she can't crunch food and cry at the same time!
  • Long ago Jordan and Kalia promised to never nominate/vote to evict each other.
  • That promise still seems good and was one of the only deals admitted to during the brouhaha.
  • Daniele, Dominic and Lawon went to the Have Not room with Daniele still pushing for the big brave move to go up against the veterans by keeping Dominic.
  • Shelly came in and they pushed the idea on her.
  • After all, if they can swing her and Porsche, Adam could go out the door Thursday and then one of them will win HoH and victory is theirs.
  • Or, at least Daniele's.
  • Daniele made a stupid move trying to do the backdoor Jeff thing so early, but if she can manipulate the newbies to rise up and fight the power now, it could save her game.
  • Well, as long as she can win every comp from this HoH to the end.
  • Meanwhile, Kalia was then crying to Jeff apologizing for everything and telling him that he and Jordan were the only ones nice to her since the beginning of the game.
  • While Kalia was throwing herself on the mercy of the veterans, it looks like Shelly's defecting to the newbies once again.
  • Hmmm ...
  • Dominic and Daniele tried to work Porsche.
  • Now, the girl's a ghost in the game, but apparently not easily swayed by Daniele's manipulation powers.
  • She refuses to go along with them.
  • Meanwhile, Shelly told the vets she is NOT voting to keep Dominic and how the downstairs crowd just gathers around Daniele as if she's some sort of queen bee.
  • So she is indeed playing Daniele and the newbies. I got worried there for a second. It wouldn't be good for her game to switch sides now.
  • Daniele tries to use her superpowers on Kalia to vote to keep Dominic.
  • Kalia didn't commit. I'd say her own personal game, despite the blow-up, would probably be better sticking with the veterans at this point.
  • It's not like she's going to win anyway. But she might stick around longer.
  • Daniele and Lawon think they can convince Shelly to convince Porsche to save Dominic. They're thrilled. They think it can really happen.
  • But it can't.
  • Shelly's cards will be exposed after tomorrow, but she's in with every power player except Daniele.
  • Once again, she's playing a shrewd strategical game. And, the thing is, they don't really realize it.
  • They're on a lockdown, so they're all stuck together for the night.
  • I'm expecting the first endurance comp of the season tomorrow.

Daniele withdraws, then screams!

Jordan tries to be nice to all, but doesn't quite do it.

Dominic has nothing to lose at this point.

Shelly tries to hide.

Peanut gallery plus a Jeff.

Surprisingly, no tears nor tantrum from Rachel Dearest.

Big Brother 13 - July 27 Power of Veto Show Blog Party


The show is about to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll update this entry with major events. But the real fun is in the comments and I hope you all join in!

On another note: There actually was a big brouhaha in the house today and I wasn't home at the time. I'm catching up on it with Flashback on the live feeds and will be posting a full report later tonight.

Let the show begin ...

So far, lots of talk about backdooring Jeff (and Jordan by default), started by Daniele, but continued by Dominic. Brendon and Rachel are definitely seriously considering it as an option. They told Dominic, who has a deal with them, to throw the veto.

The third duo chosen for veto is Jeff and Jordan. Porsche is the host.

Uh-oh, the couples are onto Daniele!

Veto Comp -- giant woman with hairy legs in bubble bath. Playing as individuals. Pluck a hair, each has a letter, gather letters, spell longest word you can.

Jordan - little
Dom - standings
Rachel - mousturizing!
Adam - fractions
Jeff - expresses
Brendon - understanding

Brendon wins (Rachel's was spelled wrong)

There is another Have Not food vote on the website -
Black Licorice & Blue Cheese, Parsnips & Prunes, and Seaweed & Sardines!

Veto meeting -- Adam didn't even speak! Veto not used, won't go against Rachel's nominations. Another twist is promised Thursday. I haven't been too keen on the first twist this season!

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Monday Night 7/26

Maybe mind control will make them keep me.

Instead of "expect the unexpected" this season, I think we're going to have to expect the expected. The only big thing going on this season is Daniele going for a power move way too early and poorly thought out. It should have been expected she'd use DomiNIC(k), right?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Woulda Coulda Shoulda:
  • After last night's talk with Brendon, Lawon is totally on the "Get Rid of Dominic" train.
  • The votes are in, might as well cancel Thursday's show.
  • I'll be happy when Daniele goes because her whispering is driving me crazy.
  • Oh ... and on the driving me crazy line ... BB, stop giving these hamsters crunchy snacks in crinkly bags. Half of them chew with their mouths open -- CRUNCHITY CRUNCH CRUNCH and they keep rustling the bags CRINKLETY CRINK RUSTLE.
  • Knock it off. Only give them soft cookies, please.
  • Thank you.
  • Dominic thinks that Jeff and Brendon think the whole backdoor Jeff plan came from him.
  • Daniele told him that they know it's her, they're just not saying it and acting like they're all on board with her again.
  • She has their number; they have hers.
  • Daniele, Kalia and Dominic spent a ton of time trying to think of various ways to save Dominic.
  • Kalia thinks she can last forever in an endurance comp.
  • Yeah, right.
  • The only endurance comp she could win would be CRUNCHITY CRUNCHING snacks in a CRINKLETY CRINKLY RUSTLING bag.
  • Dominic went up to the HoH for a long talk with Brendon and Jeff, later joined in by Rachel.
  • He pleaded his case. He promised them the head of Daniele Donato.
  • Okay, I exaggerated a bit about the head.
  • At first he wouldn't even mention her name and just alluded to her, not him, as the one starting the backdoor Jeff movement.
  • It went on forever.
  • They pumped him for information.
  • He swore he'd be totally on their side from now on.
  • No good. His ship is sunk.
  • He can thank his own stupidity for falling in with Daniele on an incredibly stupidly timed game move.
  • It's a shame. They do all like him. I like the kid.
  • But it would be just as stupid if they left him in the house to possibly team up with Daniele once again.
  • If they could get Daniele out instead of him, they would.
  • But they can't.
  • It's guilt by association perhaps, but it's enough. He doesn't have to be ousted without a reasonable doubt of guilt, just a preponderance of the evidence.
  • Yeah, I've been watching too many daytime court shows.
  • He later went to Daniele, told her he didn't throw her under the bus and didn't talk about anything they didn't bring up or already know.
  • She looked incredibly sad.
  • As she should be.
  • She screwed up the kid's one chance to go far in Big Brother. And, not only that, he's one of the few on the newbie side who had any promise.
  • Good going, Daniele.
  • So now Dominic knows his game is doomed and that it might even be unanimous that he go.
  • Meanwhile, Adam, who I wanted to like because of the fellow NJ connection, is totally worthless to me as a feeds watcher. He does seem to be a nice guy, but he's boring and will just follow the power.
  • I can't see anything changing Dominic-wise between now and Thursday.
  • But maybe we'll have a good brouhaha in between.
  • One can only hope.

Just call him DomiNICK

At least Daniele still has Kalia.
Er, wait. Is that worth anything?

Don't even try telling me that, Dominic!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Into Late Monday Night 7/25

Who dat?

This is really a perplexing season so far. Don't get me wrong ... I'm still watching hoping for a few gems here and there. Actually the biggest drama (because I don't really care anything about Brenchel drama) has been the fact that Daniele has screwed up her game so early and so badly by making premature moves. She didn't have any target on her back before in or out of her alliance because the moves would be to break up the couples first. Oops, Daniele.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misguided Manatees:
  • Pre-veto meeting, Kalia went to Brendon with a deal -- take Dominic and Adam off, put her and Lawon up with Lawon going home because she can't stand him.
  • Ah, but was this something she hatched to protect Dominic and be in good graces with Daniele?
  • Wanna bet?
  • I'm not really getting Kalia's gameplay strategy.
  • But she does sure snack a lot.
  • As does Adam.
  • Brendon and Jeff are totally upset with Daniele. Rachel ranges from confused to angry over her betrayal. Jordan is mad, but says "she's a nice girl."
  • But Jordan says that about just about everyone.
  • Well, at least she says it about the girls, that is.
  • Brendon and Rachel told Lawon about Kalia's offer and that Daniele has also pushed for him to be nominated.
  • He didn't seem surprised at all.
  • Daniele told Brendon she'll be mad if Dominic goes.
  • Get ready, mad woman!
  • Brendon and Rachel told Daniele that if Jeff goes, it will only make the targets on their (his and Rachel's) backs bigger.
  • She snapped and said it's okay, keep Jeff forever!
  • That's fine by me.
  • Daniele promised that if Dominic stays this week, he won't put up members of either couple if he wins HoH.
  • Daniele told Brenchel to keep an eye on Shelly.
  • Rachel later told Brendon that she does have doubts about Shelly.
  • But I think Brendon is totally sold on Shelly.
  • Then the veto meeting went down -- veto not used, Dominic and Adam remain on the block.
  • Brendon and Rachel got Porsche to promise she won't put them on the block if she wins HoH this week (gold key winners will be in the comp).
  • They also told her that they're sure Daniele is no longer in the alliance. Porsche didn't seem to care, said that Daniele hasn't talked game with her but once in the house. That was two days ago.
  • Grr, Jeff. Be cool, dude -- he confronted Dominic telling him he (Dom) had made a stupid move in the game.
  • Then he pressed Dominic to tell him who has been talking about backdooring him (Jeff).
  • Now, I do know that it's been both Dominic and Daniele for the most part. However, the thought has probably crossed everybody's mind but Jordan's.
  • Dominic claimed he was innocent and thinks they should have a house meeting to clear the air.
  • I love house meetings -- they usually turn into brouhahas!
  • A good solid brouhaha makes this all worthwhile.
  • Meanwhile, Brendon enlists Adam's ear in a "we need to get Daniele out as quietly and quickly as possible" discussion.
  • Adam, who's still coming across as a bit of a buffoon gamewise to me despite his superfan status, is agreeable.
  • But then, the dude is agreeable to just about anything that doesn't have him going out the door.
  • Brendon said that Daniele told him right in the beginning that she'd be fine with getting out her father the first week.
  • Oh my.
  • Of course, the feeds weren't on then, so I don't know if it's true or not.
  • Instead of a good brouhaha, conversations turned to exciting stuff like yeast infections.
  • Ew.
  • The house meeting never happened.
  • Dominic seemed more resigned as the evening went on. He's sure he's out the door this week.
  • I'm kind of sad to see him go. If he hadn't hooked up with Daniele, he'd be one of the more interesting newbies.
  • They all decided they (entire house) would do what they call a "skit" and I call a game.
  • All of the guys were blindfolded except Lawon. He was dressed with a huge Afro wig and 70s superfly polyester as the host.
  • It was a Bachelorette game -- He would ask a question and one of the girls would whisper the answer to him, then the guys had to guess which girl from the answer.
  • Fun, fun, fun.
  • So not a good bathroom duck puppets show or even the sock puppets from a few seasons back.
  • Right now the veterans (all of them) are having a big meeting in the HoH room. So far it's mainly Jeff and Daniele talking. Daniele is pretty much defending herself while Jeff is pushing to get admissions about talk to backdoor him,
  • The rest are basically just sitting there.
  • Neither Daniele or Jeff are overly angry at the moment. Jeff wants the veterans to be the final five and can't understand why she'd split off from the group.
  • He says he's baffled.
  • Rachel takes up the cause and is actually handling it well.
  • Daniele claims that she's loyal to the five.
  • Liar liar pants on fire.
  • I notice neither Brendon nor Rachel are bringing up the fact that Daniele approached them trying to get them to backdoor Jeff.
  • So this isn't really clearing the air, nor will it be a good brouhaha unless that comes out.
  • Ah, this is just going around in circles.
  • I'll report any changes or brouhahas if indeed they occur.
  • They didn't buy Daniele's act.
  • There ya go.

When Brendon met Rachel

Smokin' hot


Better than palm trees or fish
You can actually see the people move around!